The composition of the deep shells of the Earth continues to be one of the most intriguing issues of modern science, and yet, at the beginning of the 20th century, seismologists Beno Gutenberg and G. Jefferson developed a model of the internal structure of our planet, according to which the Earth consists of the following layers:
- core;
- mantle;- crust.
A modern look at the internal structure of the planet
In the middle of the last century, based on the latest seismological data at that time, scientists came to the conclusion that deep shells have a more complex device. At the same time, seismologists found out that the earth's core is divided into inner and outer, and the mantle consists of two layers: upper and lower.
Earth's outer shell
The Earth's crust is not only the topmost, thinnest, but also the most well-studied of all layers of the earth's surface. Its thickness (thickness) reaches a maximum under the mountains (about 70 km) and a minimum under the waters of the oceans (5-10 km), the average thickness of the earth's crust under the plains varies from 35 to 40 km. The transition from the earth's crust to the mantle is called the Mohorovich or Moho boundary.
It is also worth noting that the earth's crust together with the upper part of the mantle formthe stone shell of the Earth - the lithosphere, the thickness of which varies from 50 to 200 km.
Following the lithosphere is the asthenosphere - a softened liquid layer with increased viscosity. In addition to everything, it is this component of the earth's surface that is called the source of volcanism, since it contains pockets of magma that pours into the earth's crust and onto the surface.
In science, it is customary to distinguish several types of the earth's crust
Mainland or continental spreads within the boundaries of the continents and shelves, consists of bas alt, granite-geiss and sedimentary layers. The transition from the granite-geiss layer to the bas alt layer is called the Konrad boundary.

Oceanic also consists of three parts: heavy bas alt, bas altic lava layer and dense sedimentary rocks, and a layer of loose sedimentary rocks.
Subcontinental crust is a transitional type, located on the periphery of inland and marginal seas, as well as under island arcs.
The suboceanic crust is similar in structure to the oceanic, especially well developed in the deep parts of the seas and at great depths of oceanic trenches.
Middle geosphere

The mantle makes up about 83% of the total volume of the planet, it is the geosphere that surrounds the earth's core from all sides. In turn, it is divided into two layers: hard (crystalline) and soft (magma).
Deep layer of planet Earth
Earth's core is the least explored layerEarth. There is very little reliable information about it, with full confidence we can only say that its diameter is about 7 thousand kilometers. It is believed that the composition of the earth's core includes an alloy of nickel and iron. It is also worth noting that the planet's outer core is thicker and in a liquid state of aggregation, while the inner core is smaller in thickness and firmer in consistency. The so-called Gutenberg boundary separates the Earth's core from the mantle.