Interesting facts about metals - description and content

Interesting facts about metals - description and content
Interesting facts about metals - description and content

At one time, metal became an essential attribute of the industrial revolution and a symbol of industrial power. The importance of this resource, of course, is very great, but how many have thought about how diverse this group of chemical elements is? Or what curious properties are observed in some metals, and also what incredible qualities are sometimes attributed to them? Unlikely. So it's worth expanding your understanding of this topic and listing some interesting facts about metals.

interesting facts about metals
interesting facts about metals


At the moment, there are 94 chemical elements in the periodic table, which are considered as metals. All are divided into 7 subgroups:

  • alkaline;
  • alkaline earth;
  • transitional;
  • light;
  • semimetals;
  • lanthanides;
  • actinides.

Specialconsideration requires the metals of the first four subgroups.

Alkali metals

They got their name due to the property of converting to alkali in the aquatic environment.

A little-known interesting fact about alkali metals: lithium has some life-giving properties. In particular, it contributes to the treatment of gout. So, even in ancient times, people noticed the healing properties of clay, which is enriched with lithium. Ointments and compresses made from this material helped relieve the symptoms of gout.

Elements of this group have found their application in the construction of nuclear submarines. Sodium is used as a coolant in electric generators installed on a submarine nuclear reactor. It ensures the rotation of the steam blades.

But sodium requires special handling. When interacting with it, one should take into account its violent reaction with liquids. Even just touching sodium with a bare, wet hand can cause a small explosion.

Alkalis are also important for he alth. Sodium and potassium deficiency in the human body causes severe cramps and pain, so you should not limit yourself to water and s alt.

interesting facts about metals in chemistry
interesting facts about metals in chemistry

Alkaline earth metals

This group has a high density and a high melting point. An interesting fact about metals: barium and radium are highly toxic. It is curious that radium that has entered the body tends to be transported by more than 70% to the bones, but due to its high toxicity, it contributes to the formation of oncological lesions of bone tissue.

In 1950, 4 people were admitted to the republican hospital of the Komi Republic at once, with a percentage of skeletal tissue damage by malignant tumors in the region of 70-85%, which was caused by long-term development of underground mineralized radium deposits.

Transition Metals

This group deserves special attention. Interesting facts about metals related to it cannot be ignored, since it is the most numerous. This group combines elements with a variety of properties.

Many non-ferrous metals of the transition group are involved in the production of products of the electrical industry, as they have the properties of electrical conductors.

Fun fact: It's common knowledge that Japan is the world's leading supplier of high-tech equipment. In the city of Suva, an assessment was made of the concentration of gold in the ash mass obtained from the burning of sedimentary deposits of the city collector. The final results exceeded the results of similar experiments in the richest mines on the planet by about 50 times, which was explained by the presence of a huge industrial zone where electronics products are made using precious metal alloys, mainly gold. By the way, you can tell a lot of interesting things about him.

interesting facts about metals
interesting facts about metals


Everyone knows that products made from this material combine prestige, sophistication and luxury. Gold jewelry is a wonderful gift. But who would have thought that in Switzerland there are a number of companies producing from itfragmented chocolate bars that can be used as a gift? Or in settlement transactions. It is interesting that each tile consists of shares of 1 gram value and is easily divided into parts.

An interesting fact about the metal: as of 2014, approximately 179 tons of gold were mined worldwide, about half of which comes from the Republic of South Africa. Almost the same amount of iron is mined from the bowels of the Earth every hour.

Gold is a very soft metal, for this reason it is usually alloyed with copper or silver impurities in jewelry making.


This is the only metal capable of being in a liquid state of aggregation at room conditions. Everyone knows about the toxicity of mercury fumes, but only chemists know how this element affects the properties of aluminum.

Legislative acts and documents regulating the procedure and rules for the movement of goods on board aircraft in some countries strictly prohibit the transportation of mercury, since when it hits an aluminum surface, it can burn a hole, which is especially important on board an aircraft, the design of which includes many details made from this material.

interesting facts about alkali metals
interesting facts about alkali metals

Copper and cob alt

Listing interesting facts about metals in chemistry, it is worth mentioning these elements. Copper is of particular interest to vandals and non-ferrous metal hunters. It is found in transformer boxes, since copper elements are not able to givespark.

But in the East, mainly in Japan, copper is used in fisheries as a substance that prevents the appearance of aquatic fungal diseases in water bodies.

And the emergence of cob alt is associated with Scandinavian mythology. Norwegian blacksmiths, who smelted cob alt-containing minerals, received arsenic poisoning. They explained the malaise and headache as the revenge of the mountain demon - Kobold, who takes revenge on people for the ruin of his mines. This is how the name of this metal appeared. Similarly, the origin of the name nickel.


Is the most popular element of the transition group. An interesting fact about the metal: in ancient times, when mankind was not yet familiar with steel production technologies, iron was strengthened by roasting in manure and skin patches, due to which carbon enrichment of the material occurred and strength was significantly increased. Therefore, forges were often built near the stables.

It is impossible not to mention the corrosion of the metal. An interesting fact: the fact that iron is oxidized when interacting with oxygen is primarily taken into account by astronauts when equipping the inventory compartment of a spacecraft. And it's clear why! Indeed, in the conditions of space vacuum, iron is not able to oxidize, and when in contact with other metals, they literally stick together.

To avoid this problem, tools for working in outer space are wrapped in a special plastic base or subjected to oxidation on Earth.

silver metal interesting facts
silver metal interesting facts


Many people are familiar with the expression: "Silver is more expensive than gold." It is not true. Nevertheless, this statement grows on the basis of the beneficial, healing, cleansing properties of silver. Water that has been in a vessel made of this material for a long time acquires antitoxic properties. This explains the high popularity of silver utensils in the old days. For these reasons, modern space stations operate silver water purifiers.

The first products made of this metal were discovered in Egypt, and they are over 6 thousand years old. On the territory of modern India, it is customary to eat desserts covered with the thinnest silver foil, which helps maintain the he alth of the gastrointestinal tract in conditions of high unsanitary conditions.

This metal is actively used by Asian manufacturers of thermoregulation equipment, mainly in the assembly of air conditioners with an air cleaning function.

In the old days, silver served as a means of preventing lactic oxidation. A spoon made of this metal was placed in a pot with milk, due to which it did not oxidize for a long time. And finally, it stimulates the reproduction of hemoglobin, has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Such an amazing metal is silver. There are many more interesting facts about him, but these are the main ones.

Light metals

This category is particularly toxic and difficult to detect. Polonium, an extremely poisonous metal, has been repeatedly used in assassination attempts on high-ranking officials and politicians. Its peculiarity is thatit is difficult to detect in the body in the early stages, and its toxic effect is very high. A man whose food was poisoned with polonium is doomed to a painful death.

Zinc fumes are very harmful. Nevertheless, zinc has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of male testicles. Indian snake farm workers who extract snake venom after repeated bites from cobras or vipers experience strong erections and intense production of sex hormones, which is explained by the increased zinc content in snake venom.

interesting facts about metal corrosion
interesting facts about metal corrosion


This is a purely negative process, although it also has its advantages. As early as 100 years ago, the Caucasian horsemen realized the usefulness of the corrosive process for the production of durable, non-blunt blades.

So, they were the first to bury their sabers and blades in the ground for a couple of years, where they gained strength and the ability to cut even the hardest fibers. These characteristics of the metal were achieved due to the absorbent properties of rust, which, being in the ground, absorbed organic elements and carbon compounds.

The Indian engineering science community has come up with their own innovative method of protecting metal surfaces by catalyzing corrosion and then applying oxidized paint to the rusted surface. Thus, the special paint reacts with rust and forms a homogeneous, strong protective layer.

In the production of tools for butchering carcasses, alloys witha small percentage of chromium, copper and nickel, due to which the product quickly becomes covered with corrosion, under which a strong protective layer forms over time, preventing further rust formation.

interesting facts about metals chemistry
interesting facts about metals chemistry

Other interesting facts

Incredibly strong titanium, surprisingly, finds its highest recognition not in metallurgy, not in mechanical engineering or engineering, but in the production of synthetic plastics, paper and paints.

Aluminum in 1885 was considered one of the most expensive metals. And it was valued above gold and silver. The presence of aluminum buttons on the officers of the French army was regarded as a sign of the highest nobility.

When building satellites and space radiation dosimeters, the Americans at one time decided to saw the Kronprinz Wilhelm ship that sank at the end of the First World War, since steel made after 1945 contains too much radiation. The use of such a metal would prevent the collection of reliable data.

And finally, a fact about California. It is the most expensive synthesized metal. Its cost exceeds 6.5 million per gram. The photo, by the way, is presented above.

Actually, there are still many interesting facts about metals to tell. Chemistry is an amazing science, and each element of the periodic table has unique, inimitable properties and qualities.
