Russian State Agrarian University. K. A. Timiryazev (MSHA), or, as it is also called, the Timiryazev Academy is a higher educational institution known throughout the world. In 2013 it celebrates its 148th anniversary. It trains more than 10,000 students, for whom 24 specialist programs, 11 bachelor's programs and 7 master's programs are offered.

Students of this educational institution master various technologies, including resource-saving, waste-free and environmental protection. Economic sciences, organization and management of production, how to keep records of finances in market relations - all this offers to study the Timiryazev Academy. The faculties and directions that are offered to students are very diverse. This includes the Faculty of Agronomy, Animal Engineering, Humanitarian-Pedagogical, Economics, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Soil Science, Ecology and Agrochemistry, Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Students will get acquainted with the basics of foreign economic activity of enterprises, marketing and agricultural business.

Timiryazev Academy has a rich history dating back to the end of the 16th century. During the period when these lands were the private property of Prince Prozorsky, a boyar court appeared here. After some time, the property became the property of K. P. Naryshkin. In 1692, the Baroque church of Peter and Paul was built. After 54 years, the maid of honor of Empress E. I. Naryshkina, who was married to K. G. Rozumovsky. He, in turn, decided to make a luxurious estate out of the estate, which would have a European scope. Further, the estate passed from one owner to another, and each made his own adjustments to the structure and territory. In 1860-1861, the treasury bought the Petrovsky-Razumovsky estate. It was planned to open the Land Owner's Academy here, which later became the largest agricultural educational institution in Russia. It is from here that the Timiryazev Academy originates.
The stone buildings located in the estate were rebuilt, special superstructures appeared. The main wooden house was demolished and replaced with a stone structure. After the murder of one of the students in 1890, classes at the educational institution were suspended. Four years later, the Moscow Agricultural Institute began its work on the estate, on the territory of which new buildings rapidly appeared, among which werestudent hostel. In 1923, the institute became the Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva.
Now this is the most famous educational institution. Over the past three decades, the Timiryazev Academy has trained 35,000 agronomists, beekeepers, economists, animal engineers, and horticulturalists. In addition, she has graduated more than 7,000 teachers for secondary educational institutions in the agricultural sector. 2700 doctoral and master's theses were successfully defended at the Academy. In addition to Russian citizens, the school has thousands of students from America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

The main pride of the educational institution is the nursery of the Timiryazev Academy, which is an institution based on a laboratory. Many seedlings are grown here. Using various breeding methods, new varieties of fruit trees and shrubs are bred in order to increase winter hardiness and increase productivity. Timiryazevsky nursery sells seedlings of perennial and annual flowers. You can also buy garden decorations here.