Character traits in English - list, features and examples

Character traits in English - list, features and examples
Character traits in English - list, features and examples

Each person is an individual, individuality, personality. Each person has inherent character traits (in English character traits). Some of them can be laid at birth, others are formed during life. They are what make a person who he is.

Character, traits, temperament - what is it?

Character, temperament, human characteristics - this is the hallmark of each individual. In turn, character traits are divided into several groups. The first of them are associated with emotions, the second - with the will, and the third - with the intellect. Let's dwell on them in more detail. In accordance with the above classification, we present some of the character traits of a person in English and Russian.

Features of a person characterized by emotions:

good-natured - good-natured; aggressive - aggressive; impulsive - impulsive; cheerful - cheerful; closed - avoidant; impressionable - susceptive, etc.

Features of a person characterized by will:

courageous - courageous; resourceful - resourceful; pedantic - pedantic; circumspect – circumspect etc.

Featuresa person characterized by intelligence:

smart - clever; independent - self consistent; reasonable - rational; insightful – penetrating, etc.

Don't forget about human temperament. "But what is it?" some people may ask. So, if character is more of a set of habits, then temperament implies a complex of human inclinations. Traditionally, there are 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic. Below we will dwell on each of the types of temperament in more detail, describe the main character traits (translation is given in English).

character traits in english
character traits in english


Choleric by nature is very energetic (energetic), active (active), impulsive (impulsive), but at the same time explosive (explosive) and irritable (irritable). Choleric people are purposeful and ambitious (ambitious), they can fully devote themselves to their work, but only as long as it is really interesting to them. They are natural leaders and like to control everything that happens around them and the people who surround them. They are subject to mood swings, they can flare up instantly, but just as quickly come to a state of balance and peace. The most striking character trait of choleric people is their emotionality. Such people need to make a lot of effort in order to pull themselves together.

character traits in English
character traits in English


The nature of a sanguine person is positive, optimistic,cheerful (cheerful) and active (active). Sanguine, as a rule, creative (creative) personality. Such people can easily change from one type of activity to another. From this they are characterized by such a feature as inconstancy. Also, sanguine people are dreamy (dreamy), inquisitive (curious), friendly (friendly). They are often the soul of any company and easily make new acquaintances. The flip side of their sociability is such a trait as superficiality. They easily find an approach to people and to all sorts of problems, but often there is not enough depth in their actions and deeds.

character traits in English with translation
character traits in English with translation


Melancholic people are very calm (quiet) and reasonable (rational) people, but at the same time anxious (restless) and impressionable (sensitive). These are thin (acute) and easily vulnerable (thin skinned) personalities. They do not like crowds and prefer solitude. It is this type of personality that can be called an introvert. At the same time, these are harmonious (harmonious) personalities, with a highly developed inner world. However, melancholy people can often think that the world is against them, and succumb to the blues and depression. Although the melancholic does not look at the world with optimism, he knows how to delve into the very essence of the matter, sees the full depth of what is happening. Melancholic people are good analysts and psychologists.

personality traits in english
personality traits in english


This type of temperament is the most balanced (equable), stable (well balanced), calm(quiet) and patient (patient). Phlegmatic people are peace-loving (peaceful) and kind-hearted (good-hearted). They do not take anything to heart, they take everything for granted and know how to find a golden mean in everything they encounter. People belonging to this type are not subject to an excess of emotions, they approach everything with a cool head. All their decisions are considered and weighed. That is why phlegmatic people need much more time to make any decisions. They are noncommunicative (noncommunicative) and can converge with people for a long time. But with all this, they are faithful (faithful) and reliable (reliable) people.

character traits list english
character traits list english

Character traits in English. List

Each person is unique, he has his own characteristics of character, habits and behavior. The list of English words denoting them is given below. For ease of familiarization and study, all character traits are written in English with translation into Russian. Words are divided into 2 categories: positive features and negative features.

Positive traits (in English and Russian):

ambitious - ambitious, educated - educated, clever / intelligent / smart - smart / reasonable, wise - wise, reasonable - prudent, shrewd - insightful, intellectual - intelligent / thinking, kind - kind, friendly - friendly, polite - polite, good-natured - good-natured, honest - honest, generous - generous, calm / quit - calm, amiable - friendly, communicative / easygoing / sociable - sociable /sociable, creative - creative / creative, admirable - admirable, gifted - gifted, talented - talented, active - active, energetic - energetic, imaginative - imaginative, enthusiastic - full of enthusiasm, optimistic - optimistic, faithful - faithful, reliable - reliable, cheerful - cheerful, trustworthy - trustworthy, shy / modest - modest / shy, punctual - punctual, attractive - attractive, neat - tidy, fair - fair, noble / gentle - noble, hardworking / industrious - hardworking / diligent / diligent, curious - curious / inquisitive, successful - successful, serious - serious, competitive - competitive, self-sufficient - self-sufficient, strong-willed - strong-willed, witty - resourceful, persuasive - convincing, resolute / determined - decisive / unshakable, independent - independent, consistent - consistent, persistent - persistent, respectful - respectful, or ganized - organized, flexible - flexible, tactful - tactful, patient - patient, tolerant - tolerant, motivated - with clear motivation, self-disciplined - possessing internal discipline, helpful - ready to help, charitable - charitable, merciful - merciful, sympathetic - sympathetic, sentimental - sentimental, trusting - trusting, spiritually-minded - spiritualized, sophisticated - sophisticated, outstanding - outstanding.

This is not a complete list of bad temperaments.

Negative traits (in English and Russian):

lazy- lazy, passive - passive, sluggish - slow, haughty - arrogant, sly - cunning / hypocritical, double-faced - two-faced, lying - deceitful, treacherous - insidious, foolish / silly / stupid - stupid, uneducated - uneducated, ignorant - ignorant, illiterate - illiterate, minded - frivolous, envious - envious, boastful - boastful, disloyal - incorrect / unreliable, greedy - greedy, stingy - mean, rude - rude, evil / wicked - evil / shameless, peevish - grumpy, aggressive - aggressive, angry - evil, cruel - cruel, hot-tempered - quick-tempered, furious - mad, reckless - insane, irritable - irritable, arrogant - arrogant / arrogant / arrogant, complacent - self-satisfied, cynical - cynical, sullen - gloomy, awkward / clumsy - clumsy, hesitant - insecure, doubtful - doubting, fearful - shy, wavery - indecisive, unsociable - withdrawn, boring / dull - boring, touchy - touchy, selfish - selfish, bossy / snob ish - domineering, naughty - capricious, nuisance - annoying, light-hearted - careless, detached - aloof, earnest - zealous, jealous - jealous, weak-willed - weak-willed.

It's all about unwanted properties.

Now you know the character traits in English and can apply them in speech.
