Master's degree or not? Master's degree

Master's degree or not? Master's degree
Master's degree or not? Master's degree

Education has always been valued in society. The history of states leaves its mark on the work of educational institutions and the organization of the educational process. In some, the master's level has developed as a precursor to the doctoral level, in others it was believed that the status of a master is not a scientific, but an academic degree, which is advisable to obtain earlier than the first.

In the last century, it was customary to get a higher education, then study in graduate school and defend a Ph. D. If there was strength left, there was a desire and relevant and socially significant ideas appeared, go to the doctoral thesis. In this century, the situation has improved, education has become more attractive: specialists remained, but bachelors and masters appeared.


Doctor is usually associated with science, extensive knowledge and skills, recognized fundamental achievements, many publications and students. To get a PhD, you need not only to work hard, but also to be already a recognized author, have real achievements andbe famous in the scientific world.

The classic path to a PhD used to start with a diploma, through a Ph. D. to a Ph. D. Currently, he has increased his master's thesis before writing and defending his thesis.

The candidate's degree is granted under similar conditions, but the path is much shorter. It is believed that the PhD level is the first attempt to gain recognition of the first scientific achievement in practice and in the public mind.

The appearance of the master's program has become a serious help for future candidates. A master's work is no longer a diploma; here a qualification of a completely different level is given. A diploma is a required element for confirming higher education, and a master's degree is one's own decision to go further.

master's degree
master's degree

The concept of "candidate" is a well-established relic of Soviet times. The mentality of the public consciousness in Russia will not allow the candidate's academic degree to disappear, since he is already a scientist. All that comes down to the candidate is a specialist, teacher or master. There is no academic degree, but academic status is unequivocally recognized.

The logic of advanced degrees

If you remove the candidates, then there will be very few "legalized" scientists. It is very difficult to meet all the requirements for a doctoral dissertation: real implementations, scientific recognition of the author, relevance, novelty and significant social significance are needed, and these are years of life and painstaking work.

There are three main path options after receivinghigher education:

  • specialist (engineer, manager, economist);
  • teacher (alma mater, magistracy, candidate);
  • scientist (candidate, doctor, academician).

you have to learn.”

master's degree
master's degree

Perhaps the mentality outside the Russian public consciousness differs from this rule. But our master's degree is a study that combines scientific and teaching activities.

Higher education

People tend to flaunt their achievements, knowledge and skills, but life always sorts everything out. It is impossible to change the traditional education scheme:

  • kindergarten;
  • school;
  • university;
  • postgraduate study (first stage);
  • doctoral studies (second stage);
  • academy (for the elite)

But you can always make changes. After graduation, there used to be only two ways: to stay in the alma mater or get a distribution. In both cases, graduate school is open, and a degree is available.

bachelor master specialist
bachelor master specialist

For successful defense and obtaining a scientific degree, it is not important to enter and study in graduate school, but science accepts a strict sequence of actions to obtain scientific regalia. Perhaps this is how the master appeared. The academic degree is not mentioned here. Justadditional education in a specific scientific field, combined with teaching activities, is offered. Scientific or research and production activities are carried out in parallel and can be the basis for the educational process.

The usual sequence (university and graduate school) is diluted with an intermediate stage. A university graduate, bachelor, master or specialist is knowledge and skills of different levels, but not the fact of awarding an academic degree.

Bachelor's and Master's programs

Buzzwords and formal signs of higher education have remained as a tribute to fashion. Science, production and public consciousness are of interest to specialists and scientists, and moral education is also important.

is a master's degree
is a master's degree

Real knowledge and skills are of interest. If you go through the existing proposals from educational institutions, then not everyone calls the first stage a bachelor's degree.

Russia's accession to the Bologna process in 2003 influenced the national education system, but the word "specialist" will not disappear from the socio-economic circulation, and it will not work to impose a bachelor's and master's degree instead of a specialist, and then a candidate and a doctor.

The formula "master's degree is an intensified movement into science, combined with teaching" hasn't really changed anything. An opportunity has appeared for those who want to start working faster, and for those who want to engage in scientific activities - to continue their education further.

Newly minted bachelors and masters, especially in the fieldeconomics and management, immediately showed what they want and how they are going to achieve it. Life has shown that in everyday consciousness a beautiful word has acquired its own status.

Many masters consider themselves scientists, but they are not going to go into science. Using the image for a career is a good reason to increase the level of knowledge. Personal opinion is important, but there is an exact answer to the question: is a master's degree. This is a qualification. Although some schools attribute "degree" in brackets.

master's degree
master's degree

For example: Candidate and Doctor receive a "degree" without brackets.

Logic of an educational institution

Making science and teaching is hard to force. Coercion does not achieve creative results, and teaching without desire and skill will not work. It's like pouring liquid through a hollow pipe: the output will be the same as the input.

academic degree
academic degree

A master's degree and an academic degree are two different things. One works, the other creates and teaches. The first is manageable, the second is rich in unexpected and interesting solutions. The duration of training matters, and the emergence of a two-stage learning process allows you to weed out the less pushy from the stubborn and practical.

Let a bachelor aspire to become a master, and a degree is of interest to him. An institution with a master's degree is much more likely to get new teachers and scientists than one that remained a prisoner of the past era, limited itself to changing "diploma" to "bachelor's degree" or left everything as it is.was.

People are driven by the desire to show their worth. It doesn't matter what a master's degree looks like, the important thing is that the word "master" in the public mind has become stronger and has a positive rating.

Student logic

Modern youth does not aspire to science. Everyone strives to quickly gain knowledge sufficient to work in construction, trade or a financial company (the motive is that you want to do nothing, but live well). Not everyone is lucky, they have to reconsider their life position and hope that higher education will save the situation.

what does a master's degree look like
what does a master's degree look like

Having received the first higher education, if the diploma contains the word "bachelor", a young specialist often thinks about the future workplace, especially in management or economics. Employers generally consider a master's degree to be higher education with a more forward-looking rating. In fact, everything is determined by knowledge and skills, but extra years of study never hurt.

master's degree is higher education
master's degree is higher education

Employer position

"Hunting" for the best businesses in any industry has long been an unshakable rule. The most important resource in business is intelligence. How to call a specialist, bachelor or master, is not important. Quality knowledge and skills are important.

Working with educational institutions has become the norm not only for professional headhunters - recruitment agencies, but also for personnel departments of even small and medium-sized businesses. Without a specialist, any business is notis moving, but the work is standing.

It is difficult to say which doctrine of behavior a particular employer will choose, but many people follow the educational process. Tracking:

  • quality of term papers;
  • diploma content;
  • desire to learn more.

This is how the rating of the future professional is formed and the reputation of the student is created with the future employer.

It doesn't matter what a master's degree is: a degree or a qualification. It matters that this term refers to a specialist with strong and confident knowledge in the speci alty. It is prestigious to graduate from a master's program, teaching while learning is practical and useful, and it is never too late to return to the mainstream of scientific creativity and teaching.
