Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk is a Soviet scientist with a White Guard past. He was born on June 9, 1897. At the beginning of the 20th century, he calculated the optimal trajectory for a flight to the moon - the "Kondratyuk track". Subsequently, his calculations were used by NASA in the Apollo program. Consider further what else Yuri Vasilievich Kondratyuk was famous for.

Biography from birth to desertion
The real name of the future outstanding scientist was completely different. Yuri Kondratyuk is the pseudonym of Alexander Ignatievich Shargei. He was born in the city of Poltava, in the family of a Russified German woman and a Jewish convert to Catholicism. Great-grandfather was Anton Andreyevich Shlippenbakh, who participated in the Patriotic War of 1812
Childhood Alexander spent in the house of his grandmother and her second husband. She was a midwife, and he was a zemstvo doctor, and later the head of the 3rd department of the state chamber. When the boy was one year old, his father went to Germany, to Darmstadt, to study atHigher technical school. Some time later, the mother developed a mental illness, as a result of which she was placed in a hospital under the village. Small Buddhas. Here she spent the rest of her life.
In 1903, the father moved his son to St. Petersburg. Here, Elena Petrovna Giberman entered their family. She was the daughter of the famous gynecologist and translator of medical publications P. I. Lurie-Giberman. The following year, 1907, Alexander entered the gymnasium on Vasilvesky Island. In 1910, his half-sister Nina was born. In the same year, his father died suddenly. Alexander returned back to his grandmother's house.
From 1910 to 1916 he was educated at the Second Poltava Gymnasium, which he graduated with a silver medal. Upon completion of his studies, Alexander enters the Petrograd Polytechnic Institute, the mechanical department (currently St. Petersburg Polytechnic State University). However, in November 1916, upon being drafted into the army, he was transferred to the ensign school. Before demobilization in the spring of 1918, he took part in battles on the Turkish front. Being an officer in the tsarist army, after the revolution of 1917 he was mobilized into the White troops, but deserted.
After the capture of Kyiv by the Red Army, Alexander tried to go abroad on foot. But he was detained and returned back. Under fear of reprisals for his past, with the help of his stepmother Elena Giberman received new documents. From that moment on, he became Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk, a native of Lutsk, born in 1900. According to these documents, he lived the rest of the time.

First laboractivities
From 1921 to 1927, Yuri Kondratyuk worked in the Kuban, southern Ukraine, and the North Caucasus. Here he was a greaser, wagon trailer, elevator mechanic. In 1927, he moved to Siberia under the threat of repression by the Cheka. Here it was easier to hide under a false name. In Novosibirsk, Yuri Kondratyuk gets a job at the Khleboprodukt enterprise. Here he had to take part in the construction and improvement of elevators. Just at that time, he built the famous "Mastodon" - a granary designed for 13 thousand tons. The structure was created without a single nail. During the same period, Yuri Kondratyuk visited Biysk several times. Here he lectured on the mechanization of grain storage.

Meanwhile, the management of the Khleboprodukt enterprise doubted the reliability of Mastodon, which was created by Yury Kondratyuk. The arrest on charges of wrecking took place in 1930, on July 30. The management of the enterprise alerted that the author of the project not only did not use nails, but also did not even draw up any drawings. As a result, on charges, Yuri Kondratyuk was sentenced to three years in the camp. "Mastodon" stood for more than 60 years and was destroyed in the mid-90s from a fire.
New Activity
Meanwhile, the camp was replaced by work in the Special Bureau No. 14 formed in Novosibirsk for engineer prisoners. Here the development of projects of coal enterprises was carried out. Yuriy was involved in this activity. Kondratyuk. His biography is filled with various amazing events. So, while working in Bureau No. 14, he managed to obtain an author's certificate and a patent in the field of mining and mine equipment. In addition, he has published a number of articles on special problems. Among them were facilitating and accelerating the sinking of mines during the formwork mechanization of rock cutting and concrete work, reinforced concrete pile driver, etc.

Crimean wind farm
During the existence of a specialized bureau, a competition was held to create sketches of this installation. Yury Kondratyuk also got acquainted with the conditions. He carried out the design of the wind farm in collaboration with Gorchakov. A little later, Nikitin, the creator of the Ostankino TV tower, was also involved in the work. The sketches were completed by November 1932. After a short period of time, the authors receive permission to travel to the capital. At the competition, their project was the best. In 1933, at the insistence of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, Kondratyuk was released from expulsion ahead of schedule. By the next 1934, the sketch of the wind farm was completely finalized. The construction of the installation's foundation began in 1937 on Mount Ai-Petri. However, already in the next, 1938, work was stopped due to the refusal to build powerful wind farms. Over the next two years, Kondratyuk designed small pilot wind farms.
Interesting fact
While working on the sketches of wind power plants, the practical experience that Kondratyuk Yury Vasilievich had, his biography, his achievements interested S. P. Korolev. The latter counted oncooperation. However, Kondratyuk Yuri Vasilyevich did not accept this proposal. According to one version, he motivated the refusal by existing obligations related to work on wind farms. According to other sources, the reason was that activities related to military projects were tightly controlled by the NKVD. In the event of a check, his White Guard past and the fact of falsification of documents could be revealed. The consequences could be very serious.

Participation in the Second World War
At the very beginning of the war, Yuri Kondratyuk signed up as a volunteer in the people's militia. He was enrolled in the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 21st Moscow Division of the Kievsky District, in the communications company, as a telephone operator. In October 1941, the unit left the encirclement. After that, Kondratyuk served in the communications company of the 47th Infantry Regiment of the 194th Division. After that, he was the commander of the industrial platoon and squad of the 1st battalion, which was part of the 2nd formation of the 49th Western Army. According to the entry in the Book of Memory, Yuriy Kondratyuk died on February 25, 1942. He was buried in the Orel region, near the village of Krivtsovo.
Founder of astronautics
Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk has published several works over the years of his work. So, regardless of Tsiolkovsky, he was able to derive the basic equation of rocket flight by an original method. In addition, Kondratyuk gave a description and diagram of a four-stage installation on oxygen-hydrogen fuel, a paraboloidal nozzle, a combustion chamber in an enginewith a staggered and other arrangement of nozzles and much more. All this he stated in his book "To those who will read to build" in 1919
Key ideas
In his work, Kondratyuk suggested:
- Apply atmospheric drag when braking the rocket during descent to save fuel.
- Initiate the ship in the process of flying to other planets to the orbit of an artificial satellite. To land a person and return him to the station, use a small runway. This proposal was implemented in the Apollo program.
- Use the gravitational field from oncoming space bodies to accelerate or decelerate while flying through the solar system. This proposal was called "perturbation maneuver".

In the same work, Kondratyuk considered the possibility of using solar energy to power the onboard system of the spacecraft, as well as placing large mirrors in near-Earth orbit to illuminate the surface of the planet.
Second Labor
In 1929 he wrote a book about the conquest of interplanetary space. In it, Kondratyuk outlined the sequence of the initial stages of space exploration, which he described in his first work. Thus, in the new book, the author proposed to carry out the supply of satellites within the near-Earth orbit using a rocket-artillery system. Today, this method is implemented in the form of transport and cargo ships of the Progress type. Also in the book Kondratyukinvestigated questions about the thermal protection of spacecraft during their movement in the atmosphere.
A lot of effort was put into restoring the good name of Yuri Kondratyuk by his colleague and fellow soldier, and later design engineer of the Bureau. Lavochkina B. I. Romanenko. After his retirement, he devoted himself entirely to "interplanetary" journalism. In memory of the outstanding achievements of Kondratyuk, many monuments were created, streets were named, and commemorative coins were issued. So, the monuments were installed in the city of Poltava, in the city of Komsomolsk (near the technical school). In the Krylovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, in Art. Oktyabrskaya, a memorial museum of Kondratyuk was created. Since 1992, the Novosibirsk Aerospace Lyceum has been named after him. There are Kondratyuk streets in Novosibirsk and Kyiv. In the latter, on one of the houses, a memorial plaque was installed. In Ukraine, at one time, a medal was also established to them. Yu. V. Kondratyuk. In 1997, Poltava Technical University was named after him. Currently it is the National Technical Institute. Yu. V. Kondratyuk. In 1970, one of the craters on the far side of the Moon was named after him. In the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow - there is a street. Kondratyuk, which is part of the complex of intra-city sites dedicated to space exploration. Until 1965, this street was called the 2nd Novoostankinsky lane. In 1997, a commemorative coin was issued in Ukraine, and in 2007, 2 postage stamps with the name of Kondratyuk. There is also a street dedicated to the memory of the figure in Rubtsovsk. One of the oldest processing and storage facilities is located here.grain products. In Kamen-on-Obi, the city where the famous "Mastodon" was built, there is Kondratyuk Street. A monument in honor of the designer was erected on the embankment. In 2012, on June 21, the Google search engine put up a logo in honor of Kondratyuk. In 2014, on October 18, the outstanding scientist and designer was admitted to the Gallery of International Glory in Alamogordo. In the Oryol region, in the Bolkhovsky district, on the territory of the memorial near the village of Krivtsovo, a memorial sign was erected to Kondratyuk, who allegedly died here during the bloody battles of the Second World War.

Despite his rather anti-Soviet past, Yuri Kondratyuk made a huge contribution to the development of domestic cosmonautics, design, construction and a number of other industries relevant to the country. His books have received wide practical application not only in Russia but also abroad. Unfortunately, in the pre-war years there were no such opportunities for the realization of creative and scientific potential. Nevertheless, Kondratyuk managed to create many projects that left their mark on Russian history. He was distinguished by a lively mind, great energy, a serious attitude to everything he did. Of particular importance in restoring the memory of him was the activity of Romanenko. Largely thanks to him, many facts of Kondratyuk's biography became known. Romanenko published a book dedicated to the life and work of his outstanding colleague and fellow soldier. If not for his death in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, itprobably, the world would have learned about the new discoveries and achievements of Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk. Many of his designs are still in use today.