In November 332 BC, the Egyptians met Alexander the Great as a liberator from the yoke of the Persian king Darius. The country struck the Greek commander: natural resources, fertile lands, pyramids, and most importantly - the most ancient culture. Impressed by what he saw, Alexander decided to build a city here that would combine the Greek and Egyptian beginnings.
Beautiful Alexandria
Macedonian founded a city on the Mediterranean coast, which later became the capital of Egypt. From the very beginning, the architectural appearance of Alexandria assumed a breakdown of parks, wide streets and the construction of luxurious palaces. Later, Ptolemy, a close friend and colleague of Macedonian, became the ruler of the city and the founder of a new dynasty.

It took several decades for a convenient harbor on the seashore to turn into one of the largest cities in the ancient world. Crafts, art and trade flourished here. Soon thousands of people began to come from all over the world to rich Alexandria, which promised them a well-fed life. However, Ptolemy's main concern was the intellectual superiority of his capital over Athens.
Creating a library
In 295 BC in Alexandria, on the initiative of Ptolemy, a museion (museum) was founded - the prototype of a research institute. Greek philosophers were invited to work in it. Truly royal conditions were created for them: they were offered maintenance and living at the expense of the treasury. However, many refused to come, as the Greeks considered Egypt to be a periphery.

Then Demetrius of Phaler, adviser to the king, suggested creating a library. The calculation was simple - it was the books that were supposed to attract scientists to Alexandria. The adviser was right. The first to arrive was the philosopher and physicist Plato, who became the teacher of the sons of Ptolemy.
Greek poet and philologist Zenodotus of Ephesus, the first keeper of the library in Alexandria, received funds from the treasury to buy as many books as possible around the world. According to information that has come down to us, Zenodotus managed to collect from two to five thousand copies.
How the book fund was completed
All ships entering the city were checked for manuscripts in their holds. If there were any, they were removed, rewritten, and then a copy was returned to the owner, while the original remained in the library. There is a legend according to which the Athenian Archives received from Ptolemy the Third a fabulous sum of 15 talents for the originals of the tragedies. Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus. They were promised to be sent back to Greece after making copies. However, these texts never returned to Athens.

Thus, the collection of books of Egyptian kings from the Ptolemaic dynasty, according to various estimates, numbered from 700 thousand to 1 million manuscripts. This included not only samples of Greek literature, but also the works of Egyptian, Jewish and Babylonian thinkers. The library was the first to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek.
Outstanding scientists who worked in the museion
The life of many scientists of antiquity was connected with the library in Alexandria of Egypt. They, in modern terms, were on a state scholarship, that is, they could conduct research of interest to them with the full support of the ruling dynasty.
- One of the first to work in the library was the mathematician Euclid. His work "Beginnings" has been the basis for the study of geometry for more than two thousand years.
- Aristarchus of Samos was the first (long before Copernicus and Galileo) to express the idea of heliocentrism.
- Hipparchus calculated the duration of the solar year with an accuracy of 7 minutes and compiled a catalog of stars.
- The philosopher, mathematician and astronomer Eratosthenes is known for coining the word "geography", becoming the founder of the mathematical direction in this science, from which cartography and geodesy later developed.
- Herophilus, founder of the medical school in Alexandria, was one of the first to dissect the human body. In Greece itwas considered sacrilege, but in Egypt, where embalmers have been doing this for thousands of years, the scientist was not in danger.
- The inventor Heron also worked in Alexandria, whose writings were used not only by ancient but also by medieval scholars, including Leonardo da Vinci.
Knowledge Center
In the III century BC, under Ptolemy II, the library and museum in Alexandria of Egypt reached the apogee of its glory. Funds grew, various studies were carried out. It was here that the size of the globe was first calculated, the number of visible stars in the sky was calculated, there were also laboratories, a medical school and gardens.

Moreover, the foundation of modern science was also laid in the galleries of the Library of Alexandria. It has existed for over six centuries. It was not just a book depository, it was the largest scientific center of antiquity. However, it remains a mystery where he was originally and where to look for him now.
What was the library in Alexandria of Egypt
There is no information about how she looked. Descriptions of the appearance of the library, dated to the period of its existence, were not found. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly, for example, how many floors it had, how it was illuminated, etc. It is only known that it was surrounded by parks and gardens.
Probably the main library building was located next to the harbor. It is believed that it was part of a museum located in the royal district of the city. When the book depository overflowed, thenopened a branch elsewhere.

Indeed, no one today can describe the library of Alexandria. Even its exact location remains one of the main questions of concern to researchers. It is believed that its ruins are under water. But exactly where, no one knows. Thus, historians can neither describe the library in Alexandria, nor name all the scientists who worked in it, nor establish the exact number of books. Surprisingly, today we know insultingly little about the famous book depository.
Who burned the library in Alexandria?
The reign of Ptolemy the Fourth marked the beginning of the decline of the ruling dynasty. This was reflected in the fate of the museum, which ceased to be a world center of knowledge. But with the years of the reign of Cleopatra, scientists associate the beginning of the collapse of the famous library.
Waging a dynastic struggle with her brother, Cleopatra attracted Caesar to her side. When the Roman ships were surrounded in the harbor, the commander gave the order to set fire to numerous enemy ships. The fire spread to the port docks, spread to coastal urban areas, destroying books in the library of Alexandria. A description of the picture of a grandiose fire and its consequences can be found in the writings of Plutarch. However, some modern researchers believe that the fire destroyed only part of the book stock.

After the death of Caesar, Mark Antony presented Cleopatra with thousands of scrolls purchased from Pergamonlibraries. But with the death of the queen in 30 BC, the reign of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which founded and financed the library of Alexandria, ended. The city became a Roman province, but under the new government, the center of knowledge no longer flourished as before.
Ultimate oblivion
It is not possible to establish the real cause of the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. Ancient sources contradict each other, so until now, scientists have not come to a single conclusion on this issue.

According to one version, the library could have been destroyed by Christians when Emperor Theodosius ordered the destruction of all pagan temples and monuments. According to another version, she finally died during the conquest of the city in the 7th century, first by the Persians and then by the Arabs.
However, it is believed that a significant part of the funds before the arrival of the Arabs in Alexandria was taken to Constantinople. Thus, a huge number of ancient scrolls turned out to be in the book depositories of Byzantium. Before the invasion of the Turks in the 15th century, some of the manuscripts were sent from Constantinople to the monasteries of Athos.
Russian trail
There is an assumption that some manuscripts that once belonged to the Library of Alexandria, and then ended up in Byzantium, were brought by Sophia Paleolog to Moscow as a dowry. But there is no confirmation of this.
The fate of the books of the Library of Alexandria still worries scientists. According to some researchers, part of the book stock was not taken out of the city, but washidden in local caves. The staff of the Cairo Museum claim that several of these scrolls were transferred to the Alexandrina library, which opened in 2002 on the site where its legendary predecessor was supposedly located. However, there is no evidence of the authenticity of these scrolls.
If 2300 years ago Ptolemy had not decided to demonstrate his power to the world, science would have been born much later. But thanks to his brainchild, the Library of Alexandria, scientists who specialized in different fields (medicine, biology, astronomy, etc.), and not just philosophers, gained access to the treasures of thought collected in one place.
Historical fact: The Library of Alexandria played a huge role in the birth of European science. Many of the works copied at one time by the Arabs were originally in the funds of the famous book depository. During the Renaissance, they came to Western Europe, rediscovering the works of Aristotle and other scholars of the Hellenic period.