Mental account. Oral account - 1 class. Mental arithmetic - Grade 4

Mental account. Oral account - 1 class. Mental arithmetic - Grade 4
Mental account. Oral account - 1 class. Mental arithmetic - Grade 4

Mathematics is a special science, as a person needs to know it every day throughout his life. Acquaintance with some mathematical concepts, the formation of computational skills and the ability to solve problems begins in the preschool period - in kindergarten or at home with parents. At the stage of education in elementary school, the set of concepts studied and skills formed is significantly expanded.

Verbal counting
Verbal counting

The task of the teacher and parents is to achieve high strength assimilation of mathematical skills. This approach makes it possible to turn the stock of knowledge gained at school into a person's personal baggage, which in later life he will be able to dispose of at his own discretion. A great help in the formation of computational skills is provided by such an activity as mental counting.

Goals of oral counting

The use of oral calculations in the lesson can serve different purposes. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • Every teacher knows: the whole course of the lesson depends on its beginning. Considering that most children like to count orally, you can put this type of work first and thus set the rhythm for the whole lesson.
  • Mental arithmetic can be a good way to update children's knowledge, which will allow the teacher to effectively organize further study of the topic.
  • This type of work can be included in order to generalize, consolidate knowledge in sections of the program.
  • To track the level of formation of computational skills, a control mental account is used.

What are the requirements to follow

Requirements for the organization of oral calculations must be taken into account, otherwise the work may have the opposite effect or the result will be minimal.

mental arithmetic grade 4
mental arithmetic grade 4

Firstly, the selection of tasks should be varied in terms of the content of the material, the form of its presentation. Remember that monotony kills interest and brings boredom.

Secondly, it is extremely important to take into account the individual characteristics of students when selecting tasks. There can be strong and weak students, insecure, timid, shy and very active children in the class. The teacher must consider how to make the work productive for each of them.

The level of difficulty of tasks should correspond to the level of development of students at the moment of training. Excessive demands will lead to the suppression of initiative, and this may adversely affect the psychological atmosphere of the lesson. Tasksof an underestimated level of complexity do not perform a teaching and developing function.

The next important requirement is the regularity of the classes. Pupils must complete tasks requiring oral calculations for 5-10 minutes (at least!) every day in mathematics lessons. If this condition is met, one can hope that children will learn to count quickly and correctly.

Types of exercises for mental counting

If we talk about the types of exercises for counting, then you must first decide on their classification. Its basis may be the content of tasks, methodological techniques used in carrying out work, sections of the program in mathematics, the age of students, etc.

Oral arithmetic grade 1
Oral arithmetic grade 1

So, for example, oral exercises may include tasks of an algebraic or geometric nature, numbering questions, problem solving.

Mathematical dictations, tests, oral responses of children in frontal or individual surveys are techniques that a teacher can use to conduct an oral count. Grade 1 perceives didactic games of a different nature with great interest. In tasks for oral counting, material containing historical information about the development of mathematics, as well as non-standard tasks of increased complexity can be used.

Assignment submission form

Mental counting in mathematics lessons forms the ability to understand the essence of the task without additional explanations and interpretations. Given this, the teacher should always remember how important it is to clearly formulate tasks, to give short, understandableinstructions. This is especially true when students perceive the task by ear.

Mental count grade 3 math
Mental count grade 3 math

Very often tests are used for mental counting. Here, in addition to computational skills, the child must have the ability to perceive the language of mathematics in writing, which can be difficult due to the age characteristics of children or the insufficient level of reading technique.

Is it legitimate to ask, is it always possible to use test tasks to conduct a mental calculation? Grade 4 is a period when tests can be more effective in work. But at the same time, the teacher is required to be able to succinctly and correctly formulate tasks.

If all the requirements for the test methodology are met, they can be used in grades 2-3 of elementary school.

How to organize work

There is a huge variety of forms for organizing and conducting oral counting, but the so-called question-and-answer form is most often used.

mental arithmetic math
mental arithmetic math

When choosing this method of organizing work, the teacher assumes that each student in the class will perform the task proposed to him and, upon request, voice his own answer. At the same time, an important point is the ability of the teacher to track the activity of students, to understand the reasons for the passive behavior of the child during work.

Perhaps the teacher will have to adjust the assignments as the assignment progresses in order to create a situation of success for each student.

What results can you get

Regular use of such a technique as oral counting has a positive effect on the development of memory, speech, and attention of the child. In addition, an important learning action is formed - the ability to perceive the essence of the task and meaningfully perform it.

Verbal account
Verbal account

Mental counting in mathematics is of great importance in developing communication skills - children learn to express their own point of view, hear the interlocutor, respond positively to the comments of the teacher and classmates.

With regular use of mental arithmetic, the level of computational skills can be brought to automatism, which will greatly facilitate the work on many topics of the program in the elementary grades and later in the middle and high schools.

Using the reception of an oral account in the work on the formation of UUD

Oral exercises, regularly included in the work in the lesson, in conjunction with tasks of a different type, will help in the formation of UUD (universal educational activities), which is provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard 2009.

  • At the initial stage of education in terms of developing personal UUD in each class, work is planned to form a positive attitude towards school, mathematics lessons. Oral counting will be of great help in this. Grade 4 is supplemented with the tasks of forming such important qualities as high self-esteem, life optimism, self-respect.
  • Regulatory UUDs can also be successfully formed in the course of work where oral counting is used; Grade 1 aims to teach the childaccept the learning task. With further training, this skill develops. By the time they finish elementary school, children not only perceive the learning task, but also store it in their memory, strictly follow the teacher's instructions, and make their own adjustments to the task.
  • In the formation of cognitive universal learning activities, with proper organization, you can also use oral counting. Grade 3 (mathematics) forms the ability to compare and contrast the analyzed objects, classify them, establish relationships between concepts. This work begins already in the 1st and 2nd grades of the school, and in the fourth it is further developed and deepened.
  • The formation of communicative learning activities through oral counting was discussed above in the article. The existence of different points of view about mathematical concepts and the ability to adequately perceive them - this is the main thing that a teacher should teach his students.

Developing calculus outside of school

Parents, at least in general terms, should know the position of the school in terms of developing the skills discussed in the article, understand the role of mental calculations in the life of their child, and remember that you can do mathematics at home. But it doesn't have to be boring, monotonous writing sessions. Parents have the opportunity to organize a role-playing or didactic game, during which you can achieve the desired results. All family members, including the younger ones, can be involved in activities of this kind. A schoolchild in this case can perform, for example, the role of a teacher. You can count on a walk, on the roadto school when the activity is not perceived by the child as a lesson.

Mental counting in mathematics lessons
Mental counting in mathematics lessons

Didactic aids for the formation of computing skills

Many modern publishers of children's and educational literature produce a series of books for children aimed at developing mathematical skills, including oral ones. Such literature can be a good helper for teachers and parents. Tasks in notebooks are selected taking into account the age of the child. And some publishers take into account the requirements of the school curriculum.

Multimedia products are extremely diverse. They arouse even more interest in children than books and notebooks. Their use is very effective. Do not forget about compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements that apply to working on a computer. A board game familiar to adults with dice and chips can be perceived by modern children as something extraordinary. Therefore, its use for the development of mathematical skills should not be excluded either.

Summing up the above, once again I would like to draw attention to the fact that oral counting, techniques and methods of its implementation are an integral part of the entire system of teaching a mathematics course in primary grades.
