In this article, we will analyze the word "combination", the meaning of the word, etymology and use in various fields.
Etymology and set expressions
The noun comes from the late Latin combinatio, which means "connection, combination." It, in turn, comes from a similar Latin word combinare (combine, connect). Some linguists believe that the term comes from the French combinaison, which also originates from the same Latin word.
The most common stable combination is the “three-finger combination”. Simply put, it means “fig”, that is, “nothing.”
Meanings of the word
In a general sense, a combination is an interdependent combination, an arrangement of any objects (numbers, sounds, etc.), most often homogeneous.

In the economic sphere, the concept is used to refer to the process of combining several enterprises of various industries and even fields of activity.
In chess, checkers, a combination is a few moves by which a person achieves a goal, wins. As a rule, one of the figures is sacrificed for this. There are various chess combinations. For example, a double strike (when one piece attacks two pieces of its opponent at once orattacks one piece and threatens with mate). If a knight or pawn strikes, then this is called a “fork”. Checkers use the "heel" and "bridge".

In mathematics, or rather in combinatorics, a combination is all possible combinations of elements of these sets. For example, permutation, placement, combination. Placements differ among themselves by elements or their order. The operation of arranging elements in a certain sequence is called permutation. And the combinations are different at least in one element.
If we talk about clothes, then the combination is underwear, which consists of separate types of women's underwear, combined in one whole. This is a tight-fitting shirt worn under a dress in order to emphasize the figure, as well as to make the dress “fit” better. The combination is elongated, with thin straps and a narrowed waist. It is sewn from silk and cotton fabrics, to which synthetics can be added.

Combination in history
In addition, this was the name of the Soviet and later Russian pop group, which in their songs reflected the social events taking place in the 90s.
England's minor league football was also called "The Combination". It was formed at the end of the 19th century and disbanded at the beginning of the 20th century.
As you can see, the term is widely used in various fields, but all meanings are somewhat similar, have something in common.