When is the word "snarky" used? This often means a bad attitude towards the interlocutor. It is formed from the same root "ulcer". That is, in relation to the speaker, this expression can be understood as "exude painful and sharp grins at the interlocutor."
Generally accepted definitions
Let's analyze in detail what it means to sting. This word is often used when they want to show that a person is extremely unfriendly. After all, the "ulcer", from which the verb is formed, means a festering, inflamed, deep, non-healing wound on the skin. With regard to the conversation, the meaning is similar.

The concept is based on the following motives. "To sting" means:
- Say sharp phrases aimed at hurting the interlocutor at the most critical moment of the conversation.
- A well-placed word sometimes evokes a number of negative emotions in listeners. If a person is sarcastic, it is perceived as out of the ordinary case.
- The words are invested with a meaning that causes pain, discomfort. After such a phrase, the opponent is literally stunned or goes on a cry because of the experience.
Many giants of Russian literature used inhis writings the word "sting". This helped to give the text, story, poem a more expressive look. Pushkin, Lermontov used it in expressions indicating "pricks" of the heart. Conscience could sting the soul of a person.
What is in the dictionaries
All dictionaries interpret almost the same what it means to "sting":
- Aggressive display of calm harmless speech.
- Sharp remarks.
- Panging can be caused by the following factors: the different ways of life of the interlocutors, their position in society.
- Internal inferiority causes a person to make unpleasant remarks.
- People may be sarcastic because of the specific humor, but others will perceive his speech as a mockery.
Dictionaries indicate the general meaning of the word "snarl": to cause trouble, to annoy, to express contempt for the interlocutor.
Private use of the word
The lexeme under consideration can be replaced by synonyms: vilify, scold, express burning reproaches in response to an ordinary conversation. The reason for this behavior lies in the early grievances inflicted by the opponent. Often people make negative remarks without any purpose, simply because of their quarrelsome nature, they try to hurt the interlocutor as much as possible.

All epithets using the phrase had a figurative meaning. Both the soul and the wound can sting, in the latter case, the physical state is meant. As a sore bleeds, so a person perceives from the insidethe pain of the acuteness of the interlocutor.