Let's consider some genres of ancient Russian literature. Let's start with the fact that they appeared along with the adoption of Christianity in Russia. The intensity of its distribution is indisputable evidence that the emergence of writing was caused by the needs of the state.
History of Appearance
Writing was used in various spheres of public and state life, in the legal field, international and domestic relations.
After the advent of writing, the activities of scribes and translators were stimulated, and various genres of ancient Russian literature began to develop.
She served the needs and needs of the church, consisted of solemn words, life, teachings. Secular literature appeared in Ancient Russia, chronicles began to be kept.
In the minds of the people of this period, literature was considered together with Christianization.
Old Russian writers: chroniclers, hagiographers, authors of solemn phrases, they all mentioned the benefits of enlightenment. At the end of X - beginning of XI century. in Russia, a huge amount of work was carried out aimed at translating literary sources from the ancient Greek language. Thanks to this activityFor two centuries, Old Russian scribes managed to get acquainted with many monuments of the Byzantine period, and on their basis create various genres of Old Russian literature. D. S. Likhachev, analyzing the history of Russia's accession to the books of Bulgaria and Byzantium, singled out two characteristic features of such a process.
He confirmed the existence of literary monuments that became common to Serbia, Bulgaria, Byzantium, Russia.
Such intermediary literature included liturgical books, scriptures, chronicles, works of church writers, natural science materials. In addition, this list included some monuments of historical narration, for example, "The Romance of Alexander the Great".
Most of the ancient Bulgarian literature, the Slavic intermediary, was a translation from the Greek language, as well as works of early Christian literature written in the 3rd–7th centuries.
It is impossible to mechanically subdivide Old Slavic literature into translated and original, they are organically connected parts of a single organism.
Reading other people's books in Ancient Russia is evidence of the secondary nature of national culture in the field of artistic expression. At first, among the written monuments there were a sufficient number of non-literary texts: works on theology, history, ethics.
Folklore works have become the main type of verbal art. To understand the originality and originality of Russian literature, it is enough to familiarize yourself with works that are “outside genre systems”: “Instruction”Vladimir Monomakh, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik.

Primary genres
The genres of ancient Russian literature include such works that have become building material for other directions. They include:
- teachings;
- stories;
- word;
- life.
Such genres of works of ancient Russian literature include chronicle story, weather record, church legend, chronicle legend.
It was borrowed from Byzantium. Life as a genre of ancient Russian literature has become one of the most beloved and widespread. Life was considered an obligatory attribute when a person was ranked among the saints, that is, they were canonized. It was created by people who directly communicate with a person, able to reliably tell about the bright moments of his life. The text was composed after the death of the one about whom it was said. He performed an essential educational function, since the life of the saint was perceived as a standard (model) of a righteous existence, imitated by him.
Life helped people overcome the fear of death, the idea of the immortality of the human soul was preached.

Canons of Life
Analyzing the features of the genres of ancient Russian literature, we note that the canons according to which the life was created remained unchanged until the 16th century. First, it was said about the origin of the hero, then a place was given to a detailed story about his righteous life,about the absence of fear of death. The description ended with glorification.
Discussing which genres ancient Russian literature considered the most interesting, we note that it was the life that made it possible to describe the existence of the holy princes Gleb and Boris.
Old Russian eloquence
Answering the question about what genres existed in ancient Russian literature, we note that eloquence was in three versions:
- political;
- didactic;
- ceremonial.

The system of genres of ancient Russian literature distinguished him as a variety of ancient Russian eloquence. In teaching, the chroniclers tried to single out a standard of behavior for all ancient Russian people: a commoner, a prince. The most striking example of this genre is the Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh from The Tale of Bygone Years, dated 1096. At that time, disputes for the throne between the princes reached their maximum intensity. In his lecture, Vladimir Monomakh gives recommendations on how to organize his life. He offers to seek the salvation of the soul in seclusion, calls to help people in need, to serve God.
Monomakh confirms the need for prayer before a military campaign by an example from his own life. He proposes to build social relations in harmony with nature.
Analyzing the main genres of ancient Russian literature, we emphasize that this oratorical church genre, which has a peculiar theory, was involved in the historicalliterary study only in the form that was at some stages indicative of the era.
The sermon called Basil the Great, Augustine the Blessed, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Dialogist "fathers of the church". Luther's sermons are recognized as an integral part of the study of the formation of New German prose, and the statements of Bourdalou, Bossuet, and other speakers of the 17th century are the most important examples of the prose style of French classicism. The role of sermons in medieval Russian literature is high, they confirm the originality of the genres of ancient Russian literature.
Examples of Russian old pre-Mongol sermons, which give a complete picture of the creation of the composition and elements of the artistic style, historians consider the "Words" of Metropolitan Hilarion and Kirill Turvosky. They skillfully used Byzantine sources, on their basis they created good works of their own. They use a sufficient amount of antitheses, comparisons, personifications of abstract concepts, allegory, rhetorical fragments, dramatic presentation, dialogues, partial landscapes.
The following examples of a sermon, designed in an unusual stylistic design, are considered by professionals to be the "Words" of Serapion Vladimirsky, the "Words" of Maxim the Greek. The heyday of the practice and theory of preaching art came in the 18th century, they de alt with the struggle between Ukraine and Poland.

Analyzing the main genres of ancient Russian literature, we will pay special attention to the word. It is a kind of genre of Old Russianeloquence. As an example of its political variability, let's call The Tale of Igor's Campaign. This work causes serious controversy among many historians.
The reason is that the original version of this work could not be saved, only a copy remained.
The historical genre of ancient Russian literature, to which "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" can be attributed, is striking in its unusual techniques and artistic means.
This work violates the chronological traditional version of the story. The author is first transferred to the past, then mentions the present, uses lyrical digressions that make it possible to enter various episodes: Yaroslavna's cry, Svyatoslav's dream.
"Word" contains various elements of oral traditional folk art, symbols. It contains epics, fairy tales, and there is also a political background: Russian princes united in the fight against a common enemy.
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is one of the books that reflect the early feudal epic. It is on a par with other works:
- Nibelungenlied;
- "The Knight in the Panther's Skin";
- "David of Sasun".
These works are considered one-stage, belong to the same stage of folklore and literary formation.
The "Word" combines two folklore genres: lamentation and glory. Through the whole work there is a lamentation of dramatic events, the glorification of the princes.
Such techniques are typical for other works of Ancient Russia. For example, "Word about the destruction of the Russian land"is a combination of the mourning of the dying Russian land with the glory of the mighty past.
As a solemn variation of the ancient Russian eloquence stands the "Sermon on Law and Grace", the author of which is Metropolitan Hilarion. This work appeared at the beginning of the 11th century. The reason for writing was the completion of the construction of military fortifications in Kyiv. The work contains the idea of the complete independence of Russia from the Byzantine Empire.
Under the "Law" Illarion notes the Old Testament, given to the Jews, not suitable for the Russian people. God gives a New Covenant called "Grace". Illarion writes that, as Emperor Constantine is revered in Byzantium, the Russian people also respect Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, who baptized Rus.

Having considered the main genres of Old Russian literature, let's pay attention to stories. These are texts of an epic type, telling about military exploits, princes, and their deeds. Examples of such works are:
- "The Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky";
- "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu Khan";
- "The Tale of the Battle on the Kalka River".
The most common genre in ancient Russian literature was the genre of the military story. Various lists of works relating to him have been published. Many historians paid attention to the analysis of stories: D. S. Likhachev, A. S. Orlova, N. A. Meshchersky. Despite the fact that traditionally the genre of the military story was considered the secular literature of Ancient Russia, it inalienably belongs to the circlechurch literature.
The versatility of the themes of such works is explained by the combination of the heritage of the pagan past with the new Christian worldview. These elements give rise to a new perception of a military feat that combines heroic and worldly traditions. Among the sources that influenced the formation of this genre at the beginning of the 11th century, experts single out translated works: "Alexandria", "Deed of Devgen".
N. A. Meshchersky, who is engaged in a deep study of this literary monument, believed that the "History" had an influence on the formation of the military story of Ancient Russia to the maximum extent. He confirms his opinion with a significant number of quotations used in various ancient Russian literary works: "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", the Kyiv and Galicia-Volyn chronicles.
Historians admit that Icelandic sagas and military epics were used in the formation of this genre.
The warrior was endowed with courageous valor and holiness. The idea of him is similar to the description of the epic hero. The essence of the military feat has changed, the desire to die for the great faith comes first.
A separate role was assigned to the princely service. The desire for self-realization passes into humble self-sacrifice. The implementation of this category is carried out in connection with the verbal and ritual forms of culture.

It is a kind of narrative about historical events. Chronicle is considered one of the first genres of ancient Russian literature. In ancient Russia itplayed a special role, because it not only reported on some historical event, but also was a legal and political document, was a confirmation of how to behave in certain situations. The Tale of Bygone Years, which has come down to us in the Ipatiev Chronicle of the 16th century, is considered to be the most ancient chronicle. She tells about the origin of the Kyiv princes, about the emergence of the ancient Russian state.
Chronicles are considered "unifying genres", which subjugate the following components: military, historical story, life of a saint, laudatory words, teachings.

These are texts that contain a detailed description of the time of the XV-XVI centuries. One of the first such works historians consider "Chronograph according to the great presentation." This work has not reached our time in full, so the information about it is rather contradictory.
In addition to those genres of ancient Russian literature listed in the article, there were many other directions, each of which had its own distinctive characteristics. The variety of genres is a direct confirmation of the versatility and originality of literary works created in Ancient Russia.