Fail is a single failure

Fail is a single failure
Fail is a single failure

Disputes about whether borrowings from other languages are acceptable have been going on for many years. Most of all, "not our" words are used by young people, especially computer scientists and other specialists working with the English language. A lot of vocabulary comes into everyday speech thanks to gamers. For example, the word “fail” is their godsend. However, this concept is still better used only by those who know English well.


fail it
fail it

Put yourself in the shoes of a player in a computer club. What to say if the desired is not achieved? Within the framework of censorship, of course, because in a computer club for three-story statements they will not be patted on the head, but, most likely, will be put out.

There are many mistakes and defeats in the situation of video games. Nobody says: “Well, failure, that's such a failure …” Gamers will say: “Fail”. This is what defeat means in translation from English - fail. Simple and elegant, although the meaning behind this word is quite unpleasant. But the person does not seem to be a bore and a whiner. Got a fail- laughed - we play on.

Fail won't make you a loser

There is another word that is close in meaning - to lose, to lose. This is where the term "loser" comes from. But it's too strong for gamers to associate it with themselves. That's why Lineage fans don't say lose too often. Although the latter is more closely related to the actual game than fail.

Fail is a failure, but not a global one, but simply the inability to get the best result at the moment. While the word lose has a connotation of finality and seriousness. Fail is just a statement of fact, there is no strong bitterness and pessimism in it, which is why it came from foreign gamers to our guys.

what does epic fail mean
what does epic fail mean

Epos, lyrics and drama have nothing to do with it

But sometimes another expression is used - "epic fail". What it is? Epic in this case is not related to the epic. The word simply plays the role of an intensifying particle. What does "epic fail" mean? This is an impressive defeat. Moreover, often an additional meaning is that the defeat is unexpected, when everything seems simple and easy. For example, a gamer is not going through the game for the first time and believes that everything will be easy and simple, but in fact it turns out that his character was killed due to a stupid mistake. In this case, it is legitimate to say that epic fail happened.

In any situation

Gradually, the concept spread from the world of gamers to everyday life. “Epic fail” can mean a quarrel with a girl, a failed test, or a breakdown of equipment.

The concept has becomeuniversal and lost the additional sense of surprise. The speaker wants to show the strength of his emotions in connection with the defeat and says not just “fail”, but “epic fail”. And yet it is better not to use this word for those who do not know English at all. At least a little, but learn it to understand the contexts.

And a little about victories

what is epic fail
what is epic fail

Gradually whole sites with funny pictures about epic fail began to appear in the foreign part of the Internet. This phenomenon is similar to demotivators, which help to look at the situation ironically and reduce the amount of pain, and are also a tool for satire. Fail is offensive to a person, but if he uses the word in relation to himself, it means that the speaker has a cheerful and strong character. Such people are not afraid of defeat, they live in full force. Well, there was a “fail” - tomorrow there will be “vin”. Win is luck. And it also happens to be epic. Those who fear epic fail never get epic win.

"Fail" cannot last long - this is a concept meaning a temporary, one-time, single failure. So that they do not repeat, you need to draw conclusions correctly, and not by superficial signs. Do not be afraid of mistakes - and epic win will be insidiously waiting for you around the corner. Fortune loves the diligent and fearfully runs away from the whiners - so say: "Epic Fail!" - take a deep breath … And go ahead - correct the mistakes. Everything will work out!
