Cultural speech is a sign of a truly well-mannered, pleasant person. To learn how to speak beautifully and correctly, you need to spend a lot of time. But this skill will certainly bear fruit in the future, because it is not in vain that they say "Language will bring you to Kyiv." It is necessary to be able to attract the attention of the audience and emotionally influence it not only for the professional sphere, but also for everyday life.
General criteria for correct speech
As mentioned above, such criteria as accuracy, consistency, purity, richness, expressiveness, relevance of speech are important. Let's give each of them a brief definition.

The accuracy of speech is the correct correspondence of words with the designated objects and phenomena of reality, as well as the correspondence of the generally accepted meaning of the word to its speech application.
The consistency of speech is the semantic consistency of parts in one statement, as well as the consistency of statements in the whole text.
Purity of speech is the absence of unacceptable, non-moral elements in the language.
The expressiveness of speech is its features that attract attention and interest.
The richness of speech isusing a variety of language constructs and language tools.
Relevance of speech is the correct use of language means that makes it appropriate for certain purposes and conditions.
Today we will talk about the last criterion in maximum detail.
Relevance of speech is important
Every person needs to know in what situation, how and what is better to say. Also here plays a role and expressiveness of speech. Relevance goes hand in hand with it, because each situation needs its own vocabulary and language figures. The less stereotyped a person thinks, the brighter his speech.

The appropriateness of speech is, firstly, compliance with the topic of the conversation, its content and emotional parts. It is sometimes difficult to adequately apply language tools, but this skill is developed with practice. The relevance of speech is, secondly, the ability to determine the type of listeners and how they perceive information better.
Types of appropriate speech
The appropriateness of speech is of several kinds. They stand out relatively:
1) style;
2) context;
3) situations;
4) personality and psychology.

Style appropriateness refers to individual words, phrases, constructions. Each style has its own characteristics that determine the appropriateness of speech. Examples may be the following: "Universitetskaya Street, how can I get through?", "She thought and said." The second proposal inartistic style would look like this: "The girl, after thinking for a while, said." The stylistic difference between sentences of the same meaning is immediately visible.
Every person at least once in his life has encountered the fact that the same phrase or whole sentence can have a different meaning depending on the context. Style and context as criteria are very similar to each other, but there is a distinctive feature between them. Sometimes it happens that a particular language feature may not be appropriate for a style, but in a particular context it will be appropriate. Verbal nouns are a prime example of this situation. Business and scientific speech is unthinkable without them, while in other styles they already cut the ear. But sometimes in everyday speech in a certain context, verbal nouns are used very appropriately.
The accuracy and relevance of speech in certain situations are sometimes highlighted at individual levels of the language. This means that at a lecture at a university you should use words from scientific vocabulary, at business meetings you should adhere to an official business style, etc.
The personality and psychology of the interlocutor also come into play when considering the appropriateness of speech. For example, if you see that a person does not have time to process what you tell him, you should slow down the pace of speech or express yourself in simpler words. Some people, on the contrary, do not like slow speech.
Purity of speech
Pure speech is a speech in which there are no unusual language elements, language norms (stylistic and usage) are observed. To betterto understand what speech is pure, just remember the direct meaning of this word, and you will understand everything.

Pure speech is speech without verbal garbage. Both purity and appropriateness of speech create a favorable impression of a person.
What pollutes speech?
There are several categories of words that reduce the clarity of speech. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

1. Dialectisms are words and verbal expressions that are characteristic of the inhabitants of a certain area. Dialectisms can be associated with vocabulary, ethnography, semantics, phonetics, etc. For example, the South Russian dialect is characterized by such words as buryak - beets, gutorit - speak, etc. Dialectisms also have a positive role, reflecting the originality and uniqueness of different regions of Russia, but at a higher level, simplify speech.
2. Barbarisms are foreign words that are unnecessarily included in speech. Situations often occur that the used foreign word has an analogue in the Russian language, but due to the emerging fashion for inclusions, a lot of controversy arises among the defenders of the Russian language. Yes, sometimes new terms from other languages come and become stronger, as they denote emerging phenomena and objects, but when instead of "art" they say "art" everywhere, this is already an encroachment on the purity of the language.
3. Jargonisms are words from the vocabulary of people united by interests, territory or occupation. In professional usejargon is justified, but their transfer to everyday speech is considered unacceptable, as it hurts the ear.
4. Vulgarisms are rude words and expressions that go beyond the limits of the Russian literary language. There is nothing special to say here, because for everyday speech this is simply an unacceptable manner of communication. Only artists have the right to use vulgarisms to convey the characters of their heroes.
5. Parasitic words are words, particles, expressions that clutter up the statement and make it difficult to perceive the meaning of what was said. The most common parasites are "well", "in short", "type", "in general", etc.
Many psychological books say that in order to be able to communicate with people, you need to speak correctly, clearly, learn empathy. And it's true, people with this skill open many doors to move forward!