The meaning of the word "naturalist" can be considered under two aspects - scientific and philosophical. In the first case, these are researchers of nature, plant, animal and mineral worlds. In the second case, these are the followers of the "naturalism" movement, which can be seen not only in philosophy, but also in literature and art.

Naturalism is a kind of realism that is characterized as a collection of hypotheses about the creation of the world, but not randomly, but formed in the course of biological and cultural evolution.

Here everything is much simpler and closer to science. A naturalist is an author who describes the life of a society or one person of this society in a certain period of time. Doing this as realistically as possible so that you can understand how, for example, French workers lived in the 19th century. Emile Zola is considered the founder of naturalism.
In the exact sciences, you can also findindividuals who loved nature very much, loved to study it, to watch how their creations change the world around them. That was Albert Einstein. This means that the word "naturalist" can be used to characterize any person who thinks at least a little about the consequences of their actions on the environment.
"Young Naturalist" is the most famous publication of the USSR about and for animal lovers. The first issue was published in 1928. The journal published articles by nature lovers and their biology teachers, who had been gathering for 10 years in a circle of interests to study the environment. It was very popular, with a circulation reaching 2.5 million units. More than one generation grew up on these articles. The magazine developed and taught little readers to love our little brothers. He talked about how to live and cause as little harm to nature as possible, to notice its beauty. Today the circulation has decreased to 17,000, schoolchildren prefer the electronic version of the magazine instead of the printed one.
Naturalists are people who will talk about unusual natural phenomena that are characteristic of your region of residence. Or they will introduce you to an unusual animal that you just won’t meet. Thanks to them, you can also learn about the character, habits and nutrition of your beloved pet in order to create comfortable living conditions for the animal in your apartment
Greenpeace are naturalists who fight for good and good deeds, but often use not the most harmless ways. Recently, this name has been increasingly featured in scandalous news,because members of this community use very eccentric methods to achieve their goals. Increasingly we hear "extremist sect" rather than nature and animal lovers.

In general, such people are useful to the outside world. It is imperative to monitor the environment and maintain it at a certain level. The main thing is that naturalists are very common among scientists, for example: Albert Einstein, Mikhail Lomonosov, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Sofia Kovalevskaya and many others who thought not only about their inventions, but also about what changes might be after their implementation to the masses. Naturalists are the guarantor of the integrity of the ecology of our planet.