How do you spell applause? Meaning, interpretation: remember the spelling

How do you spell applause? Meaning, interpretation: remember the spelling
How do you spell applause? Meaning, interpretation: remember the spelling

Today we'll talk about what is familiar to an artist, while others are either embarrassed or amazed. In the zone of special attention is the question of how to spell "applause".


how to spell applause
how to spell applause

Understanding is one of the key elements of any knowledge. Accordingly, the more information, the fewer mistakes can be made. A person will never make a mistake in what he knows well. So let's start from the beginning.

The word came to us from French in the second third of the 19th century. There is also the Latin applaudire, which means "to clap something." It is interesting that the noun considered today has been known since 1835, and the related verb "to applaud" came into use earlier. Dictionaries indicate that this happened already in the 60s of the XVIII century, and it was officially recognized, that is, listed in dictionaries, only in 1803.

By the way, we still need the verb, so all this is directly related to the question of how to spell "applause".


how to spell applause
how to spell applause

From the etymological dictionary we pass to the explanatory one. The latter contains the followingmeaning: "Applause in approval or greeting."

The dictionary is a serious book, so it does not contain what often happens in everyday life - ironic applause. This is especially true in team sports, when players, for example, in football, applaud the referee as a sign of “high” appreciation of his work. But this happens not only in sports.

Like any action, applause (as it is written, we will analyze further) can express different emotions. They can be sincere or polite, stormy or quiet. In other words, they can express the whole range of human experiences. True, there is one condition: for the audience to demonstrate one emotion with applause, it must be a prepared audience. More often, of course, this does not happen. For example, at a concert, if the audience does not like it, then it does not clap. Unless the artist is not in shape, and his people feel sorry for various reasons. But this is rare.

Regardless of the answer to the question of how to spell correctly - applause means one thing: if you applaud, then the number was a success.


how to spell applause
how to spell applause

Sometimes it is necessary to replace one or the other word. Therefore, analogues are never redundant. Excess is not a deficiency. Consider what are the options for replacing our object of study:

  • clapping;
  • furore;
  • ovation;
  • applause;
  • warm welcome.

Here are not only full-fledged synonyms, such as "clapping", "ovation", "applause", but also semanticanalogues - "furore" and "warm welcome". The last two definitions, of course, are broader in their content of the object of study.

The noun "fruits" and the same root verb

Perhaps this is the main section if we still want to answer the question of how to spell applause. Uncomplicated methods of mental dismemberment of the word will help the reader to firmly remember the correct spelling. The problem of the object of study is that the stress falls on the suffix "isment", on the letter "e". So the rest of the vowels are suspect. Remember, we analyzed the single-root verb? Now we need his help to remove suspicion from the letter "and" in the word "applause." Everything is very simple. In the verb "to applaud" she is under stress. It must be remembered that the same vowel is written in the related noun, although the suffixes are different.

As for the letter "a", then one story will come to the rescue. To remember how the word "applause" is spelled, imagine: two people are talking, and one asks the other:

- Will there be fruit?

- Are you talking about applause? Of course there will be, what a conversation.

The secret is that an emotional, figurative connection is clearer and simpler than a semantic and grammatical connection. But if a person is logical in his warehouse, then let him not be confused by the vowel “a” at the beginning of the word, since it is a full-fledged element of the root of the word, and not a prefix. As you know, there is no prefix "a" in Russian. And of course, history is good only as a memorization technique, an auxiliary tool, but it cannot replace reading and learning the rules. Yes, it's boring and sometimes difficultbut inevitable.

Loud applause is a symbol of success

thunderous applause
thunderous applause

Back to what was discussed above. Applause can express different emotions. When children play a school play, parents in the audience can clap in support of their children, regardless of the quality of the performance. But usually, after all, stormy applause suggests that the audience appreciates the spectacle. It is one thing for parents who are interested in the psychological comfort of their children and spare them, even if the game does not work out, and another is for an audience randomly gathered to a concert where their favorite plays. Yes, there is another option of pity for an idol, but this is rare, because money is hard to come by, and only out of mercy a person will not vote with a ruble for someone who has already gone into circulation and gives the viewer or listener an unusable product.

And the figures of show business themselves, feeling the approaching creative old age, often go into the shadows, because they understand: applause does not shine for them. If life after the scene? Of course, and it is extremely diverse in forms, but a real artist still misses the applause.
