The development of psychomotor skills is especially important in primary school age. This is an important period in the formation of a child's life resource, the formation of his sociality, the development of social relationships, the development of personal parameters, and the enrichment of worldview.

Important aspects of the problem
Psychomotor disorders are most often characteristic of those children who lag behind their peers in mental development. Unfortunately, not all of them attend pre-school institutions, so they are not provided with special correctional support until they enter school.
Among the numerous functional he alth disorders, the most severe developmental defect is mental retardation. The new educational standards developed for children with disabilities require the full implementation of individual learning.
Psychomotorics is the involvement of kids in the game to acquire the necessary skills and abilities. The tasks of individualization and humanization of the educational and upbringing process of children with intellectual disabilities require the teacher to selectspecial techniques.

All types of psychomotor activity are associated with the motor field (the sphere of application of muscle efforts), the sensory field (the sphere of acquiring information for the implementation of muscle efforts), and the mechanisms of its processing. Its implementation requires mechanisms for the processing of sensory information and the formation of motor acts.
Psychomotor is the body's response to a sensory signal. There are three types of reactions:
- simple (instant response to a familiar signal);
- complex (an action is created when you select it from several possible options);
- sensory-motor coordination (complex movements on a changing sensorimotor field).
Psychomotor is a complex system, inside which there are sensory-speech and ideomotor. The latter processes take part in the creation of automated techniques within the framework of professional activities. Sensory-speech reactions are a verbal response to input signals.

Importance of the program
How should psychomotor skills be formed? Classes are held according to a special program compiled on the basis of the theory of L. S. Vygotsky (about the patterns of normal and abnormal development of a child), the specifics of a defect and ways to eliminate it, a differentiated and individual approach.
The purpose of the program is to optimize the mental development of babies with certain deviations from normal development.

The program "Psychomotor" involves the solution of the following tasks:
- Formation based on the activation of the senses of normal perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in the sum of their properties.
- Correction of deviations in cognitive activity through purposeful and stable education in children of normal perception of size, design, color, specific properties of objects.
- Creating spatial and temporal landmarks.
- The formation of vocal and auditory coordinations.
- Filling vocabulary with new words.
- Correction of problems in motor skills, modernization of visual and motor coordination.
- Instilling precision and purposefulness in actions and movements.
Features of work
Psychomotor and sensory processes are formed within a certain algorithm:
- Formation of ZUN sensory standards.
- Teaching the use of perceptual (special) actions that are needed to determine the qualities and properties of an object.

Activity Description
Psychomotor is an important issue. Their orientation in the world of objects depends on the integrity of children's perception of information. Non-differentiation, slowness, minimal perception, problems with analytical and synthetic activity, memory deficiencies - all this is typical for children with severe intellectual disabilities. The sensory development of such a baby is significantly behind the leveldevelopment of he althy peers.
Due to the incorrect operation of the search function and the slowdown in the processing of information coming through the senses, there is an incomplete recognition of the material offered to the child. The sensory development of a child with disabilities is seriously lagging behind in time, it is uneven.
An important condition for normal orientation in the surrounding world of objects is a holistic perception. Psychologist I. M. Solovyov notes that for “special” children, multi-objective areas appear as “little-objective”, since they lose sight of many small details. Children with disabilities distinguish shades and colors much later than their peers, it is difficult for them to remember intermediate tones. They understand plot pictures superficially, so they often show aggression. The guys get tired quickly, are characterized by low efficiency, minimal coordination.
Search actions are characterized by chaotic, impulsive behavior in children with intellectual disabilities.
The teacher should include the child in individual work, keeping all stages of mental development. Despite the fact that children with disabilities have limited opportunities for the development of intelligence, remedial education is built in the form of a progressive process.

Important points
Domestic psychologists noted that it is necessary to take into account the reaction of children to help from adults. Due to minimal memory, narrow perception of information, a mentally retarded child learns the world around him with difficulty. Necessaryto teach him the features of observing objects, the rules for establishing relationships between the properties and qualities of objects. Having determined for himself some sensory measures (sensory standards), the child will be able to generalize, compare individual objects with each other, and draw the simplest conclusions.
The program provides for the assimilation of sensory standards - the totality of the color spectrum, geometric shapes, sizes. As a prerequisite for the development of cognitive activity in children with mental retardation is the modernization of the functioning of all analyzer options: auditory, visual, gustatory, tactile, motor, olfactory.
For the development of the sensory system, such children need to ride, stroke, touch the object (apply sensorimotor actions). Only in this case can we count on the dynamics in development. To do this, the program includes tasks related to teaching the skills of coordination of movements, improving motor skills.

Characteristic for children with disabilities and serious deviations in the development of speech, so the teacher uses techniques in correctional classes that greatly facilitate the perception of the material: shows objects, pronounces stimulating remarks, guides children with questions, creates problem situations, uses games. The teacher pays special attention to the formation of skills for planning activities, monitoring the work done, and reporting on its completion.
The program involves the upbringing and development of children in various activities: fine arts, games,applications. The duration of classes should not exceed 40 minutes (depending on the individual and age characteristics of the children).
The program is being built taking into account the specific features of emotional and cognitive activity, the capabilities of schoolchildren. Correctional work is carried out through the organization of musical-rhythmic, subject-practical, visual activities, design, various games and exercises. The first stage involves conducting a survey, identifying serious problems. The second stage consists in the differentiation of schoolchildren into groups depending on their intellectual abilities. The third stage is remedial classes conducted on the basis of the calendar-thematic plan.
A teacher working with "special" children pays attention to the selection of the pace of learning by them programs in various subject disciplines (Russian language, mathematics, physical education). Each child has their own developmental trajectory.