How many performances have you attended in your entire life? If only a couple, then you cannot be called a theater regular. Want to know why?
In this article, we will talk about the word "regular". You can find out who he is and in what situations this word can be used.
The lexical meaning of the word
First you need to determine the meaning of the noun "regular". This is the name of a regular or frequent visitor to certain places or establishments.

Let's give some examples. You can't live without reading and every week you borrow a new book from the library. So, you can be called a library regular.
Busy people are frequenters of restaurants. They have no time to cook at home, so they eat in special establishments.
Regular literary circles love to compose their own works or read other people's. They gather to have fun and enrich the soul.
As for the party goers, they hate being bored. They like entertainment and dancing. They love to chat and meet new people.
- Vasya was a frequenter of clubs: he liked to dance and listen to cheerful music.
- Katya is a real library goer as she loves to read new books.

- Anatoly Petrovich was a theater regular: in one month he could attend about a dozen performances.
- Ivan is a frequenter of museums: he loves history and visits various thematic exhibitions.
- I can't call myself a cafe regular, I prefer simple homemade food rather than homemade cooking.
- Egor is a frequenter of various courses: he either learns the Korean language, then he enrolls in self-defense classes, then he becomes interested in knitting.
The noun "regular" does not have any negative meaning. It simply indicates that the person likes to visit certain places.