There are many subtleties in life. Let this simple thought be the prologue to our conversation. And today we are talking about nuances - these are, as you know, various details.

An explanatory dictionary is an absolutely wonderful and irreplaceable thing, especially when you need to clarify a particular meaning of a word. The object of study is no exception, we will not rely on chance and subjective interpretations. Everything about us is scientific. Therefore, we responsibly declare that a nuance is “a shade, a barely noticeable transition in color, sound, and also a subtle difference in something in general.” By the way, this word came to us from French in the 19th century. In the language of Baudelaire and Hugo, the definition means the same as in Russian - “shade”.
The most interesting thing is that a noun rarely refers directly to color. We think that few people even think about the fact that it was originally about color. When talking about nuances, they mean a variety of small, elusive details. For example, they hire a person and describe the picture only in a general way, and when he asks about something specific, he is told: “Well, these are the nuances, you will get used to it along the way.” Then, of course, it turns out that the devil is hiding in these very details, but this is as always. Sothe nuances are extremely important.
To expand the vocabulary, and at the same time to understand the meaning of the word "nuance", its substitutions will help. Consider the list, then comment:
- subtlety;
- detail;
- difference;
- feature.
The word is a book, so there are not so many replacements, but they are. The object of study, no doubt, is good and beautiful, but if the situation does not favor such frills, it is better to replace it with something simpler and more everyday. Sometimes too pretty is also bad.
Spelling and need for reading

We hope that the answer to the question of how to spell "nuance" will not surprise anyone, because, in fact, the definition is written that way. Usually the pseudo-rule “as I hear, so I write” harms and gives rise to unimaginable and absurd errors, but in this case it will be of invaluable help, because it is impossible to write the noun under study in any other way. Don't believe? Practice. You can say "nuance" or else "nuance". Yes, perhaps the last pronunciation is possible, but new is “new” in English. But this is not about novelty, but about the study of the details of what already exists. In other words, the main thing here is to do without extra letters in the word when speaking out loud, and then, perhaps, this rule will work.
You can also try to compose and write a number of sentences with the noun "nuance", this should help. It becomes familiar, and the person will firmly remember the correct spelling. In this sense, whatever one may say, it is useful to read books. That,who reads, remembers the correct spelling of words and then rarely makes mistakes, even if he does not remember exactly this or that rule. True, such a principle is good for Russian spelling, but bad for Russian punctuation, here it is better not to rely on the inner feeling and voice, but to check yourself against various reference books.
Attention to detail is the key to success

Remember the wonderful film Forgotten Melody for Flute (1987)? There was the song "Farewell of the bureaucrat with the cabinet", which was brilliantly performed by Valentin Gaft. And at the very end of it there is the phrase "acceleration victim". Here we are victims of acceleration. Now the result was needed yesterday. Therefore, no one has time for anything. But such a drive, which suits us with reality, is good only when hunting for fleas. And, even despite the supersonic speeds, a person is still not allowed to be careless. A special place in modernity is occupied by a detail. A nuance is something that clearly demonstrates the class and level of performance, and it does not matter at all what a person is doing in the end: whether he plays football or drives a train. A high professional is distinguished by attention to detail. By the way, a rich vocabulary is also an important detail of any educated person, so it must be constantly replenished.