"Early spring came unexpectedly, silver streams ran along the loose paths. Winged wanderers returned from distant lands, these feathered workers build their nests tirelessly."
The spring picture conveyed by this text makes us remember the rules for writing double consonants.

Double consonants in loanwords
If the spelling of doubled consonants in a word cannot be checked in any way, then they are called double. These words are to be remembered. As required by this rule, we memorize the double consonant words below.
1. Some proper names: Alla, Anna, Vassa, Inessa, Ella, Rimma, Cyril, Savva.
2. Borrowed words: terrace, ton, effect, tennis, repression, program, column, correspondent, assembly, alley, ball, etc.
3. Some native Russian words: Russia, burns, buzzes, yeast, quarrel.
4. In all wordswhich are cognate with the above.

Differences in words with different numbers of consonants
When some words have one consonant and others have double consonants, the rules are:
1. If the root of the words differs in the number of consonants, then these are most likely different words with different lexical meanings:
- ton - a measure of weight, tone - the case form of the word tone - a shade of sound or color;
- cashier - a device for storing money, touch - connection at any point;
- point - a unit of assessment, a ball - an evening of relaxation with dancing.
Sample sentences:
- A ton of coal has already been loaded onto the ship.
- Igor has never heard such a pure tone.
- The box office is closed today.
- The touch was weak.
- I got a high score on the exam.
- Natalia was invited to the ball.
2. There are cases when the number of identical letters does not affect the lexical meaning of words: Alla - Alka, crystal - crystal, art - skillful, correspondent - junkor, column - column, Finn - Finnish, ton - five tons.

No doubled consonants
If you take, for example, the word "aluminum", then it has one letter "l". Remember words that don't have double consonants. Example words:
- apartments;
- balustrade;
- gallery;
- humanist, humanistic;
- decibel;
- dealer, dealer;
- amateur, amateurish;
- drama, dramatic, dramatic;
- imitation, imitate;
- corridor, corridor;
- midget;
- producer, producer.
Word hyphenation with double consonants
Usually words are carried by syllables: ma-shi-na. The rules for hyphenation of double consonants are as follows:
- Part of the word with one consonant remains on one line, and part of the word with the second consonant is transferred to another: column-na, tone-na, Al-la, Russia.
- Transfer words with doubled consonants, if possible, in a place where there is no doubled consonant: art, terra-sa, corres-pondent.

Unfortunately, even adults sometimes make mistakes, well, or don't know how to properly transfer such words. So that embarrassment does not happen to you, let's discuss in which cases the transfer of words with double consonants is unacceptable. Examples:
- all-ee;
- te-race;
- art.
In addition, the double consonant hyphenation rules prohibit hyphenation of words with one vowel sound: class, score, burns.
At the junction of morphemes
When the end of a prefix and the beginning of a root, the end of a root and the beginning of a suffix, or the suffix is the same letter, double consonants appear. The rules dictate this spelling:
- permanent;
- fearless;
- selfless;
- toothless;
- lawless;
- to provoke;
- open;
- story;
- get furious;
- pick it up;
- dissect;
- dry;
- chill;
- anticipation;
- submit;
- pry up;
- thaw;
- outflow;
- beat;
- enter,
- up;
- entrusted;
- art;
- Russian;
- sailor;
- Novocherkassk;
- picture;
- vintage;
- true;
- cardboard;
- cup holder;
- windowsill;
- supporter;
- wanderer;
- chosen one;
- pickpocket;
- raspberries;
- aspen.
Double consonants appear when adding abbreviated stems:
- head doctor;
- maternity hospital.

In adjective suffixes
In Russian, one of the most complex orthograms is one and two letters H in suffixes that occur in words of different parts of speech. Consider the spelling -n- and -nn- in adjectives. And the table will help us in this.
Double consonants. Rules for adjectives | |
N | НН |
-in-: wasp, eagle, falcon; -an-(-yan-): linen, leather; |
-onn-: station, lecture; -enn-: cranberry, straw; |
There are several exceptions to this rule: windy (windless), glass, tin, wood.
Special mentionwords that are formed without a suffix:
- pork;
- mutton;
- young;
- crimson;
- blue;
- green.
In participle suffixes
To apply the rule correctly, words with double consonant-participles must be distinguished from adjectives. They are formed from verbs:
- come out - well-worn;
- paint - painted;
- write - written;
- exile - exiled;
- to wish - desired;
- buy - bought;
- extirpate - eradicated;
- elect - elected;
- hot - red-hot;
- roast - fried;
- wake up - awakened;
- delimit - delimited;
- print - printed;
- draw - drawn;
- interrogate - polled;
- grab - seized.
Spelling doubled consonants. Rule for participles with one letter N | |
Rule | Examples |
In short participles | All tasks completed. |
In imperfect participles without dependent words and prefixes | Painted bench. |
Spelling double consonants with two letters N | |
Rule | Examples |
There are attachments | Spread tables. |
There are dependent words | Bench painted yesterday. |
Words to remember: unknown, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unread.
In adverb suffixes
In adverbs, the same amount of H is written as in the generating word. This is the simplest rule. Words with double consonants with this spelling exist in Russian along with those that are written with one letter:
- sincere - sincerely;
- accidental - inadvertently;
- beautiful - wonderful;
- interesting - interesting.

Now that the topic "Double consonants" has been studied, the rules are familiar and clear, you can check how high the level of assimilation of the educational material is.
1. Which word is spelled wrong?
A. Score. B. Group. B. Class. G. Alley. D. Gallery.
2. What is the answer to the question: “How to transfer a word?” be correct?
A. Leave both letters on the line.
B. Leave one letter on the line and move the other.
B. Both letters must be moved to the next line.
3. Answer: is it possible to check double consonants?
A. Must check.
B. No, you need to remember.
4. Which word does not have a double, but a doubled consonant?
A. Saturday. B. Telegram. B. Story. G. Hockey.
5. What is the word for LJ? Write it _
- bra…biting liquid;
- zarebe…aloiron;
- pass…press across the bridge;
- annoying and…burning;
- ra…reap the trap;
- ra..complaining mom;
- you…wife earth;
- vye…zhan horse;
- vi…a squeezing baby.
6. One or two letters are missing in brackets:
beech a(l/ll) her, TV(n/nn) ante(n/nn) a, dra(m/mm) atic ko(l/ll) iziya, friendly ko(l/ll) ektive, interesting play (s / ss) a, capturing (n / nn) te (r / rr) itory, (s / ss) squabbling with friends, old dro (f / ss) and, show gu (m / mm) anism, crystal (l / ll) honesty, file a (p / pp) e (l / ll) ation, a (l / ll) yuminium alloy, inventive claim (s / ss) creation, a (k / kk) nicely decompose, interactively (l / ll) talk authentically, go to the opera (t / tt) y, ma (s / ss) onskaya box, I’m fond of be (l / ll) ethristics, a (n / pp) etitny pie, art (n / nn) th ha (l / ll) here.
Assignments in GIA format
1. What sentences contain words that are spelled with double consonants?
- The snow is already melting.
- The shores are…melting in spring.
- The sun is…pitifully eating away the snowdrifts.
- Rays be…pitifully burning yellowed fields.
- Streams and..dry.
- Travelers wandered along the road along…holding each other.
- Everyone r..sit around the fire.
2. Which sentences contain words with two H's?
- It's a pleasure to walk with a full bucket along a barely visible path to the hut.
- He liked everything here and delighted him: how large drops flopped, breaking from the leaves of trees, how peaceful…oh, the fire crackled and the forest land smelled breathtakingly.
- Grandmacollected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing mysteries … properties.
- His tanned face was furrowed…about deep wrinkles.
- The owner was speaking uncommonly…oh tenderly while talking to the pigeons.
- We approach the house and see that the gate is wide open: it is clapping from the wind, and the heck is torn off … ah.
- The next day the gate was more beautiful…ah, its hinges are greased…s.
- In the park at the very entrance of a tree…there is a bench.
- There were new dig posts near the bench..s.
- Waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly…about crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
- The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail down.
- Grandmother was sitting at the table, silent and slow…oh chewing bread.
- The dog was huge, with a big head and lion paws.
- He was wearing faded, impossibly wide canvas…pants.
- Posters were put up…s all over the city.
- Everyone left, and only the clumsy faces of lackeys flickered in the corridors.
- There was a table in the center of the room, covered with a cloth…oh gold tablecloth.
3. Choose the sentences that correctly indicate the numbers in the place of which HH are missing.
- On the table are (1) a lot of vases with flowers and a throw (2) and a bunch of branches, so that the dishes stand, as if in a sacrament (3) more often. (3)
- At the end of the nineteenth century, the variable filling thermometer was invented. Behind such a wise (2) name was a device intended (3) for measuring temperature in a small interval. (1, 3)
- Bon a hot day, I sat by a tree (1) of the pier and ate ice cream (2) with crushed (3) nuts. (1)
- On the table are (1) peaches, prepared (2) for compote, not yet clean.. s. (2)
- The glazed (1) doors were loose (2), and their (3) standing ringing merged with the ringing of the chandelier. (1, 3)
- At the end of the long (1) corridor was fenced off (2) and a closet that served as a guest (3). (1)

1. Which word is spelled wrong?
D. Gallery.
2. What is the answer to the question: “How to transfer a word?” be correct?
B. Leave one letter on the line and move the other.
3. Answer: is it possible to check double consonants?
B. No, you need to remember.
4. Which word does not have a double, but a doubled consonant?
B. Story.
5. What is the word for LJ? Write it: scorched.
6. One or two letters are missing in brackets:
Beech alley, TV antenna, dramatic collision, art gallery, friendly team, interesting play, occupied territory, quarrel with friends, old yeast, humanism, pure honesty, file an appeal, aluminum alloy, inventive art, neatly spread out, intelligently talk, go to an operetta, a Masonic lodge, I am fond of fiction, an appetizing pie.
Assignments in GIA format
1. What sentences contain words that are spelled with double consonants?
- The streams dried up.
- Travelers wandered along the road, supporting each otherfriend.
- Everyone sit around the fire.
2. Which sentences contain words with two H's?
- It's a pleasure to walk with a full bucket along the barely visible path to the hut.
- He liked everything here and delighted: how large drops splashed, falling from the leaves of trees, how peacefully the fire crackled and the forest land breathtakingly smelled.
- Grandmother collected herbs: St. John's wort, plantain, fern, and always told me about their healing mysterious properties.
- The owner spoke with unusual tenderness while talking to the pigeons.
- There is a wooden bench in the park near the entrance.
- Waves lazily crawled onto the sand and slowly crawled away, leaving behind an edge of snow-white foam.
- The dog stood and looked into the distance of the sea, numb, with its tail down.
- Grandma was sitting at the table, silent and slowly chewing bread.
For the third task, the answers are given in the text itself, in brackets.