Humanity could not make today's progress without the possibility of verbal communication with each other. Speech is our we alth. The ability to communicate with people of both their own and other nationalities has allowed countries to come to the current level of civilization.
Alien speech
Besides one's own words, there is such a thing as "foreign speech". These are statements that do not belong to the author, but are included in the general conversation. The words of the author himself are also called someone else's speech, but only those phrases that he spoke either in the past or plans to say in the future. Mental, the so-called "inner speech", also refers to someone else's. It can be oral or written.

As an example, let's take a quote from Mikhail Bulgakov's book "Master and Margarita": "Do you think?" Berlioz whispered anxiously, and he himself thought: "But he's right!"
Transmission of someone else's speech
Over time, special ways of transmitting someone else's speech appeared in the language:
- Direct speech.
- Indirect speech.
- Dialogue.
- Quote.
Direct speech
If we consider the ways of transmitting someone else's speech, then this one is intended for verbatim reproduction of the form and content of the conversation.
The constructions of direct speech consist of two parts - these are the words of the author and, in fact, direct speech. The structure of these structures may be different. So, how can there be ways of transmitting someone else's speech? Examples:
Author's words come first, followed by direct speech
Masha entered the hotel room, looked around, and then turned to Kolya and said: “Great room! I would even live here.”
Here first comes direct speech, and only then the words of the author
"Great room! I would even live here," said Masha Kolya when she entered the hotel room.
The third method allows you to alternate direct speech with the words of the author
"Great room! - Masha admired when she entered the hotel room. Then she turned to Kolya: - I would stay here to live."
Indirect speech
Third person speech can be conveyed in a variety of ways. One of them is the use of indirect speech. Indirect speech is a complex sentence with an explanatory clause. Thus, the transmission of someone else's speech can be carried out. Examples:
Masha told Kolya that the hotel room is excellent, and she would even stay in it.
They greeted each other, and Andrei told Mikhail Viktorovich that he was very glad to see him.
Means of communication
What union or allied word to connect the main andthe subordinate clause in indirect speech is called the choice of means of communication. It depends on the original sentence and on the purpose of the statement. The message can be narrative, motivating or interrogative.
- In a declarative sentence, the conjunctions “what”, “as if”, or “as if” are most often used. For example: A student said: "I will speak at a seminar with a report on the environmental problems of the region." / The student said that he would make a presentation at the seminar on the environmental problems of the region.
- In the imperative sentence, the conjunction "to" is used. For example: The principal of the school ordered: "Take part in the city exhibition." / The principal of the school ordered that they take part in the city exhibition.
- In an interrogative sentence, the means of communication can be a relative pronoun, the particle "whether", or double particles "whether…whether". For example: Students asked the teacher: “When do you need to take a term paper in your subject?” / The students asked the teacher when they would need to take the course.

In indirect speech, it is customary to use pronouns and verbs from the position of the speaker. When sentences are translated from direct speech into indirect speech, the word order is often changed in them, and the loss of individual elements is also noted. Most often these are interjections, particles or introductory words. For example: “Tomorrow, maybe it will be quite cold,” my friend said. / My friend suggested that it would be very cold tomorrow.
Improper direct speech
Considering waystransmission of someone else's speech, one should also mention such a phenomenon as improperly direct speech. This concept includes both direct and indirect speech. An utterance of this kind preserves, in whole or in part, both the syntactic and lexical features of speech, and conveys the manner of the speaker.

Its main feature is the transmission of narration. This is from the perspective of the author, not the character himself.
For example: "She paced the room, not knowing what to do. Well, how to explain to her brother that it was not she who told her parents everything. They won't tell about it themselves. But who would believe her! How many times she betrayed his tricks, and then … We need to come up with something."
Another way to convey someone else's speech is dialogue. This is a conversation between several people, expressed in direct speech. It consists of replicas, that is, the transmission of the words of each participant in the conversation without changing them. Each spoken phrase is connected with others in structure and meaning, and punctuation marks do not change when transmitting someone else's speech. The dialogue may contain the words of the author.

For example:
– Well, how do you like our number? Kolya asked.
– Great room! Masha answered him. – I would even live here.
Types of dialogues
There are several basic types of dialogues. They convey the conversations of people with each other and, like a conversation, can be of a different nature.
Dialogue may consist of questions and answers tothem:
– Great news! When will the concert take place? Vika asked.
– In a week, on the seventeenth. He will be there at six o'clock. You should definitely go, you won't regret it!

Sometimes the speaker is interrupted in mid-sentence. In this case, the dialogue will consist of unfinished phrases that the interlocutor continues:
– And at that time our dog started to bark loudly…
– Ah, I remembered! You were still wearing a red dress then. Yes, we had a great time that day. Will have to do it again sometime.
In some dialogues, the speakers' remarks complement and continue the general idea. They talk about one common subject:
– Let's save some more money and we can already buy a small house, - said the father of the family.
– Yes, somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the city center. Better on its outskirts. Or even in the suburbs, closer to nature, forest, fresh air, - his mother picked up his thought.
– And I'll have my own room! I must have my own room! And doggy! We're getting a dog, aren't we, Mom? asked seven-year-old Anya.
– Of course. Who else can guard our house? her mother answered her.

Sometimes conversations may agree or refute each other's statements:
“I called her today,” he told his sister, “I think she felt bad. The voice is weak and hoarse. Got really sick.
– No, she's better already, – the girl answered. -The temperature subsided, and the appetite appeared. He will recover soon.
This is how the main forms of the dialogue look. But do not forget that we do not communicate only in one style. During a conversation, we combine various phrases, situations. Therefore, there is also a complex form of dialogue that contains various combinations of it.
When a student is asked: "Name the ways of transmitting someone else's speech", he most often recalls the concepts of direct and indirect speech, as well as quotes. Quotations are verbatim reproductions of the statements of a certain person. They quote phrases in order to clarify, confirm or refute someone's thought.
Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Quote as a way of conveying someone else's speech helps to demonstrate one's own education, and sometimes drive the interlocutor into a dead end. Most people know that certain phrases were once uttered by someone, but they don’t know who those people were. When using quotes, you need to be sure of their authorship.
In closing
There are various ways to convey someone else's speech. The main ones are direct and indirect speech. There is also a way that includes both of these concepts - this is improperly direct speech. A conversation between two or more people is called a dialogue. And this is also the transmission of someone else's speech. And, to quote Socrates: "The only true wisdom is realizing that we essentially know nothing."