In Russia, as in many countries, there are educational programs aimed at distance learning. Few institutions provide such an opportunity to their students, but some of them that have their own Internet sites can be noted: Moscow Institute of Technology, Tomsk State University, Tula State University, Volgograd Institute of Business, Tolyatti State University and others.
Among the innovative products that began operating in 2015, Rosdistant can be noted. There are no reviews about this site from Togliatti State University yet, since it was launched relatively recently, and there were no graduates yet.
Remote learning
Distance education implies no need to travel to an educational institution. This is especially convenient for those people who need an institute diploma, but do not have the opportunity to study without of workflow.

Students can organize the learning process on their own. It is important that the subjects defined by the plan are mastered on time, which, just like in a regular institute, is called a semester.
For learning by this method, only the Internet is needed, it is desirable to have a video connection. As a rule, the distance learning system even involves defending a diploma remotely. In addition, ongoing training issues may need to be addressed.
There is also a remote contact between the teacher and students through webinars. Topics covered in online lessons can be used in the educational process as additional material.
Features of enrollment
When entering Rosdistant, the Unified State Examination (in 2015) for 2012-2015 is taken into account. If the future student graduated from school earlier, then it is necessary to pass the Unified Exam, and for applicants on the basis of the education already received, an entrance test is conducted.
In the event that there is any profile speci alty of the college, upon admission, the subjects mastered while studying at a specialized secondary educational institution are counted. Then the training period, equal to five years, is reduced by 1.5-2 years.
In addition, with successful learning, an accelerated process of obtaining knowledge is possible at the request of the student. The decision to grant such a benefit is made by the dean's office of the institute.
There are two ways to enter the institute: by transferring fromanother educational institution (in the profile speci alty) or in the usual way, having passed the entrance test to Rosdistant.
TSU accepts transfer students on the basis of an application. In the event that a student is on academic leave or expelled at a previous university, you must first recover, and then apply. As an option, submit a certificate indicating the disciplines for which the tests are affixed, but at the same time you will have to pass entrance tests, and the training will take place taking into account the disciplines already studied.
Regardless of the method of admission, you must fill out a form on the website, after which the institute's specialists contact the applicant for confirmation.

The next step is to send scanned copies of the following documents: an application that needs to be printed and filled out; passports; document on education; certificate of change of surname (if necessary). You also need to send a photo in electronic form for processing a personal file.
After that, the applicant chooses the time for passing the entrance examinations, after confirming his identity using the camera on the phone or webcam.
If the tests are passed successfully, the first semester of the educational program is paid and two copies of the contract for the provision of services are prepared in parallel. They are sent to the student in electronic form.
Educational activities
After all of the aboveyou can start learning. At the same time, one should not forget that copies of the agreement are signed by the student and sent to the institute. They are accompanied by the original documents on education and an application for admission.
After a while, the Russian Post receives the contract signed by the rector. The enrollment order, original documents and photographs are kept in the dean's office until graduation at the Rosdistant site.
Personal account, where items and other personal information are indicated, becomes available after payment. You should keep your login and password in a safe place so that third parties cannot enter the portal.

Also, when completing the educational program, all students must comply with the code of academic integrity, which assumes that students must take tests, submit work and perform other individual actions on their own, without using ready-made answers to assignments.
Disciplines that are available to students are displayed in the personal account. Three attempts are given to complete the final test in the subject, the highest score obtained during the test is taken into account.
During training, you can and even need to use additional literature, as the distance learning system involves more independent work and study of disciplines.
After graduation, when the final stage of defending the thesis has been completed, the digital version of the education document can be sent to the student foremail address. The original is sent by Russian Post. The document will indicate that the student studied at Togliatti State University, without indicating that the entire process was carried out at the Rosdistant site.
The diploma contains the following information:
- Full name student;
- full name of the institute;
- graduate degree - bachelor, specialist or master;
- the form of study is indicated as part-time;
- diploma supplement, which indicates the score obtained in the main subjects.

The current performance of the student is recorded in the electronic record book.
Directions of the "Rosdistant" project
Reviews on the specializations that are implemented at TSU can be fully attributed to the new site. Any one subject or faculty is not particularly noted, people study in different speci alties and respond positively about the university as a whole. Rosdistant, being a new version of the TSU distance education platform, is currently implementing the following areas:
1. Undergraduate:
- technosphere safety - process safety and fire safety;
- economics - accounting and auditing;
- jurisprudence - civil law, state law, criminal law faculties.
2. Masters:
- technosphere safety - fire safety management, environmental safety of processes and industries, industrial control systems,industrial and environmental safety;
- jurisprudence - legal support of state administration and local self-government; legal support of entrepreneurial activity;
- economics: accounting, analysis and audit.
Under bachelor's programs, students study from 3 to 5 years, master's programs provide for a study period of 2.5 years.
Students who enrolled before 2015 have access to a personal account at both sites. Later, all the disciplines that the educational project of the current year provides for will be transferred to Rosdistant: automotive, tourism, management, trade, construction, quality management, personnel management and other subjects, including those for studying in the master's program of the Rosdistant project.
Trial passing of tests, for example, within the framework of preparatory courses, is not provided. One attempt is given to pass the entrance examination. In order to enroll in the Faculty of Economics, applicants wishing to receive education on the basis of an existing secondary professional (SVE) or higher education (HE) pass tests in the Russian language and mathematics. If you pass the exam, then these should be tests in Russian, mathematics and social science.
The Faculty of Law involves the passage of entrance examinations on the basis of secondary vocational education or higher education in the Russian language and social science. USE subjects - Russian, history and social studies.
The Faculty of Technosphere Safety accepts students on the basis of existing education afterpassing tests in the following subjects: Russian language and mathematics, exams are passed in the following disciplines: Russian language, mathematics and physics.
jurisprudence - constitutional and municipal law; technosphere safety – fire safety.
USE Scores
Entrance tests in the Russian language at Rosdistant are held online, that is, without going to an educational institution. The results of the test are taken into account in points, and in order to pass successfully, you need to score 36 points. If this indicator is lower than required, but only in one subject, a person has the right to retake the subject in the same year.
The test for admission to "Rosdistant" (mathematics is meant) must be at least 27 points. In the event that the indicator for this subject is also unsatisfactory, the exam is taken for the next year. The graduate receives a certificate instead of a certificate.
In History and Social Studies, the passing rate is 32 and 42 points respectively.
Educational activities are organized on a paid basis, while contributions are made as follows: for the first semester, the student transfers money to the institute's account immediately, then you can pay monthly.
Free budget education is only possible with full-time education. The use of Internet technologies always involves payment.
In terms of payment, "Rosdistant" is the mosta budgetary and convenient option for higher education with a state diploma.
For those who study for a bachelor's degree, the cost today is 25,990 rubles a year. Thus, upon admission, you can pay half the price (for the first semester), and then pay the remaining amount every month in equal installments.

Future masters contribute money for education in the following amount: for the directions "Jurisprudence" and "Economics" - 29,990 rubles / year, "Technospheric safety" - 31,990 rubles / year.
The agreement on the provision of educational services, which has already been mentioned earlier, contains provisions on the procedure for the provision of services, on unilateral termination of the agreement and on the responsibility of the parties. It is necessary to carefully read the documents so that in the future there will be no unpleasant situations.
Some students, due to personal circumstances, do not have the opportunity to continue their education on a paid basis under the "Rosdistant" project. The comments of some students just relate to a misunderstanding of why debts arise if they are no longer studying at a university.
In order for the contract to avoid debt and pen alties for this amount, you must write an application for deduction of your own free will. It is advisable to close before this all the disciplines paid for in the current semester. Within 5 years, as in any other institute, the student can recover to continue his studies. Allpreviously mastered disciplines will be counted.
International students
Students living in another country can also get a Russian education. In order to apply, you need to register on the site.
Scanned educational documents and a passport issued by a foreign country must be sent electronically with their certified translations if there is no information in Russian in the diploma or identity card.
Next, the diploma goes through the nostrification procedure (recognition of foreign education). If the document is approved, the applicant is enrolled after the entrance test to the institute. The conditions for such students in the future are no different from the conditions for Russian students.
It should be noted that education documents obtained in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Mongolia, Slovenia, Armenia and Azerbaijan do not require recognition.
Documents of the University
"Rosdistant" is a new version of the site with the use of bunkers. The resource was opened not so long ago, at the beginning of 2015, however, those who studied in this way earlier have positive reviews. Yes, this is understandable - getting a higher or second higher education without leaving home is the most convenient option for learning in modern conditions of a dynamic life.
In addition, TSU has all the necessary documents - a license to conduct educational activities and a certificate of state accreditation, which indicate that the functioninguniversity approved at the federal level. They look like this.

Young people of military age can study at the university, while they receive a deferment from the army for the entire period of education. TSU has a military department, after which the student is transferred to the reserve with the rank of "lieutenant".

The University has 13 institutes in different areas. In addition to a state diploma, you can also get a European supplement to it.
TSU organizes full or part-time employment for its students, cooperating with many of the largest companies in the region, as well as with educational institutions in other countries.
A correspondence educational project using distance technologies does not provide such opportunities. However, full-time education is not for everyone, and not everyone can afford it. Most students prefer to study remotely at the Rosdistant site. The feedback that is available about the existing distance program clearly shows that the process of obtaining higher education on the job for working citizens is fully justified.