Difficulties in development and adaptation are fundamental to the idea of organization as a system. Certain external forces act on each system, forcing it to adapt to changes in the external environment. Human systems, or social organizations, are under constant pressure to change.
We are all, for example, eyewitnesses to changes in social ethics that relate to the responsibility of companies to society. How can a modern organization ensure adaptability and survival in the face of change while growing? The difficulty of maintaining the viability of any organization is a significant part of the existing theory of the systems approach.
Among the basic laws of the functioning of an organization, the law of development has a dominant role.
The ratio of the concepts of "dependence", "law", "regularity"
All processes in an organization can be classified as managed, semi-managed and unmanaged. Each of them includes 4 constituent elements:
- input action(input) (incoming data);
- change incoming action (handling incoming action using popular or new method);
- result of incoming action change;
- impacting the result on the input action (editing the processing method of the original input action).
There is always a certain dependence between the input action and the output result, which can take different forms: tabular, graphical, formula type, verbal, etc.
Existing dependencies can be:
- impartial (formed regardless of the will and consciousness of people) and personal (formed by people in order to fulfill the global tasks of an organization or state);
- short-term (for example, the dependence of the choice of possible options for solving a certain operational process of temporary planning) and long-term (for example, the dependence of an employee's salary on his productivity);
- moral (connected with the implementation in society of the norms of human behavior, standards of good and evil) and immoral (connected with traditions and customs that in one way or another violate civil rights).
As a result, all decisions and actions of a person in one way or another are subject to certain laws (dependent or unconscious).
Under the law should be understood dependence, which can be fixed in regulatory documents, or is the accepted norm for a large group of people or companies (such norms exist in the Bible, the Koran). This dependence has been recognized and supported by well-known scientificworkers. All these concepts are closely related to each other.
So, regularity is part of the general law. The law can be represented as a connection between the tasks of management and the means and methods for achieving them. As a result, the law has a mechanism of activity and a mechanism of use. The mechanism of activity may consist in the formation of the dependence of the output characteristics on the input ones. The mechanism of application is a set of norms and standards for implementing the mechanism of the employee's activities, indicating a list of his existing rights and possible responsibilities.

Basic laws of the organization
The laws of development of an organization have a common and a special beginning in their composition. The general part of the presented law has a mechanism of activity, regardless of the geographical location, state, scope of the company. The understanding of the law is that it does not change its essence and reflects the individuality of the organization as an existing social system. For example, the general level of culture and professional training.
Laws play a very important role in the theory of existence. They may reflect the foundation in terms of theory. They allow you to correctly and fairly assess the current state of affairs and consider foreign experience.
The laws of development are divided into two possible types according to their significance:
- basic (laws of synergy, self-preservation, development);
- the least fundamental (informativeness-orderliness, unity of synthesis and study, composition and proportionality,special laws for the development of social organizations).
Development Concept
The process of development is an irreversible phenomenon, which is aimed at a natural possible change in the existing matter and consciousness. Two variants of development are possible: an evolutionary variant (quantitative and high-quality changes in time, a change in consciousness is mixed with a change in matter), a revolutionary variant (jump-like changes in the state of consciousness without the dynamics of the basis).
There are also possible options for progressive and regressive development. Progressive development implies the complication of the system as a whole, the emergence of new connections and parts and elements in it. Regressive development is a simplification of the system, the exclusion of connections and parts, elements from it.

Concept of the Law of Development
The basic laws of organization development are substantiated by the following factors:
- changing the external environment;
- dynamics of the internal environment (relocation of employees, transition to improved technologies, etc.);
- incentives and interests of a person and society (an incentive in the self-expression of the individual);
- aging and wear of material parts;
- dynamics of the state of ecology;
- progress in technology.
Stages of development
There are eight basic steps in self development:
- sensitivity threshold;
- distribution;
- growth;
- maturity;
- saturation;
- decline;
- collapse;
- elimination (disposal).
The law of development of the organization is as follows. Any material system strives to achieve a greater total potential when overcoming all the steps of the life cycle.
The concept under study is based on the following basic principles of the law of organization development:
- Inertia, that is, a change in the overall potential (the amount of available resources) of the system after a time after the start of actions and changes in the external or internal environment and continues for a certain time after their completion.
- Elasticity - implies that the rate of change of the existing potential probably depends on the size of the potential itself. In practice, the elasticity of the system is evaluated in comparison with other systems, starting from statistics or classifications. For example, for an organization with the highest elasticity: with a sharp long-term decrease in the size of demand for products, employees in a short time master and begin to produce a new type of product that is in great demand.
- Continuity - implies that the process of changing the existing capabilities of the system is continuous, only the speed and symbol of change change.
- Normalization - implies that the system tends to normalize the range of changes in the system's capabilities. This principle is based on the popular need for stability.
- Stability implies the ability of the entire system to work without changing its existing structure and to be in a longbalance. This definition must be constant over time.
- Normalization can be done, for example, by connecting new extraordinary resources to create a new product and by introducing new products into the activities of the organization itself.

Law Formula
Mathematical interpretation of the law of organization development looks like this:
Rj=Ʃ (Rij) Rmax, where Rj are the capabilities of the system at the j-th (1, 2, …, n) step of the life cycle;
Rij - system capabilities in the i-th area (economics, technology, politics, money) at the j-th step.
You can calculate the full potential of the system at each step of the life cycle.
The value of Rmax is an individual value, which depends on the managers' ideas about the firmness of the company itself. Rmax is expressed in the stocks and reserves of the company, a significant increase in which creates difficulties in service.
The law of development in organization theory is described by the life cycle curve. This curve includes eight stages (listed above): threshold, expansion, growth, maturity, saturation, decline, collapse, and elimination or disposal.
The listed eight steps include both a progressive beginning and a regressive development option. Positive dynamics of development indicates the possibility of progressive development, and negative - about regressive options. On this issue, a problem arises: ensuring stability or savings. This is a very difficult task to solve. The Law of Development and the Example of Organizationspresented with three possible options.

1 option: the manager and his subordinates do not know the information about the law of development
There is the nature of the spontaneous functioning of the law. In any organization, managers and staff feel the desire to increase profitability and reward employees in a timely manner. Employees and managers usually have powerful life-affirming perceptions about the future competitiveness of products and the profitability of the entire company.
Guided by them, the staff always strives for a progressive intensive expansion of production processes, attracting additional possible investments. These activities will not always match the true needs of the existing market and the capabilities of the organization itself.
The load of accumulated potential reduces the company's maneuverability or does not allow it to reach the planned targets. Having spent or unproductively using existing resources, a company can cut off its own life cycle.
The zeal to skyrocket leads to the huge business syndrome characterized by the following features:
- strengthening the processes of centralization of management and progressive growth in the size of the management apparatus;
- gradual loss of staff agility;
- bureaucratization of possible procedures for making ordinary, daily decisions;
- growth in the number of all kinds of meetings to develop such decisions;
- transfer required solutions and optionsresponsibility from one department to another.
This syndrome can be removed by means of regressive development by moving the company back to more simplified options for the management structure with a large wide division of rights, opportunities and responsibilities. Unbridled, stingy zeal for the best option without the use of practical calculations can lead to disastrous results. This option is extremely expensive and usually does not lead the company to the intended goals and objectives.

2 option: the manager knows about the law, but his subordinates do not
The form of implementation of the existing law of the company's development is business planning. But subordinates do not know about the possibilities of the business plan and the possible nature of the development of the entire company in the future, therefore, the lack of stocks (in accordance with the business plan) will be perceived by them very painfully, which will contribute to the search for opportunities to create them.
As practice shows, managers, professionals and workers of the company always have a certain reserve of resources with which they feel more confident in their work. But these reserves require additional space, protection and other costs. Assuring subordinates that additional resources are not needed is an extremely difficult task, as well as for a manager. The nature of the impact of the law of development in this situation will depend on a number of reasons, as well as on the state of awareness and skill of employees, management and management style, authoritymanager.

3 option: manager and subordinates know about the law of development
This option is inherent in a well-chosen team, masterfully versed in both the subject of their own work and the main issues of the organizational and management structure of the company. The nature of the impact is manifested in the conscious implementation of the tasks and goals developed in the drawn up business plan with the help of agreed possible means and methods. For example, in increasing the quality of manufactured and manufactured products, lowering its level of costs, and increasing capital turnover. Major management decisions will constantly seek support from staff.

As a result, having determined what the law of development of an organization is and the regularity, having studied the concept of development, having studied the law of development of the organization itself, we can conclude that the professional implementation of the laws of an organization contributes to the establishment of stable quantitative and high-quality relationships between the manager and the managed subsystems. They form part of the current management technology of the organization at this point in time.
Analysis of the laws of development of an organization allows us to conclude that their application in the process of the company's functioning is a mandatory element.