Interactive lesson. Application of new technologies in education

Interactive lesson. Application of new technologies in education
Interactive lesson. Application of new technologies in education

Getting a decent and quality education is an important life task for many people. Adults not only strive to acquire new knowledge and skills themselves, but also try to provide their children with quality education in schools and other educational institutions. Modern interactive educational technologies make it possible to achieve this goal faster and more efficiently.

interactive lesson
interactive lesson

Features of modern education

The need to use new technologies in education is due to such features of our educational system as:

  • Early start teaching children;
  • the need to absorb a large amount of information in a short time;
  • strict requirements for the level of knowledge of students.

To achieve the goal, the teacher needs to interest the students during the lesson, to make the learning process interesting. For this purpose, interactive technologies and modern tools are widely used in educational institutions.communications.

Concept and application

Interactive learning technologies are a process of interaction between a student and a teacher, which takes place in the form of learning games and active dialogue. During such a lesson, all participants in the process are equal, and the very form of the conduct involves the active participation of each student.

An interactive lesson in a modern school develops in children such qualities as the ability to communicate and behave appropriately in conflict situations, activity in the learning process, the development of a creative approach to acquiring knowledge, and the ability to self-educate. To conduct a lesson, the teacher can use a variety of forms, such as role-playing games, discussions in large and small groups, research projects, individual work of the teacher with students.

interactive technologies
interactive technologies

Interactive technology allows you to create a comfortable learning environment for all students, regardless of innate abilities. They enable everyone to actively participate in the class and feel successful in learning the subject.

How are they conducted?

Modern pedagogy has various methods for conducting interactive lessons. The method of constructive dialogue can be called as the main one. During the lesson, students answer the question, put forward and justify their versions, can criticize and support each other's versions. This method trains the skill of proper discussion. Not only strong, but also weak students actively participate in the discussion.

interactive learning at school
interactive learning at school

Another method to make an interactive lesson interesting and informative is group learning. Using it, you can organize the work of students in pairs or in groups. For younger students, work in pairs is better, as they do not know each other well and, due to their age, are not ready to cooperate in a large team. And pair work will contribute to the formation of skills of constructive interaction between students.

Third graders and older children will benefit from group interaction in class. A group of students receives a joint task, in the process of solving which they learn to cooperate with each other, share knowledge, put forward ideas for solving the task.

Interactive learning at school with the help of games is one of the productive methods of modern education. As psychologists say, learning in the process of playing activity is much more effective than standard methods. It contributes to the rapid assimilation of the material and the development of socialization skills in children. When implementing this method, students are given a task that they actively solve in a playful way. Also, the element of competition between students organically fits into the educational activity.

Organization principles

When organizing interactive lessons, the teacher must adhere to the following basic principles:

  • it is necessary to psychologically set up your wards for active participation in the lesson: for this you can warm up, usea variety of incentive methods;
  • you need to encourage students to independently search for a solution to the problem;
  • it is imperative to create a comfortable environment for open, equal interaction of training participants;
  • the teacher should set the rules for interaction between students during an interactive lesson;
  • pupils should be provided with the necessary sources of information to solve the task.
interactive history lesson
interactive history lesson

An interactive lesson, organized in accordance with the above principles, will be not only useful, but also a memorable event for students.

Practical organization

In practice, interactive lessons consist of several stages. The first stage of such a lesson is an introduction, during which students learn what problem they need to solve and what goals to achieve. Also, the teacher should explain to the participants the rules and conditions of work in the lesson.

During the main part of the interactive lesson, the positions of the participants are clarified, they are divided into pairs or groups, and interaction between groups of students is organized. At this stage, the positions and opinions of the participants are discussed, the students receive new information from the teacher, rethink and change their positions on the issue under discussion.

The final stage of the lesson is reflection. Students discuss everything that happened in the lesson, the feelings they had, and their impressions.

Such a lesson can take place in such forms as:

  • study discussion –groups of students discuss among themselves the topics proposed by the teacher;
  • business and role-playing games;
  • case-study – case study
  • creative contests;
  • interactive presentations and other forms of lessons.


The use of interactive methods is especially relevant in the humanities. For example, an interactive English lesson will be much more productive than usual, since not only strong, but also weak students with a certain language barrier will participate and speak in the process. Using this method, it is possible to remove the language barrier from the student and instill interest in learning English. And an interactive lesson in history or literature can arouse children's interest in the subject and problems discussed in the lesson. Even lagging students will be able to gain new knowledge in the subject through discussions and discussions with classmates.

Interactive English lesson
Interactive English lesson

The use of interactive technologies in education can significantly increase the assimilation of the material, and also develops communication skills. The reason for this lies in the free and equal communication of all participants in the lesson, the active involvement of students in the process of discussing and solving problems.
