Today we will be interested in such a topic as distance learning. The pros and cons of such a system are what you need to know about. After all, this direction in the modern world is beginning to get used to the education system. Can this be allowed? Or will you have to hold on to the "classics" with all your might? What are the disadvantages and advantages of the remote form of learning? Is it really as scary as some people think? All this will have to be thoroughly understood. Otherwise, you can make the wrong decision!

Studying the possibilities of distance learning (the pros and cons of this system) has recently become of interest to many. After all, progress does not stand still, every day new theories and devices appear in the world to facilitate modern human life. Moreover, all spheres are captured - including education.
In general, distance learning in Russia isnovelty. She attracts many. After all, you will not need to go to school or university - just appear on the Internet, go through a little authorization, and you can get a lecture or attend a class. Save time for both children and adults. But only teachers, as well as students, were divided into several categories. The former admit that such a system is really capable of helping, while the latter refute this. So what are the pros and cons of distance learning for a student? Whom and what to believe?
Of course, there is no clear answer. After all, our today's question is the eternal problem of all modern education. In some cases, distance learning can help. And sometimes hurt. Many factors play a role here.

For example, distance learning has the same number of pros and cons, in principle. Only the importance of each area plays a role. Among the advantages of such training is its versatility. No problem, at any time a schoolboy or student will be able to engage in their education. Life immediately becomes easier. Of course, this is a plus. You are not bound by time limits, you can allocate time as you wish. After all, the main thing in our education today is the result. At least absorb all the material in a day, at least stretch it for a week.
Has distance learning pros and cons. Feedback from teachers, parents and students indicates that with this formlearning material plays a huge role self-education. In fact, that is exactly what you will be doing. That is, no teachers behind your back, no surveillance and no time limits. On the one hand, this is a plus - you can learn how to use time rationally, better absorb the material. In addition, there are some people who find it easier to learn when no one is watching the process. You can say "with a rod" students.
On the other hand, distance learning requires organization and composure. For example, for young children, such an education is likely to be given with great difficulty - it is difficult for them to concentrate. Especially when there is no control. There are also students who are generally not predisposed to self-education. Such children will be having fun all the time, not learning.

Always and everywhere
The pros and cons of distance education are a moot point. It requires a thorough study of all the nuances. Otherwise, you can draw wrong conclusions. Of course, since this form has been used in Europe for a long time, it means that in Russia, with a well-thought-out system, it will give results.
In addition to the advantages already listed, we can highlight the fact that teaching students at a distance allows you not to miss classes for one reason or another. For example, if a student is sick. You just need to turn on the computer, join the virtual conference - and you can attend the lesson. And this is without harm to he alth.
So absenteeism can be kept to a minimum. Yes, withThe Internet sometimes has a variety of failures. But you can just check them. But the real truancy - no. Often, it is distance learning that helps, even during a long illness or inability to attend school, to remain in the general flow and keep up with other students.
Another plus, which, as a rule, does not stand out much is learning in a comfortable environment. Often children just don't want to go to school. They feel uncomfortable there. In this case, there can be no question of any effectiveness of training.

But if the material is absorbed better at home, then DO is a great choice. It will not only allow you to engage in self-education and always stay in touch, but will not cause any discomfort. You can create the most convenient conditions for learning for yourself, and then just listen to lectures and lessons.
True, parents will still have to monitor younger students in this case. They still do not know how to concentrate and engage in self-education. Perhaps distance learning is more suitable for middle and high school. Children who can already consciously control their activities and do what is necessary.
Freedom of action
Distance learning has numerous pros and cons. It can be said that each advantage has its antipode-disadvantage. And vice versa. Speaking about school distance learning, among the minuses, complete freedom of action is often singled out. Indeed, if the child is not followed - he,it is likely that he will drop out of school altogether. So the pros and cons of distance learning for schoolchildren are a very controversial issue.
Internet seminar is extremely difficult to control. Of course, if the distance education system in schools is developed and thought out to the smallest detail (how to control children, conduct testing, and so on), then this form will give visible progress and maximum results. Otherwise, distance education will simply further alienate children from the educational process.

The pros and cons of distance learning (in English, Russian or any other language) can be discussed endlessly. But the main advantage of this form of knowledge acquisition is convenience. It doesn't matter for what reasons - whether it's freedom of time and action or saving time. Teaching and learning in this way is simply convenient.
Especially for teachers, this option is most suitable. You can not break away from your own affairs, as well as engage in part-time jobs during the lesson. For example, if such a form of education is introduced, women on maternity leave will no longer need to take vacations. You can easily look after the baby and teach students at the same time at school. Everything is easy and simple. And most importantly - convenient! Yes, it is important to work out the education system at a distance. But this does not negate the fact that such a technique will make learning accessible to everyone - for both students and teachers!
Teaching materials
What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learningminuses? To be honest, the advantages of this education system are much easier to describe. Yes, you can see them with the naked eye. Of course, with the correct implementation of the process.
For example, another advantage is the availability of educational materials. In electronic form, you can read any textbook or abstract. All the information, if necessary, will be given to you by the Internet. This is additional material. No need to spend a lot of time and money buying and searching for textbooks, manuals and other study notes.

By the way, distance learning will save children from the mass of books in their bags. Now even a first grader's portfolio sometimes weighs so much that it's scary to think how children go to school like that! All this has a negative impact on he alth. And electronic textbooks weigh nothing at all. Yes, and in the classroom to say that you forgot the training manual at home will no longer work. There is access to the network, which means that all the material will be at your fingertips!
As you can see, our current system has many pros and cons. If it is well worked out, then only advantages will remain. Unfortunately, no educational system has been developed so well yet. But such a possibility is not ruled out.
If we talk about the education of older people, here the distance form has become extremely popular. It is actively used. You will be able to study and receive higher education (and even several) without interrupting your daily life, work and family. It's all hugeopportunities. Thus, you can live in one city, and study in another. And without even breaking your habitual way. The choice of universities that provide distance learning is increasing every year.
In addition, this form is different in cost. The cost of distance learning is less. This means that you can get a higher education without any problems and at affordable prices. So do not think that the absence of a personality within the walls of an educational university is bad. Not at all.

As you can see, distance learning pros and cons at school and at the university has a variety. There are many pluses. But there are also enough shortcomings. It is recommended to use this form if the child studies better on his own (predisposed to self-education), and also when it is not possible to attend classes at school. Remember, with the correct organization of the educational process, only pluses will remain from distance education. But as a "tower" now it's a great choice!