The question of what sulfites are in products is being asked by more and more people. And rightly so, because knowledge of this can prolong a person's life. We find sulfites in food, in particular, in wines and dried fruits, but these preservatives can be found in many other foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
When understanding what sulfites are in food, it is worth bearing in mind that they are otherwise called sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is a widely used preservative and antioxidant that prevents microbiological processes in food and also protects it from browning. For consumers, the norms of permissible daily consumption of such compounds are determined. Most people do not experience any side effects after ingesting sulfur dioxide. They can be, however, very dangerous for people with certain ailments and asthmatics. They especially need to know what sulfites are.

Sulfur dioxide in food can be produced during the manufacturing process or bedeliberately added to a food product. This compound is a colorless gas that dissolves in water and in the aqueous phase of food. Traditionally used since the 17th century as a preservative and antioxidant in solid foods and drinks.
How to detect
Sulfur compounds added to food are described by symbols E220 to E228 and include: sulfur dioxide, calcium, sodium and potassium sulfites. They all perform the same function in food. You need to know what sulfites are in cookies. Indeed, in this product they are found quite often.

Why are sulfites added to food?
Sulphites are strong, antibacterial compounds that prevent food spoilage by bacteria, fungi and molds, as well as yeast, against which they are least effective. In addition, they protect foods from browning, especially fruits, vegetables and white wine, by inhibiting the action of the oxidase enzyme. Elements allow food and drinks to retain the desired color and taste. Sulfites are active only in an acidic environment. At neutral pH, they quickly lose their preservative properties.
The question of what sulfites are has long been asked by the authorities. And the Ministry of He alth allows the use of sulfur dioxide and similar compounds in food, but sets limits for this preservative in various foods. All sulfur compounds used in food are considered together from the point of view of safety, since after ingestion they exhibitclose properties.
What foods contain sulfites?
Sulfites occur naturally in green onions, cornstarch, eggs, salmon, garlic, lettuce, maple syrup, onions, soybeans and tomatoes. Most often found in wine products and other fermented foods, as well as varieties of fruit and vegetable juices.

However, the list of products to which compounds of this kind can be added is long. On packages of food products containing sulfites in an amount of more than 10 mg/kg, there are words: preservative E220, contains sulfites, but the manufacturer is not obliged to indicate information about their amount in the product. Sulfur compounds cannot be used to preserve fresh food, but only for canned food. In the United States in 1986, it was common practice to spray fruits and vegetables with sulfur dioxide to keep them fresh longer. Banned by law after the discovery of several deaths of asthmatics as a result of eating processed vegetables and fruits. After that, a worldwide review of what sulfites are in water took place.
Product content
At the moment, the maximum dose of this compound in cookies, starch, pearl barley is no more than 50 units. In potatoes, the value reaches 100, but this is also considered the norm. In white dried vegetables, a dosage of 400 units is found. In dried fruits, the indicator varies around 2000 units. It is quite important to know what sulfites are in vinegar as well as in these products. All of them mustlimited amount to be consumed by those suffering from asthma.

How to avoid excess sulfur dioxide in the diet?
Sulfur dioxide is safe as long as it is not taken in amounts greater than 0.7 mg per kg of body weight. Due to the difficulty of determining the amount of consumption of the compound, it is worth following a few rules that will help minimize the risk of excessive consumption:
- Choose quality dried fruits. Increasingly, you can buy dried fruits in stores, which are high in sulfur dioxide. Apricots are the easiest to recognize as they are brown, but this is not a sign of poor quality.
- Rinse dried fruits in warm water.
- Check labels and choose products without preservatives whenever possible.
- Choose dry red wine.
Knowing what sulfites are is a must for all lovers of wine products. All wines contain sulfites, even high quality ones, as they occur naturally during the fermentation process. Often, however, their concentration is exceeded. White wines contain more dangerous compounds than red ones, sweet ones more than dry ones. Dry red wine has the least content.

Sulfites can be hazardous to he alth?
To understand exactly what sulfites are, it is necessary to take into account their impact on human he alth. Sulfur dioxide is considered safe for he alth unless consumed in excess of the allowable daily allowance.consumption, which is 0.7 mg/kg of body weight. Sulfur compounds significantly reduce the absorption of vitamin B1. In 5-10% of asthmatics, the preservative increases breathing problems and can even cause anaphylactic shock.
Scientific data regarding the effects of preservatives on the human body is limited, but it is known that they do not remain neutral for he alth. The consumption of sulfites can affect the immune system and initiate intolerance reactions. Studies have shown that sulfur dioxide does not cause cancer in humans. But there are indications that this compound causes DNA damage and works to stimulate cancerous tumors in mice.
In European he alth care, it is believed that the intake of preservatives with food may be higher than the permissible norm, therefore, experts recommend placing accurate information on the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the product on food packages, and before 2020 a re-evaluation of the value should be carried out allowable daily intake based on new scientific evidence.
Side effects of use

The vast majority of people do not experience any side effects after eating canned foods and sulfur dioxide. However, in people suffering from chronic ailments or individual intolerance, this preservative can cause an allergic reaction within 15-30 minutes after ingestion, symptoms include:
- rash and itching;
- indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting;
- difficulty swallowing;
- skin redness;
- dizziness;
- drop in blood pressure;
- breathing problems.
Foods containing sulfites should be avoided by asthmatics. Even 10% of people with asthma can develop an allergy to sulfites, which even poses a risk of death, as this can cause anaphylactic shock. Individuals with individual intolerance should be wary of sulfites.
The mechanism of action of sulfite on humans is not fully understood. The year 2020 will shed light on this question.