This summary was developed for grade 2 students, when children are already familiar with spelling and spelling words with “chu”, “shu”, “cha”, “scha”, “zhi”, “shi”, but the material requires fixing and processing. The exercises used in the lesson help to strengthen knowledge and develop students' critical thinking.
Goal: developing the skill of writing words using the rules "zhi - shi", "cha - scha", "chu - shu".
Organizational moment
- Hello guys, let's join hands. Say good things to your neighbor on the right to cheer him up for the day.
(Students, without releasing their hands, say compliments or wishes to each other in a circle, which contribute to creating a favorable atmosphere, helping children to relax and work at ease).
– Well done, I also wish you a great mood and a productive day.
- Listen to the riddles. The answer to each is a dictionary word that must be memorized. We write down, put the emphasis.

- On windows I draw and I blow cold. (Frost).
- Butuz grows to our joy - round green … (Watermelon).
- Hundreds of clothes, but all without fasteners. (Cabbage).
- You don't touch it - it's silent, you approach it - it grumbles. (Dog).
- A little boy in gray clothes jumps around the yard, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow).
– Well done, you did the job. Now carefully consider the words on the board, find the mistakes, correct:
Hedgehog, mice, chasy, giraffe, pike, kids
– Which words are misspelled? Prove? (Students name the rules).
– Today in the lesson we will remember and consolidate the rules for writing “zhi-shi”, “cha-scha”, “chu-shu”.
Division into groups
- And now I invite you to carefully watch the educational cartoon and answer the questions.

– Did you like the cartoon?
– What consonants does it refer to? (About sizzling).
– Why were they angry and hissing? (They were not given a choice of vowels.)
– How did they manage to reach an agreement? (The vowels saved them.)
– Why do people get confused when writing words with “cha - scha”, “chu - shu”, “zhi - shi”? (Because the sounds [w] and [w] - can never be soft, and [h '] [u '], on the contrary, are always soft, and no letter can make them harder or soften, and these letters are written according to the rules,we just need to remember them).
Group work
Teacher: "Each group is given a specific task in which you must apply the knowledge of the rules "zhi - shi", "cha - scha", "chu - shu".
Group No. 1. Compose a text from the words: "thicket, hour, hedgehog, groped, put, run, said goodbye."
"In the early morning, my friend Anton and I went for a walk in the thicket, which is not far from our village. The road took about an hour. When we entered the thicket, we immediately began looking for mushrooms and immediately found several aspen mushrooms. But suddenly Anton will scream: "Aaaaaaa! I felt something prickly!" "I looked into the grass, and there was a hedgehog sitting there. I put a mushroom on his back, because you often see this in books, and the hedgehog runs! Oh, prickly, he ran away and didn't even say goodbye."

Group number 2. Compose a short poem with the words: "biscuit, knife, I want, boil, our elders."
I wanted to eat a shortbread for me, Just took out a knife, Remembered - I want tea, Run and boil, I will give all our relatives a drink, The smallest and the oldest.
Group number 3. Draw a picture, combining the words on it: "cloud, cottage, hedgehog, lilies of the valley, car." Write all used words on the objects depicted.
Teacher: I see that you did an excellent job with the tasks and showed your imagination. Now exchange your work with groups in a circle, check how correct the task was and whethervolume, the rules “zhi-shi”, “cha-scha”, “chu-shu” are applied.
Physical Minute
We all nod our heads, Arms apart.
Like we're flapping our wings, We breathe fresh air.
One - two! One, two!
Clap, clap, kids!
Bend over really low
Hands close to the floor.
Back straight, arms down
And you sit down at the desk.
Work in a notebook
Task number 1. Write down words with "chu", "shu", "zhi", "shi", "cha", "scha" 5 for each spelling.

Task number 2. Write the text, insert the missing letters, underline the main members in any sentence.
"Our streets are very big…e. There are clouds…cars are driving around. Everything is here…vegetable and blooming. Good…our…streets!"
– Our lesson is coming to an end. What rules are we working on today? (Rules “zhi-shi”, “cha-scha”, “chu-shu”).
– What have you discovered for yourself?
– On your desks are pictures of a ladder of three steps. Draw yourself in the place where you think your level of knowledge on the topic is.

Children draw a little man on a certain step, placed on a magnetic board. Some students are invited to speak out, to explain why their choice is justified, what goals they set for themselves in the future.