The modern education system in Russia has undergone significant changes in the last 20 years. This process is especially noticeable in the context of higher educational institutions. Previously, higher education was reduced to a single degree - a specialist. At the same time, after vocational schools or technical schools, the title sounded like “junior specialist”, and after graduating from a higher educational institution, an institute, a person became already just a “specialist”. Just. Laconically. Clear. But it is completely inapplicable to the European system of education that has evolved over the centuries. Therefore, the diplomas issued earlier could not be quoted abroad on a par with those there - the categories of education were very incomparable.
Everything changed with independence and the course taken towards integration into the European process of education and training of qualified specialists. Now in Russian education there are various degrees - "bachelor", "specialist" and "master". What is the last one? Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.
Master's degree is a stage of higher professional education. It follows after the bachelor's degree and is designed to deepen the acquired professional knowledge. If a bachelor's degree is consideredin general, a complete higher education that allows you to work according to the profile you have received, then a master's degree is a stepping stone on the way to a scientific career. In this regard, after the end of the 4th year in many universities, the flow of students should be divided into two areas - "specialists" and "masters". The former receive additional knowledge focused on practical skills in the profession and their application. Masters, on the other hand, devote their studies to polishing knowledge as such, as well as to studying the scientific method, methods of research in specialization, in order to later be able to enter graduate school and continue scientific activities.

Usually, admission to a master's program is carried out on a competitive basis and at the request of the student. That is, the quality of the bachelor's work, the average score for the previous 4 years of study, as well as the student's personal achievements in the educational field are taken into account. Education in master's speci alties can last from one to two years, and ends with the writing of a master's work - a full-fledged scientific work of a student, which he created during his studies, and in many universities - also passing a qualifying exam in a speci alty.
At the same time, one should not assume that a master's degree is some kind of higher education against the background of "specialists" or "bachelors". This is not true. It's just that this particular stage of training is geared towards scientific activity, and the emphasis is on the theoretical foundations of the profession, often to the detriment of practical skills. At the same time, the master's degree does not actually occur in absentia. According to modern standardseducation, this degree is obtained exclusively by studying at the hospital. Although, of course, there may be exceptions for universities in the private sector of education.

In general, a master's degree is not only a way to join scientific life as a young qualified specialist in your field, but also a good preparation of a student for scientific life, the specifics of writing papers, conducting scientific research and searching for information and processing it. It does not provide any super benefits, but in order to continue your education further in any foreign university, obtaining this degree will always only benefit.