There are no random events in war. Everything that happens has its serious consequences. But there are events that radically change the course of history. The Tarutino maneuver of the Russian army in the war of 1812 is one of such episodes. It became the second turning point after the battle of Borodino and forced the army of Napoleon I to retreat from the intended goal.

War of 1812
Russia in its entire thousand-year history has had to defend itself more than once from enemies who want to enslave it. The beginning of the 19th century was no exception. The Great French Revolution, and then the coming to power in the country of Napoleon Bonaparte, who proclaimed himself emperor, spoiled relations between the two once friendly countries. The Russian authorities, represented by Alexander I, feared the impact of the revolution that had taken place in France on the situation within the Russian Empire. But the relationship was finally spoiled by the aggressive policy that Napoleon I began to pursue against European countries, especially England, which was a longtime ally of Russia.
In the end, the actions of France led to a war with Russia, which in Russian historiography was calledPatriotic War of 1812.
Causes of the military conflict
By 1812, all of Europe, with the exception of the ancient enemy of France - England, was conquered by Napoleon's army. Of the other world powers, only the Russian Empire continued to pursue an independent foreign policy, which did not suit the French emperor. In addition to this, Russia actually violated the continental blockade, which she was forced to accept against England as the main condition of the Tilsit agreement between the Russian Empire and France. The blockade caused serious damage to the country's economy, so Russia began to trade with England through neutral states. At the same time, it did not formally violate the conditions of the continental blockade. France was indignant, but could not protest.
Russia, with its independent policy, prevented Napoleon from realizing his dreams of world domination. Starting a war with her, he planned to deliver a crushing blow to the Russian army in the first battle and then dictate his terms of peace to Alexander I.
Power balance
The Russian army numbered from 480 to 500 thousand people, and France - about 600 thousand. Such a number, according to most historians, both countries were able to put up for military operations. In such difficult conditions, knowing that Napoleon expects to finish off the enemy with one blow, the leadership of the Russian army decided in every possible way to avoid a decisive battle with the enemy. This tactic was also approved by Alexander I.
Battle of Borodino
Following the approved plan, do not engage in a general battle with the enemy, afterInvasion in June 1812 by Napoleon's troops, the Russian armies began a slow retreat, seeking to link up with each other. It was possible to do this near Smolensk, where Napoleon again tried to give a decisive battle. But the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Barclay de Tolly, did not allow this and withdrew the army from the city.
It was decided to give the general battle at the position chosen by the army leadership itself. By that time, Mikhail Kutuzov had taken command of it. It was decided to fight not far from Mozhaisk, on the field near the village of Borodino. Here, one of the fundamental changes in the course of the war took place. The Tarutino maneuver that would follow later would change her story forever.

Although the battle was not won, and both sides remained in their positions, he inflicted severe damage on the French army, which was what Kutuzov wanted.
Council in Fili and surrender of Moscow
After the Battle of Borodino, the Russian army withdrew to Mozhaisk. Here, in the village of Fili, Kutuzov held a military council, which was to decide the fate of the Russian capital. The overwhelming majority of officers were in favor of giving another battle near Moscow. But some generals, who had inspected the future combat position the day before, strongly spoke out in favor of preserving the army at the cost of surrendering Moscow to the enemy. Kutuzov gave the order to leave the capital.

Taruta march maneuver: date and main participants
To realize the complexity and tragedy of the situation, one must understand the following: never after the fall of the capital did the army continuefight. Napoleon did not fully believe that the loss of Moscow would not force Alexander I to negotiate. But Russia did not lose anything with the surrender of the capital to the enemy, the death of the army meant final defeat.
For Napoleon, from the very beginning of the Russian campaign, it was vital to impose a general battle on the enemy's army. The leadership of the Russian army did everything possible to avoid this while the forces were unequal.
Having withdrawn the army from Moscow on September 14 (according to the new style), the field marshal sent it along the Ryazan road, first to the village of Krasnaya Pakhra, and a little later chose the village of Tarutino as the location of the army. Here, the Russian troops received, albeit a short, but much-needed rest. At the same time, the army was being supplied with food and volunteers.

Kutuzov's brilliant plan
What was Kutuzov's plan? The Tarutino maneuver, which began on September 17 and ended on October 3, was supposed to confuse Napoleon and give the Russian army time to rest. We had to hide our location from the enemy. The Russian rearguards and Cossacks helped to realize this plan. The Tarutino maneuver can be briefly described as follows.
September 14, in the late afternoon, when Napoleon's army was already entering Moscow, the last parts of the Russian army under the command of General Miloradovich were just leaving it. In such an environment, pursued by the vanguard of the French cavalry, the Russian troops had to hide their movement.
Kutuzov led the army along the Ryazan road, but then orderedturn onto the old Kaluzhskaya. Here the implementation of the plan to hide the Russian forces from Napoleon began - the famous Tarutino maneuver of Kutuzov. The retreat along the new road and the crossing across the Moscow River was covered by the rear guards of the cavalry under the command of Generals Vasilchikov, Raevsky and Miloradovich. The vanguard of the French followed the crossing of the Russian army. The Russian troops left in two columns.
After the crossing, the army accelerated its movement and broke away from the French. Raevsky's corps, leaving among the last, burned all the bridges at the crossing. So on September 17, the Tarutino maneuver of the Russian army was successfully launched.
Cover operation
To break away from the persecution of the French avant-garde was not enough. Immediately after arriving in Moscow, Napoleon sent his best marshal Murat to search for the Russian army. The Russian rearguards of Raevsky and Miloradovich, as well as detachments of Cossacks, created the appearance of an army retreat to Ryazan, misleading Napoleon. They managed to completely disorient the French regarding the location of the Russian army for several precious days for Kutuzov. During this time, she safely reached the village of Tarutino and camped there for a rest. Kutuzov's plan was so brilliantly implemented.

Helped to cover the withdrawal of the army and the peasants of the surrounding villages and villages. They organized partisan detachments and, together with the Cossacks, attacked the French avant-gardes, inflicting significant damage on them.
Tarutin fight
For almost two weeks, Napoleon did not know about the whereabouts of the Russian army untilits location was not disclosed by Murat's corps. This time was used to the maximum advantage. The soldiers received a long-awaited rest, the supply of food was organized, fresh replenishment arrived. New weapons arrived from Tula, and the rest of the provinces, by order of the commander-in-chief, began to supply winter uniforms for the army.
At the same time, Kutuzov's army covered the roads to the rich southern provinces and to Tula with its military industry. Being in the rear of the French army, Kutuzov created a serious threat.
Napoleon's army found itself in a real trap in Moscow. The road to the rich southern provinces was covered by the strengthened Russian army, and the capital was actually encircled by partisan detachments of Cossacks and peasants.
September 24, Murat discovered the location of the Russian army and camped not far from it for observation on the Chernishna River. The number of his troops was about 27 thousand people.
In early October, Napoleon tried to enter into negotiations with Kutuzov, but he refused it. It was decided to attack Murat's grouping, because, according to the reports of the partisans, he had no reinforcements. On October 18, the French camp was suddenly attacked by Russian troops. It was not possible to completely defeat Murat's army, he managed to organize a retreat. But the Battle of Tarutino showed that the Russian army had become stronger and now posed a serious threat to the enemy.

The meaning of the Tarutino March
The Tarutino maneuver of 1812, brilliantly conceived and brilliantly implemented by Kutuzov with the help ofhis generals and officers, was decisive for the victory over the invader. Having managed to break away from the enemy and having won several weeks, the Russian army received the necessary rest, supplies of weapons, provisions and uniforms were arranged. Also, the army was replenished with a new reserve, amounting to more than 100 thousand people.

The ideally chosen location of the Russian camp did not allow Napoleon to continue the offensive and forced the French army to leave along the old Smolensk road, which led through completely plundered territories.