"Point of no return" today is not so much a geometric or aviation term as a public one. Applying it in a particular report or speech, they usually want to emphasize the special acuteness of the moment, the fact that it has irreversible, and often catastrophic consequences.

However, first you should turn to the already established terms. In particular, the point of no return in aviation is that moment in the flight when the pilot can still make a decision and go back. If this milestone is passed, then all the paths back for him will be cut off, and there will be one path left - forward, to the intended (or alternate) airfield. However, with all the pathos, it is clear that the situation when the point of no return has been passed is a completely ordinary phenomenon for pilots, they constantly face this. A slightly different interpretation of this term can be found among mathematicians.
In geometry, the point of no return is really the point from which the movement to the beginning of the segment begins. That is, you can see that here the meaningalmost the opposite of what we observe in the conquerors of the sky. On the other hand, this concept in geometry does not carry any tragedy or boundary. Most likely, here this term also plays a rather abstract role.

You can also refer to the experience of climbers and travelers. They have a point of no return - this is the place from where a traveler who is tired or has lost faith in the success of the operation can return to the main camp. Having passed it, he will be forced to go with his comrades to the end, since now the life and he alth of everyone depends on common efforts. It is this understanding of this term that is closest to how public opinion researchers like to present it.

Today, politicians, economists, psychologists, and even athletes love to trump the phrase "point of no return". For almost everyone, this term is mostly negative and means a certain watershed, after crossing which you will no longer be able to return to the fallback.
The majority of scientists connect the popularity of this concept with the fact that in the life of modern civilization there are more and more elements of the show, when certain actions are presented as fateful almost for our entire planet. True, a little later it turns out that no point of no return has been overcome, and practically nothing has changed in the life of a particular country or people.
Globalization, the development of means of communication, the desire of the majority to be in the centerstories are the driving forces that make politicians and economists constantly mention this term. On the other hand, constant reminders of the point of no return led to the fact that many of the inhabitants began to lose interest even in really significant events, leaving them either in themselves or in virtual reality.
Summing up certain results, we can conclude that the "point of no return" in recent years has become a kind of brand from which cunning entrepreneurs profit, forcing us to constantly think in terms of the "end of the world."