The most famous Russian historians

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The most famous Russian historians
The most famous Russian historians

The history of the Russian people is part of the world, so the importance of studying it is clear to everyone. A person who knows the history of his people can adequately navigate in the modern space and competently respond to emerging difficulties. Russian historians help to study the science that tells about the affairs of past centuries. Let's take a closer look at those who played a significant role in scientific research in this area.

First chronicles

While there was no written language, historical knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth. And different peoples had such legends.

When writing appeared, events began to be recorded in chronicles. Experts believe that the first sources date back to the X-XI centuries. Older writings have not been preserved.

The first surviving chronicle belongs to the monk of the Kiev-Pechora monastery Nikon. The most complete work created by Nestor is The Tale of Bygone Years (1113).

Of course, these works cannot yet be considered scientific, but thanks to them, the first stones were laid in the foundation of the historical science of the Russian state.

Later, the "Chronograph" appeared, compiled by the monk Philotheus at the end of the 15th-beginning of the 16th century. The document provides an overview of world history and outlines the role of Moscow in particular and Russia inoverall.

Of course, history is not just a presentation of events, science is faced with the task of comprehending and explaining historical turns.

The emergence of history as a science: Vasily Tatishchev

The formation of historical science in Russia began in the 18th century. At that time, the Russian people were trying to realize themselves and their place in the world.

Vasily Tatishchev is considered the first Russian historian. This is an outstanding thinker and politician of those years. The years of his life are 1686-1750. Tatishchev was a very gifted person, and he managed to make a successful career under Peter I. After participating in the Northern War, Tatishchev was engaged in state affairs. In parallel, he collected historical chronicles and put them in order. After his death, a 5-volume work was published, on which Tatishchev worked throughout his life, - “Russian History”.

In his work, Tatishchev established the cause-and-effect relationships of the events taking place, based on the annals. The thinker is rightfully considered the ancestor of Russian history.

Historians of Russia
Historians of Russia

Mikhail Shcherbatov

Russian historian Mikhail Shcherbatov also lived in the 18th century, he was a member of the Russian Academy.

Shcherbatov was born into a we althy noble family. This man possessed encyclopedic knowledge. He created "Russian History from Ancient Times".

Scientists of later eras criticize Shcherbatov's research, accusing him of some haste in writing and gaps in knowledge. Indeed, Shcherbatov began to study history already when he began to work on writing it.

HistoryShcherbatova was not in demand among her contemporaries. Catherine II considered him completely devoid of talent.

Famous Russian Historians
Famous Russian Historians

Nikolai Karamzin

Among Russian historians, Karamzin occupies a leading position. The writer's interest in science was formed in 1790. Alexander I appointed him a historiographer.

Karamzin throughout his life worked on the creation of the "History of the Russian State". This book introduced the story to a wide range of readers. Since Karamzin was more of a writer than a historian, in his work he worked on the beauty of expressions.

The main idea of Karamzin's "History" was reliance on autocracy. The historian concluded that only with the strong power of the monarch, the country prospers, and with its weakening, it falls into decay.

Modern historians of Russia
Modern historians of Russia

Konstantin Aksakov

Among the outstanding historians of Russia and famous Slavophiles, Konstantin Aksakov, born in 1817, takes his place of honor. His works promoted the idea of the opposite paths of the historical development of Russia and the West.

He was the author of a dissertation on the significance of Lomonosov's personality in the history of Russian culture. He studied the life of the ancient Slavs.

Aksakov was positive about the return to traditional Russian roots. All his activities called for precisely this - a return to the roots. Aksakov himself grew a beard and wore a kosovorotka and a murmolka. Criticized Western fashion.

Aksakov did not leave a single scientific work, but his numerous articles becamesignificant contribution to Russian history. Also known as the author of philological works. He preached freedom of speech. He believed that the ruler should hear the opinion of the people, but is not obliged to accept it. On the other hand, people do not need to interfere in government affairs, but need to focus on their moral ideals and spiritual development.

Russian historians list
Russian historians list

Nikolay Kostomarov

Another Russian historian who worked in the 19th century. He was a friend of Taras Shevchenko, had an acquaintance with Nikolai Chernyshevsky. He worked as a professor at Kiev University. Published "Russian history in the biographies of its leaders" in several volumes.

The significance of Kostomarov's work in Russian historiography is enormous. He promoted the idea of folk history. Kostomarov studied the spiritual development of Russians, this idea was supported by scientists of later eras.

A circle of public figures formed around Kostomarov, who romanticized the idea of nationality. According to the report, all members of the circle were arrested and punished.

Great historians of Russia
Great historians of Russia

Sergey Solovyov

One of the most famous Russian historians of the 19th century. Professor, and later rector of Moscow University. For 30 years he worked on the "History of Russia". This outstanding work has become the pride of not only the scientist himself, but also the historical science of Russia.

All collected material was studied by Solovyov with sufficient completeness necessary for scientific work. In his work, he drew the reader's attention to the internalfilling the historical vector. The originality of Russian history, according to the scientist, was in a certain delay in development - in comparison with the West.

Soloviev himself admitted to his ardent Slavophilism, which cooled down a bit when he studied the historical development of the country. The historian advocated the reasonable abolition of serfdom and the reform of the bourgeois system.

In his scientific work, Solovyov supported the reforms of Peter I, thereby moving away from the ideas of the Slavophiles. Over the years, Solovyov's views shifted from liberal to conservative. Late in his life, the historian supported an enlightened monarchy.

the first historian of Russia
the first historian of Russia

Vasily Klyuchevsky

Continuing the list of historians of Russia, it should be said about Vasily Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) He worked as a professor at Moscow University. Considered a talented lecturer. Many students attended his lectures.

Klyuchevsky was interested in the basics of folk life, studied folklore, wrote down proverbs and sayings. The historian is the author of a course of lectures that has received worldwide recognition.

Klyuchevsky studied the essence of the complex relations between peasants and landowners, paid great attention to this idea. Klyuchevsky's ideas were accompanied by criticism, however, the historian did not enter into polemics on these topics. He said that he expresses his subjective opinion on many issues.

On the pages of the "Kurs" Klyuchevsky gave many brilliant descriptions of historical figures and key moments in Russian history.

prominent Russian historians
prominent Russian historians


Speaking of the great historians of Russia, it is worth remembering Sergei Platonov (1860-1933) He was an academician, university lecturer.

Platonov developed Sergei Solovyov's ideas about counteracting the tribal and state principles in the development of Russia. He saw the cause of modern misfortune in the coming to power of the nobility.

Sergei Platonov became famous thanks to his published lectures and a history textbook. He assessed the October Revolution from a negative point of view.

For hiding important historical documents from Stalin, Platonov was arrested along with friends who had anti-Marxist views.

famous Russian historians
famous Russian historians

Our time

If we talk about modern historians of Russia, we can name the following figures:

  • Artemy Artsikhovsky is a professor at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, author of works on ancient Russian history, founder of the Novgorod expedition of archaeologists.
  • Stepan Veselovsky - a student of Klyuchevsky, returned from exile in 1933, worked as a professor and lecturer at Moscow State University, studied anthroponymy.
  • Viktor Danilov - took part in World War II, studied the history of the Russian peasantry, was awarded the Solovyov Gold Medal for his outstanding contribution to the study of history.
  • Nikolai Druzhinin - an outstanding Soviet historian, studied the Decembrist movement, the post-reform village, the history of peasant farms.
  • Boris Rybakov - historian and archaeologist of the XX century, studied the culture and life of the Slavs, was engaged in excavations.
  • RuslanSkrynnikov, a professor at St. Petersburg University, a specialist in the history of the 16th-17th centuries, studied the oprichnina and the politics of Ivan the Terrible.
  • Mikhail Tikhomirov is an academician of Moscow University, studied the history of Russia, explored numerous social and economic topics.
  • Lev Cherepnin - Soviet historian, academician of Moscow University, studied the Russian Middle Ages, created his own school and made an important contribution to Russian history.
  • Serafim Yushkov - Professor of Moscow State University and Leningrad State University, historian of state and law, participated in discussions on Kievan Rus, studied its system.

So, we have examined the most famous Russian historians who have devoted a significant part of their lives to science.
