Neglect is how? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Neglect is how? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Neglect is how? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Life is complicated. Therefore, a person willy-nilly has to choose. Correctly, any choice is organized as follows: a person thinks, figures out what is important and what is not. Then he sets priorities, and, of course, something has to be sacrificed, that is, neglected, this is quite natural. Today we will consider the meaning of the last verb, its synonyms and talk in detail about the various meanings.


Girl neglects boyfriend
Girl neglects boyfriend

Usually, insignificant details fall into the exclusion zone, for example, a person takes an exam. All this is difficult, one might even say painful. But here he gets the coveted "troika". And they say to him: “Listen, but this is “three” - a shameful assessment!”. And he replies: “Points can be neglected, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that I passed.”

Sometimes people fall into the same area. The easiest way to illustrate this is with an example of unrequited love. He loves her, but she doesn't love him. Therefore, the girl neglects the guy for the sake of more profitable (from her point of view) options. Andwhat stands behind them, whether a beautiful appearance, or a stable social and financial position of a potential partner, we are not given to know. However, the preface dragged on. Let's see what the explanatory dictionary thinks about this. What does the word "neglect" mean? Two options:

  1. Show an arrogant, contemptuous attitude, treat with disdain, without proper respect.
  2. Leave something unattended, recognize something unworthy, not worthy of attention.

The most striking thing is that, despite the dilution of values, they end up powered by the same source. Neglect means to ignore. The two meanings, in essence, are not much different from each other. The first meaning characterizes the relationship between people, and the second - between a person and the world. Recall the examples that we considered at the very beginning. The student ignores the assessment, he neglects the details. The main thing is that the task is completed. And the girl leaves the guy without attention, but she acts arrogantly, saying with this gesture that he is no match for her.

Neglect as a behavioral strategy

Narcissistic man
Narcissistic man

Let's dwell on the moral aspect of the problem, since it has been revealed to us. Arrogance has many expressions. There is active neglect, when, for example, a person does not shake hands with someone whom he does not respect. There is also a passive form of arrogance, when a person avoids meeting with someone whom he does not place too highly on. Avoiding communication when the subject is unaware of it is still more merciful.

Truth when we reflectabout arrogance, the disgusting faces of aristocrats who do not respect commoners immediately come to mind. But neglect can be of a different nature. A person advanced at the expense of another in the service and immediately became a pariah in the team: no one shakes hands with him from now on. The team neglects him.

Therefore, communication can be neglected in different ways, this is not always an indicator of moral squalor, sometimes, on the contrary, to treat someone arrogantly means to show fortitude.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice details

Populated Priority List
Populated Priority List

But when we interact with the world, it doesn't really care what kind of things we neglect, because this is our life. The selectivity of a person is most noticeable at the key, nodal points of fate. At school, the crossroads are the senior classes. When people click on some items and ignore others. Why do we need the latter, because the guys have already chosen the speci alties that they would like to master? Teachers treat such behavior with understanding, because school is a stage of life, and not a thing in itself.

The practice of neglect is learned quite early, it is called the ability to prioritize. By the way, many people never master this technique, and various problems arise from here. Neglecting in time is an art. If you rely only on the data of an explanatory dictionary, you may get the impression that neglect is a vicious practice. But life proves otherwise. And many people cannot say "no" and suffer greatly from the fact that others take advantage of them.kindness.


Woman screaming, man ignoring
Woman screaming, man ignoring

Hopefully we have shown how complex the meaning of the word "neglect" is. Depending on the situation, the verb can be endowed with both positive and negative meanings. Therefore, one should not push away the help of logical replacements of the object of study. Suddenly they will help to better orientate when the time comes. So the list of replacements follows:

  • ignore;
  • ignore;
  • skimp;
  • don't care;
  • spit;
  • pass by;
  • turn your back.

As you can see, the synonyms for the word "neglect" are complex. There are verbs and whole phrases. Yes, sometimes the meaning of the object of study cannot be mastered by one word, he needs help.
