In most cases, starting from the 8th grade, in literature lessons, when studying a large and significant work, students are asked to write an analysis for a story, novel, play, or even a poem. In order to write an analysis correctly and get something useful out of it, you need to know how to draw up an analysis plan correctly. In this article we will talk about how to draw up a plan correctly, and we will analyze the poem "The Sea" written by Zhukovsky according to this plan.

History of the creation of the work
The history of the creation of a work is an important part in the analysis, so we will start the analysis plan with this. In this paragraph, we will have to indicate when the work was written, that is, started and finished (year and, if known, then dates). Next, you need to find out exactly how the author worked on this work, in what place, at what period of his life. This is a very important part of the analysis.
The direction of the work, its type and genre
This item is already more like an analysis of the work. A plan for analyzing a work of art must necessarily consist of determining the direction, type and genre of the work.
Total inliterature distinguish 3 areas: classicism, romanticism and realism. It is necessary to read the work and determine which of them it relates to (there may even be two directions).
The analysis plan also consists of determining the kind of work. In total, there are 3 types of works: epic, lyrics and drama. An epic is a story about a hero or a story about events that do not concern the author. Lyrics is the transmission of high feelings through a work of art. Drama is all works built in a dialogic form.
The genre of the work does not need to be determined, because it is indicated at the beginning of the work itself. There are a lot of them, but the most popular are the novel, story, story, fairy tale, epic, etc.

Themes and problems of a literary work
A plan for compiling an analysis of a work is not complete without such important features in the work as its subject matter and issues. The theme of a piece is what the piece is about. Here you should describe the main themes of the work. The issue is based on the definition of the main problem.
Paphos and idea
The idea is the definition of the main idea of the work, that is, what it was, in fact, written for. In addition to what the author wanted to say with his work, it should be noted how he treats his heroes. Paphos is the main emotional mood of the author himself, which should be traced throughout the entire work. It is necessary to write with what emotions the author describes certain events,heroes, their actions.
Main characters
The plan for analyzing the work also includes a description of its main characters. It is necessary to say at least a little about the secondary characters, but at the same time describe the main ones in detail. The character, behavior, author's attitude, the significance of each character - this is what must be said.
In the poem you need to describe the lyrical hero.
The plot and composition of the artwork
With the plot, everything is very simple: you only need to briefly, in just a few sentences, describe the main main and key events that occurred in the work.
Composition is how the work itself is built. It includes the plot (the beginning of the action), the development of the action (when the main events begin to grow), the culmination (the most interesting part in any story or novel, the highest tension of the action occurs), the denouement (the end of the action).

Artistic originality
It is necessary to describe the properties of the work, its unique features, features, that is, what distinguishes it from another. There may be some characteristics of the author himself when writing.
Meaning of the product
A plan for analyzing any work should end with a description of its meaning, as well as the attitude of the reader to it. Here you need to say how it influenced society, what it conveyed to people, whether you liked it as a reader, what you yourself took out of it for yourself. The value of the product is like a small conclusion at the end of the plan.

Features of the analysis of the poem
For lyrical poems, in addition to all of the above, you must write their poetic size, determine the number of stanzas, as well as the features of the rhyme.
Analysis of the poem "The Sea" by Zhukovsky
In order to consolidate the material and remember how the analysis of the work is done, we will write an analysis of Zhukovsky's poem according to the plan given above.
- This poem was written by Zhukovsky in 1822. The poem "Sea" was first published in a collection en titled "Northern Flowers for 1829".
- The poem is written in the spirit of early romanticism. It is worth noting that many of the works of Vasily Zhukovsky were sustained in this spirit. The author himself believed that this direction is the most attractive and exciting. The work belongs to the lyrics. This poem belongs to the genre of elegy.
- This poem by Vasily Zhukovsky describes not only the sea, but a real landscape of the soul, bright and intriguing. But the importance of the poem lies not only in the fact that the writer created a real psychological landscape and expressed the feelings and sensations of a person when describing the sea. The real feature of the poem is that the sea becomes for a person, for the reader, a living soul and a real hero of the work.
- The work consists of 3 parts. The first part is introductory, the largest and most informative. It can be called the "Silent Sea", because he himselfZhukovsky so calls the sea in this part of the poem. Then follows the second part, which is characterized by violent emotions and is called "The Storm". The third part barely begins, as the poem ends - this is "Peace".
- The artistic originality of the poem is manifested in a large number of epithets (light sky, dark clouds, hostile haze, etc.)
- This poem has not gone unnoticed in Russian poetry. Following this author, other poets began to paint a picture of the sea in their poems.

Analysis of the poem "The Sea" according to the plan of this analysis will help to easily and quickly parse the work of art.