Probably, every person knows firsthand what a provocation is, faced this phenomenon. So how do you recognize that you are provoked, learn how to deal with this phenomenon?
What is provocation?
In Latin, the word "provocation" means "challenge". That is, these are actions aimed at getting some expected reaction from the provoked. A provocation can have many motives, but its distinguishing feature is always that it does not contain a direct instruction to perform the expected action.
Provocation in politics
Provocation is widely used in politics. When one of the parties cannot violate, for example, an international treaty, it is often done so that the opposite side does it.
Terrorism is a clear example of provocation. Terrorists commit terrorist attacks not to punish a specific person, but then to attract attention and,perhaps change the established regime in the country.
Provocation in relationships
But the method of provocation is used not only in politics. In our daily life, we also encounter this phenomenon very often. Provocateurs are found everywhere: in transport, at work, in public places, and even in our homes. Therefore, it is important to understand what a provocation in a relationship is.

Firstly, often a provocateur tries to bring you to emotions, to force you to show weaknesses - anger, fear, shame … You can easily recognize a provocation: if you feel that communication with your interlocutor is not moving in a positive and constructive channel, and over and over again it causes you the same negative emotions, think about it. Perhaps you are just being provoked.

Try not to overreact. Stop. Inhale and exhale. Try to analyze the situation.
Think about why certain words and actions annoy you so much? A provocateur can cling to you for the most painful thing - your fears, self-esteem problems, unpleasant situations, etc. Remember what a provocation is. Don't let the provocateur harass you and take responsibility for the situation in your own hands.