What are common words in Russian? Examples of Common Words

What are common words in Russian? Examples of Common Words
What are common words in Russian? Examples of Common Words
common words
common words

The dictionary of the Russian language is rich and varied. But common vocabulary is undoubtedly considered the most important part of it. It is the core, without which it is impossible to imagine language and conversation, it includes commonly used words denoting concepts that are used everywhere. They can be heard on the street, at work, at school, in the store, in other words, anywhere. Folk vocabulary is the basis of the literary national vocabulary, a very important material for speaking in the native language. This is the foundation that helps you keep enriching and improving your vocabulary. Its importance cannot be underestimated. Almost all units of folk vocabulary are used actively and constantly, they can be found in every speech style.

Common and stylistically neutral words

There are many words in Russian that are known and accessible to everyone, which can be used both in conversation and in writing. An example isthe following lexical units: "river", "soil", "grove", "bun", "walk", "eat", "winter", "catchy", "work", "read", "newspaper", "woman "," sentence "," person ", etc. There are also neutral words that can be found both in scientific work and in ordinary conversation; they can be seen both in the official paper and in the letter of a friend. There are a lot of such lexical units in the Russian language. Common words, examples of which you now know, are common throughout the country. They are also used in some other states where people speak Russian.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary

common words examples
common words examples

In addition to stylistically neutral lexical units, among commonly used words there are those that can be pronounced by every person, but only sometimes. There must be an opportunity for this. For example, the words: "zemlitsa", "blunder", "newspaper", "bearded", "square" - differ from stylistically neutral lexical units in that they can be called emotional or even expressive. This is very felt when they are pronounced. Emotional coloring is conveyed with the help of all kinds of suffixes, which can be derogatory-magnifying or diminutive-petting, and expressiveness is achieved by the unusual figurativeness of the words used in speech. Saying likelexical units, a person shows his good or bad attitude to an event or object. And it is not surprising that such words are very rarely used in scientific papers and business papers. Emotionally expressive lexical units are not used in all styles of speech. As a rule, they are actively used in ordinary conversations, and they can also be read in printed publications. It is impossible to imagine how people would speak if it were not for the ubiquitous common words. Terms are completely different, they refer to professional vocabulary. Do not confuse them with common words. This is a gross mistake.

common words terms
common words terms

Dialect and professional words that have become commonplace

But it does not follow from all of the above that commonly used words are a closed vocabulary that is not affected in any way. You shouldn't think like that. On the contrary, terms (special or dialect) can be added to this vocabulary, the use of which was previously curtailed. For example, the words: "motley", "tyrant", "tedious", "burning", "loser", "regular" - at the beginning of the 19th century were not as common as they are now: the scope of their use was limited to the dialect or special sphere. And now these lexical units are commonly used. Interesting, isn't it? Common words in Russian are of great interest to many researchers. Besides,they are often sought to be recognized by foreigners going to Russia.

Forgotten common lexical units

Also, some commonly used lexical units may disappear from colloquial speech over time, narrowing their scope. For example, the words "brezg" (dawn) and "goiter" (eat) are currently used only in a few Russian dialects. Many people no longer remember them. It happens that a lexical unit ceases to be commonly used and becomes professional jargon. The majority of people gradually forget this word, which is a bit sad. Common words are lexical units that can be completely erased from the memory of people. Unfortunately, this is true.

National vocabulary has an opposite - words of limited use. They can be heard while being among people of a certain profession or living in the same territory.

common words dialect and professional words
common words dialect and professional words


It is also necessary to consider words that are dialectal. They are used in their speech by people inhabiting a particular geographical area. Dialect lexical units are most often used in simple conversations. And this is quite understandable. After all, the dialect refers mainly to the oral speech of people living in villages. It will be incomprehensible to an outsider. However, villagers, of course, also know common words. It would be foolish to think that they cannot use them in their speech.

Thandialectisms differ from commonly used words

What is the difference between dialect and common words? The former are distinguished by a narrower area of use; in addition, they are characterized by some semantic-lexical, grammatical, and also phonetic features. Given their characteristic features, several types of dialectisms can be distinguished. Which ones?

Types of dialectisms

common words in Russian
common words in Russian
  1. Phonetic dialectisms are specific lexical units. What can be said about them? They contain the phonetic features of a dialect: "tipyatok", "Vanka", "barrel" (in common vocabulary it is "boiling water", "Vanka", "barrel") - refer to South Russian; “kuricha”, “tselovek”, “tsyasy”, “nemchi” (in other words, “chicken”, “man”, “hours”, “Germans”) are words pronounced rather unusually, characteristic of several northwestern dialects. To third-party people, their sound may seem somewhat strange. They are closer, of course, to commonly used words.
  2. Grammatical dialectisms are peculiar lexical units. What is known about them? They have grammatical properties that are not characteristic of the literary language, and they are not similar to commonly used words in their morphological structure. You can rarely hear them.
  3. Lexical dialectisms are words that are not similar to commonly used words either in meaning or form. For example, indah - even, kochet - rooster, gutar - talk, the other day - recently, etc.

Special and professional words

common words are
common words are

Lexical units that can usually be heard in the company of people of a certain kind of activity refer to special and professional words. They are used in some areas of technology and science. These two terms must be distinguished in order to understand which word is officially accepted and constantly pronounced (special), and which is expressively redefined, rethought after being borrowed from the common vocabulary (professional). The latter are common in the vocabulary of people of many kinds of activity. Thus, commonly used words sometimes give rise to professionalism.

Special vocabulary, as a rule, completely "covers" a certain special area of technology or science: all important ideas and concepts are indicated by strictly established terms. Professionalism is a little different. They are rarely presented as a system, as they are taken from the oral conversations of people belonging to any speci alty. Professionalism can be called quite emotional and vivid words. They sound very expressive. Every person needs to know what common words, dialectal and professional words are.
