For a long time, the bowels of the earth puzzled people with some finds. Often among those were stones with through holes, which could not appear randomly in natural conditions. In the people, they were called "fingers of the witch" or "devil's stones." Every person believed that happiness could smile at him after he found the mysterious ax. If you hang it near the perch, then this will positively affect the performance of chickens. In fact, everything was simple, such inventions and discoveries of primitive people helped to evolve.

The Secret of the Stones
Charles Darwin helped to clarify the origin of mysterious objects. According to his theory of evolution, which became famous in the 19th century, the distant ancestors of modern man were ape-like creatures with a primitive level of development. Such important inventions and discoveries of primitive people helped the primates to become developed and thinking people.
Assumptions regardingstones processed by ancient masters were put forward by Lucretius Car. It was this ancient Roman philosopher who, back in the 1st century BC, explained to his compatriots that they were the fruit of a long path of improvement. At the initial stage of their development, people made tools and weapons from stone, therefore Lucretius called this period in the history of mankind stone. Following the proposed principle, the author of the theory singled out the Bronze and Iron periods.

Who lived before Adam and Eve?
Alas, the power of Rome was not eternal, he could not resist the onslaught of numerous tribes of barbarians who mercilessly ravaged the city. During one of these predatory raids, the scientific achievements of Lucretius Kara were irretrievably lost. The inventions and discoveries of primitive people were again reshaped. Every scientist wanted to contribute to the theory of the origin of strange objects.
Already in the 16th century, "witch fingers" randomly fell into the hands of the French public figure Isaac de Pereira. The study of unusual stones became a passion, and Pereira continued his search. This topic even prompted the writing of a book in which the philosopher outlined an interesting idea. For many, many years before the biblical events associated with Adam and Eve, a certain race of people already existed on our planet. They used manufactured stone tools in their daily lives.
Domestication of fire
From the moment we managed to tame the fire, make it home, a lot has passedtime until primitive man found a way to extract it. Somewhere, a fire that had been procured had to be carefully sheltered from adversity in a cave all the time, fed, not allowed to go out. History is silent about which of the primitive inventors came up with the brilliant idea that fire can be obtained by friction.

Most likely, the discovery is spontaneous. For example, in the process of creating some kind of wooden tool, where the drilling operation was used. However, this method was gradually mastered and adopted by many tribes and nationalities. What inventions and discoveries of primitive people changed the world and society can be found in this article.
How was the fire made?
The method of making fire could look like this. Any of us can use it:
- You will need two dried wooden sticks.
- In any of them it was necessary to make a small depression (hole).
- Place the stick with the hole on the ground and fix it with the knee.
- Place the second stick vertically, hold it with the palms of both hands, after inserting its end into the hole of the first stick.
- Move your palms very intensively relative to each other, forcing the stick clamped in them to alternately rotate in opposite directions.
Unsurprisingly, during this process, the palms of the fire maker gradually found themselves at the bottom of the rotating stick, which had to be pressed hard into the hole. Therefore, each persononce quickly moved his hands to their original position and started all over again. This caused some inconvenience. The most primitive discoveries and inventions of mankind eventually gave special results. Having learned how to make fire, people stopped eating raw meat and were able to protect themselves from the cold and predators of that time.
Inventing the wheel version
Our distant ancestors needed to move heavy bulky items from one place to another. It could be thick tree trunks, huge stones, swimming facilities. Such work could be made less exhausting if primitive rollers were used. The inventions and discoveries of primitive people continued to make life easier for them.

Surely, by watching the rough-machined spinning rollers, one could come to this conclusion. The load along the cylinder will move smoothly without skidding to the sides, if the shape of the roller is slightly changed so that the diameter in the middle part is smaller than at the edges. This could be achieved by burning with a flame. The result was a kind of "skate".
Gradually, people realized that it was not necessary to lay a massive log, but just cut it into rollers of the same width and connect them in pairs with an axis. In the future, rollers began to be made separately until they turned into full-fledged wheels that were adapted to wagons. Such inventions of primitive society allowed us to enjoy driving.
Prehistory of the invention of writing
At the dawn of their development, millions of years ago, people communicated not only with the help of sounds and gestures. They also tried to communicate something or warn each other by arranging branches or arrows in a certain order, kindling fires with thick smoke. In a word, they gave conditional signals. Over time, warning systems have been perfected.
In different parts of the world, human imagination has refined its methods of storing and transmitting information. So among the ancient Incas, knot writing became widespread. Multi-colored knots served as its elements. For this purpose, woolen laces were used, which were knitted in various ways on a special stick. In the described way, it was possible to fix one or another law, “record” a poem, or describe a specific event. Knot writing was used for some time by the distant ancestors of modern Mongols and Chinese. In different areas, inventions and discoveries of primitive people were created. History is the only source of information about this. Archaeologists carefully study all objects, explaining the origin of things familiar to us.

About four millennia BC, people decided that it was much more convenient to transmit and store information by drawn signs, vaguely reminiscent of elements of modern writing.
The bow and arrow is a brilliant invention
For a person who lived in the Stone Age, the bow seemed to be a complex type of weapon, the inventionwhich could have come to mind only a brilliant gunsmith designer. If we proceed from the fact that other devices and tools of labor became more perfect gradually in conditions when a person had to deal with them every day. These inventions and discoveries of primitive people made it possible to hunt in a more fruitful way.
The bow and arrow does not fit into this model. Also, the version about the parallels between the bow and the bent branch, which, straightening out, throws an arrow for a long distance, is not too convincing. In this case, the inventor must have a good mind, subtle observation, considerable experience in the manufacture of various kinds of devices. Moreover, a light spear, which could hunt birds and small animals, could serve as a prototype of an arrow. Historians carefully study the inventions and discoveries of primitive people. The list of significant homemade products is long, but ax, bow, writing, fire and clothing occupy a special place. These items have allowed mankind to survive.

How to make a bow?
The invention of the bow was helped by observing how a bent branch or a young tree behaves. As a modern physicist would explain, the elastic energy released from the holding force of a branch (tree) eventually turns into kinetic energy. Primitive people used this principle in passive hunting with the help of spring snares. Be that as it may, the very first bow could be created in the following way:
- Bend the branch into an arc.
- Ktie it to opposite ends with woven animal veins or long hair.
- After pulling the string to the stop and then releasing it, the arrow acquired energy sufficient to hit the animal.

Sometimes the inventions and discoveries of primitive people are surprising. But in any case, it is interesting to look at such archaeological finds in museums, indicating that the ancient man thought and really wanted to live.