How do you spell "stress resistant"? Meaning, spelling and interpretation

How do you spell "stress resistant"? Meaning, spelling and interpretation
How do you spell "stress resistant"? Meaning, spelling and interpretation

There are some words that have already set the teeth on edge, they are so often pronounced: “self-realization”, “success”, “stress resistance”, “social skills”. But despite this, we must know how to write them. By the way, it is here that they are written correctly, without errors. Today we have one object of study, we will leave the rest of the nouns until better times. The answer to the question: “How do you spell “stress-resistant?”, Waits for the reader ahead.

What does the term mean?

stress resistant as spelled
stress resistant as spelled

The need for the correct spelling of the word "stress resistance" and its derivatives came to us not so long ago, along with the need to create a resume. The current generation of thirty-year-olds already hardly remembers the Soviet Union, but for some reason it seems that there was no summary, which means that the question: “How to spell stress-resistant?”

But new times require fresh solutions, therefore, you need to find out the meaning of the word before solving its dilemmaspelling.

Stress-resistant - this one who does not panic in difficult situations, maintains composure and continues to calmly carry out his duties. By the way, despite the fact that you will probably not find a single resume without this wonderful characteristic, in reality, only a few have this quality. This, of course, is about service personnel, and not about the upper echelons of any organization. Stress resistance, as a natural trait, is rare, but some manage to train it. For example, a person gets to work early, where this quality is almost formed by itself. The rest of the candidates use the adjective that interests us only because of the tradition that we have already formed. We hope that girls know how to spell "stress-resistant". Otherwise, even somehow embarrassing for them. But let's leave that and move on to the main topic.


how to spell stress resistant
how to spell stress resistant

In order not to make mistakes in spelling the word, you need to know that it is formed from the addition of the English word stress, which means "overload, effort, pressure", and the Russian word "stability", and between them lies the letter "o”, which serves as a connection between definitions from different languages. Since the noun "stress resistance" is written this way and nothing else, then all derivatives from it, too. Our object of study also falls into this series. Yes, an important addition. We are dealing with tracing paper from English when forming a word, and if so, then you just need to remember that in English stress is written withtwo "s" that have successfully migrated to our language.

Remember this, and the question: “How do you spell stress-resistant?” will disappear by itself.

Michael Corleone is a man without nerves

stress-resistant person
stress-resistant person

In the first part of the legendary saga "The Godfather" (1972) there is an episode that is the best way to illustrate our today's topic. When Sollozzo cleared the hospital where Vito Corleone was lying from the guards, Michael came there and dragged his father to a safer place. Just at the same time, Enzo the confectioner came to visit Don Vito. The youngest son of the head of the mafia told Enzo that now there will be big trouble here. The confectioner volunteered to help. They stood on the porch of the hospital and pretended to be guards. The killers quickly assessed the situation and did not attack. After the car with the mercenaries drove by, Enzo took out cigarettes from the pack and tried to light it, but nothing came of it: his hands were shaking badly. Michael grabbed the lighter from the Confectioner, and at that moment he looked with surprise at his hands, which did not shake at all, he was absolutely calm. Therefore, if you need an example of a stress-resistant person, then remember Michael Corleone. This ability is a key quality if a man or woman wants to achieve their goals. Emotions interfere with thinking. Moreover, judging by various philosophical and artistic books, the problem is quite old. In the Strugatsky brothers, for example, one of the characters in the story "The Far Rainbow" notices that the perfect person is not a person, but a combination of a machine and a living organism. The mostthe main problem that such an organism removes is emotions.

Therefore, half the battle is to answer the question of how the word "stress-resistant" is spelled, you also need not to be nervous in vain.
