Ancient Russia is a state of Eastern Slavs

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Ancient Russia is a state of Eastern Slavs
Ancient Russia is a state of Eastern Slavs

Rus is the common name of the ancient state of the Slavs in Eastern Europe. The creation of Russia determined the development of world history and played a decisive role in the ethnic formation of the Slavic peoples. It was one of the largest states of antiquity. The names of rulers and famous personalities have come down to our days through the centuries. The name "Rus" is derived from the Slavic tribe of the same name. The influence of the state extended to a significant part of Europe and Asia.

Russia is
Russia is

Cultural heritage gives the modern generation the opportunity to learn the fundamental processes of the formation of human civilization.


Rus is rather a common name for lands with ethnically identical populations. Various sources defined the borders of Russia in different ways. In Western sources, the name "Roksolania" or "Rusiya" was also found. By the middle of the 5th century, an active expulsion of the entire non-Slavic population begins. And the Slavs themselves are gradually moving to a settled way of life and building the first cities. Mostly along rivers. There is a clear division into tribes. Krivichi, Vyatichi, Northerners, Ilmens and others. In the 9th century, the Vikings landed in the north, who organized their settlements, but at the same timeincluded in Russia. This played an important role in the further development of culture in the northern lands. After some time, the Slavs destroy the Norman settlements, and the Scandinavians assimilate. At the same time, some of their traditions were adopted by the local population.

At the end of the ninth century, many large cities appeared. They are distinguished from ordinary settlements by the presence of defensive structures, including walls. Several cultural and state centers immediately stand out, such as Veliky Novgorod, Rurik's settlement, Kyiv, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Smolensk and others. According to historians, even then, various tribes felt a clear closeness and identity between the entire population of Russia. However, the existence of several centers of power prevented uniting into a single state. Constant internecine wars drained resources and hindered development. The approximate date of the unification of the Eastern Slavs into a single state is considered to be 862. Then several tribes allegedly invited the Varangians to reign. At the same time, the famous Russian campaign against Tsargrad takes place.


Twenty years later, Prince Oleg moves the capital to Kyiv.

ancient Russia is
ancient Russia is

He and his retinue kill Askold and Dir, thus reuniting Russia. These are Novgorod and Kyiv lands, which had previously been de jure divided. Now the development of the state begins. Trade relations are being established with Byzantium and several tribes in the West. In the middle of the tenth century, Prince Svyatoslav organizes a campaign against the Khazar Khaganate and smashes it. Later, his son finally determines the development of the state. In 988baptism takes place. Since then, the Eastern Slavs have been adopting Christian traditions. Stone churches and buildings are being built. Writing is spreading. In Western sources, a description of the state appears, which is now called ancient Russia. This is a general definition of all Slavic lands in the east. She has rather close ties with Scandinavia.

Rus is a state of Slavic Christians

After baptism, there is a sharp rise in the political sense. Relations with European states are established, marriages between the elite are made. During the reign of Yaroslav, his famous code of laws, a kind of constitution, Russkaya Pravda, comes out. Strengthening positions in the East.

Russia is a state
Russia is a state

The centralization of power is producing positive results. The raids of the Polovtsy and other nomadic tribes are repulsed. New lands are conquered. A unique culture is developing. However, these processes were greatly inhibited after the death of Yaroslav. A series of bloody civil strife began between his descendants. Endless wars and raids greatly weakened Russia. Its fragmentation into small principalities began.

The collapse of the Old Russian state

In this state, Russia was subjected to a terrifying invasion of the Mongol yoke. The princes did not have clear coordination and often refused to help each other. A huge Mongol army made its way deep into the Russian lands. Bloody battles did not leave almost anyone alive. The invaders plundered and burned the Slavic settlements. Kyiv fell in 1240.

the name of Russia is
the name of Russia is

Many shrines and buildings were irretrievably destroyed.

After that, for many years, Russia became dependent on the Horde. And only in the 14th century, under the leadership of the Moscow prince, near the Kalka River, the Russians repulsed the Mongol-Tatars. Ivan III finally put an end to the invasion. This process ended with the formation of the Russian state.