Compound words with the root "Ved". Rule, features, examples

Compound words with the root "Ved". Rule, features, examples
Compound words with the root "Ved". Rule, features, examples

The vocabulary of the Russian language is very extensive and varied. It has many different ways of forming new lexical units. In this article, we will talk about addition and compound words with the root "Ved" and others.

Addition as a way of forming new lexical units

From the name of the method itself, it becomes clear that we are talking about the addition of any parts of words. So what types of this derivational method are distinguished?

Addition of basic morphemes with the help of a connecting vowel. It can be "o" and "e". Here are examples of compound words with the root “ved” and others: document management (connecting vowel “o”), steamboat (connecting vowel “o”), blue-eyed (connecting vowel “o”), low-grade (connecting vowel “o”), high school student (connecting vowel "e"), cheerful (connecting vowel "e"), millennial (connecting vowel "e"), local history (connecting vowel "e"), Far Eastern (connecting vowel "e"), etc.

Far East landscape
Far East landscape

Instead of the connecting vowels "o", "e", suffixes can be used,such as "a", "I", "and", "o", "e", "uh", "y". For example, insane (suffix "a"), pastime (suffix "I"), tumbleweed (suffix "and"), evergreen (suffix "o"), navigator (suffix "e"), two-day (suffix "uh"), shotgun (suffix "y"), crazy (suffix "a"), etc.

Possible addition of foundations. Consider the following examples. Boarding school, sofa bed, booster, etc.

A variant of addition as a way of word formation is abbreviation, i.e. creating abbreviations. For example, a gas station is a gas station, VAT is a value added tax, a Youth Theater is a theater for a young spectator, traffic rules are traffic rules, a hydroelectric power station is a hydroelectric power station, etc.

Common compound words with a connecting vowel

The method of addition using a connecting vowel is the most common. Among such examples, there are often words with the root "var", "Ved", "cart", "count", "move", "catch", etc. Let's consider some of them. Cook (root "var"), cook ("var"), multicooker ("var"), pressure cooker ("var"), art historian (root "Ved"), linguistics ("Ved"), commodity expert ("Ved"), heavy truck (root "cart"), electric locomotive ("cart"), steam locomotive ("cart"), palisade (root "col"), icebreaker ("col"), hole puncher ("col"), navigator (root "walk”), steamboat (“walk”), runner (“walk”), chimney (“walk”), bird catcher (root “fish”), mousetrap (“fish”), angler (“catch”), etc.

Fisherman on the lake
Fisherman on the lake

A number of complex words can be continued for a very long time.

Meaning of the root "Ved"

Each lexical unit carriessemantic load. It does not matter whether simple or compound words with the root "Ved" are used in speech. The root "Vedas" will generalize the meaning of the whole group. It is in it that the main meaning of the lexical unit is laid. Let's see what the main part of the "Vedas" means. To know is to know, to have any information, an idea about something. Accordingly, all cognate words will somehow be connected by this meaning. For example, inquire - find out, ask, ask; information - information, data, knowledge, material. Compound words with the final root "Veda" also have a meaning associated with knowledge. For example, a linguist is a specialist, a person who is versed in the field of linguistics, local history is the study of his native land, locality from the point of view of various aspects, namely: cultural, historical, economic, etc.

know, know
know, know

Examples of complex words with the root "ved"

Complex lexical units are often used in speech. Below are a number of examples of the use of compound words with the root "Ved"., geography, soil science, soil science, herbal science, orientalist, oriental studies, Byzantine studies, sinology, sinology, Shakespeare, Pushkin, library science, cartology, marsh science,source studies, merchandise studies, jurisprudence, linguistics, art history, film studies, country studies, jurisprudence, social studies, literary studies, local history, natural history, oriental studies, oriental studies, library studies, swamp studies, geologist, geological prospecting, forestry, afforestation, etc.

Afforestation, sprout
Afforestation, sprout

From the above list it becomes clear that the root "Ved" is often used in Russian.

Using difficult words in speech

Below, we consider some examples of the use of complex lexical units in speech.

The merchandiser controls the quality and quantity of goods. Linguistics is her favorite subject at the university. In the lessons of natural history, students observe the change in the world around them at different times of the year. Local history and geography are branches of geographical science. Nowadays, the multicooker has become an indispensable thing in the kitchen.

This row can be continued by yourself.

Now you know the peculiarities of the use of complex words with the root "Ved" and others.
