Animals of India - sacred and common

Animals of India - sacred and common
Animals of India - sacred and common

India is a country that is located in the southern part of Asia, most of it is located on the Hindustan Peninsula. This state washes the Indian Ocean, namely its Bengal and Arabian bays.

Wildlife of India

This country is home to many species of mammals, birds, insects and reptiles. The fauna of India is very diverse. The most common fauna here are camels, monkeys, elephants, cows, snakes.


These are the most common animals in India, they are mainly used for transporting goods, as well as for riding, in ancient times they even participated in battles.

india animals
india animals

There are two types of this animal - dromedary and Bactrian, that is, one-humped and two-humped. Camels are herbivores. They are able to feed on those desert plants that are not eaten by any other animals. This is, for example, a camel thorn. An adult animal weighs about 500-800 kilograms, and it lives 30-50 years. The body of camels is very well adapted to survival in the desert. Due to the specific shape of red blood cells, a camel can drink an impressive amount at a time.the amount of water is 60-100 liters. Thus, the animal makes a supply of fluid, which can be enough for two weeks. When a camel goes without water for a long time, his body gets it by burning fat, while the animal can lose most of its weight. In India, the milk of this animal is often eaten. It has a number of useful properties: it contains vitamins C and D, trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron and others). Another positive feature of this product is that it contains very little casein, which makes milk difficult to digest.

Indian elephant

Elephants are also very common animals of India. In addition to the animal that lives in this state and bears the corresponding name, there is also another type of elephant - African. The Indian differs from it in that it has smaller ears, and is smaller in size than the African. It is also interesting that both males and females of African elephants have tusks, while Indian ones have only males. These animals are the largest land animals (only blue whales surpass them in size, but they live in the ocean). Elephants are used as a means of transport in the jungle. In India, these animals are very fond of because of their complaisant nature. In addition, elephants often participate in religious celebrations.

animal world of india
animal world of india


These are very common animals in India. Here live their species such as macaques, langurs and others. Many even live in big cities.

King of beasts - Indian tiger

Now only 3200 individuals of this species remain on the territory of this state. Many of them live in mangrove forests. Previously, these animals often attacked people, so they were exterminated in large numbers, but it is not easy to hunt tigers.

animals in india
animals in india

What snakes live in India?

On the territory of this state lives the most poisonous snake on Earth - the king cobra. However, people very rarely suffer from her bites, as she lives far in the forests, hunting small animals there. Much more dangerous to humans are the spectacled snake and the sand efa. The first reaches 1.5-2 meters in length, has a rich yellow color and a dark pattern on the head, which is somewhat reminiscent of glasses, hence the name. The second belongs to the same family with vipers. Its length is small - about 70 centimeters. It is a brown snake with a zigzag pattern on the sides.


what animals are in india
what animals are in india

These birds are often associated with Indian culture. They are often found not only in the mythology of a given country, but also in Persian and Islamic traditions. Even in Christianity there is a mention of a peacock - it is a symbol of life. In Indian art, this bird is very common - both in literature, and in music, and in painting. Peacocks are very common on the territory of this state, they live almost everywhere.

What animals are considered sacred in India?

First of all, these are cows. Since ancient times, these are the sacred animals of India. They were consideredthe same in ancient Egypt. In the mythology of this country, there is a belief that after death you can reach heaven if you swim across the river while holding on to the tail of a cow. This is also due to the fact that the milk of this animal is very often eaten. Therefore, the cow is considered a symbol of life.

sacred animals of india
sacred animals of india

Another sacred animal of India is elephants. They are considered a symbol of wisdom, kindness and prudence, they are often depicted in dwellings and on temples. There are also sacred animals of India, which are representatives of certain gods. These are, for example, monkeys - they are considered the incarnation of the god Hanuman, an ally of Rama. In addition, sacred animals in India are rats. There is even a whole temple dedicated to them - thousands of these animals live there. In India there is a legend associated with them. According to her, Karni Mata was a Hindu saint, and when one of her children died, she began to pray to the god of death, Yama, to return her son to her, and he turned all her sons into rats. Also in India there is a cult of the snake. According to ancient legends, these animals are the patrons of the waters of the valley. If we turn to mythology, we can find out that snakes are the sons of Kadru. In myths, these animals are described in human images, they are endowed with such features as wisdom, beauty and strength. In addition, a peacock is also found in Indian mythology - Krishna's headdress was decorated with its feathers. Temples dedicated to this god are painted with images of this bird.
