It is not necessary to dive headlong into the material in order to assess its quality, relevance in a particular situation or interest for the reader, viewer, buyer. And in the 21st century, when time is sorely lacking, and the amount of content has grown many times over, a consumer-friendly format is needed. Therefore, previews came to the fore, these miniature annotations for superficial acquaintance. The term in the vastness of Russia arose a couple of decades ago, but has already become firmly established in everyday communication, so it’s worth learning a little more about the meanings invested in it.
How did it appear and be used?
The original English definition of preview has been around for a long time. And thanks to the Internet, it also penetrated into the Russian language. As part of the literal translation, "preview" is a kind of picture for preview. It is enough to turn on the computer and sort the graphic files, whose icons, under certain conditions, turn into a small copy of the original. This allows you to quickly navigate in search of the desired photo, even if the owner is confused in the same type of names.

In parallel, citizens added the suffix -shk-, which is why a cute and homely “preview” often slips through the Runet and in live communication.
What values does it hide?
When a small picture expands into a large one when clicked, this is the basic interpretation of the term under study. However, do not limit yourself to them. A direct translation of "preview" does not convey the full depth of the word, which often means any brief information about a large amount of data. Therefore, several equal formats are possible:
- image;
- video;
- audio;
- text.
Such an annotation can be an independent work and seriously differ from the original, although pointing to its features. Any well-made presentation is a preview, even if it is a project for the construction of a plant.

The entertainment industry also has special cuts. When in advertising the viewer is shown the most successful and exciting shots in order to lure them to cinemas. Or before the release of the album, the group releases a special track, composed of pieces of musical compositions. They are often called teasers or teasers, but in a broad sense they mean previews. This concept is relevant even for a stand in a perfumery store, where consultants offer to “try” a new fragrance.
How useful in everyday life?
Whether a contemporary knows a word or not, he regularly turns to samplers and introductorythings. To save time and money, it is enough to go over the brands, grab the moments that are most interesting to you, and choose from the best. It is thanks to previews that the world is able to live at such a fast pace.