In modern society, humor has become one of the ways to deal with depression, sadness and disappointment. Anecdotes and jokes can save a person in an awkward situation, and sometimes lead to their soulmate. However, the concepts of "humorist" and "satirist" should be distinguished.
A satirist is a person who not only jokes, but also ridicules the vices of people, absurd things and events. Here the term “satire” comes up, which has become stronger not only in politics and philosophy, but also in fiction.
Meaning of the word "satirist"
Humor is a funny good-natured jokes and anecdotes that can cheer up in the company of friends or colleagues. It should not be confused with satire, which today has become a separate genre of literature, theater and song.
A satirist is the author of satirical fiction. This is a person who represents this trend in literature, painting, sculpture and other areas of art. Such people do not always find recognition among the masses, however, many domestic and foreign authors have become famous thanks to their comic works.
In colloquial speech, a satirist is a person who describes any event or action with an evilsides. He does not hesitate to use a caustic mockery of any deed or vice of his comrade.

Satire is a progressive genre of literature
Any satirist is a debunker of moral and social vices that are ridiculed in an evil and condemning form. Satire is a field of literature, theatrical art, sculpture and song that uses these qualities to show the shortcomings of individuals (politicians, representatives of a different religion or nationality, business leaders, work colleagues or friends).
So that satire does not turn into a moralizing sermon, it is diluted with elements of humor and sarcasm. From this, satire became one of the popular genres of literature of the 18th-19th centuries, when art in general flourished.

Examples of satire
On stage, artists can often perform their own satirical performances or verses of the song. Also, professional satirists include parodists who make fun of people's shortcomings with the help of gestures, facial expressions or caustic phrases.
In literature, the works of M. Twain, M. Zoshchenko, J. Swift or M. E. S altykov-Shchedrin can serve as examples of satire. Among the actors, Charlie Chaplin immediately comes to mind, about whom there are many humorous stories.
In the modern world, with the advent of the Internet, such a satirical technique as trolling has appeared. It is used in forums, social networks and chats. Trolling also occurs invideo games, some bloggers use it.