Protein in food. Table of proteins in food

Protein in food. Table of proteins in food
Protein in food. Table of proteins in food

Proteins along with fats and carbohydrates make up our diet. All of them are equally important for the body.

food protein table
food protein table

In this article, we will look at what protein is, form a list of proteins in products of plant and animal origin, indicate the approximate need of a person in accordance with his gender, age and type of activity.

What is protein?

The scientific name of protein is protein, which means "first" in Greek. A macromolecular substance of organic origin consists of amino acids. Protein is part of all, absolutely all cells of the body. Most of the cells are half of it.

There are 21 amino acids in the human body, of which 8 are indispensable for full functioning. This is:

  • leucine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • isoleucine;
  • phenylalaline.
food protein table
food protein table

Irreplaceable means that the body does not have the ability to produce it on its own and therefore must obtain it from external sources. To help you - a table of proteins in food, which will be listed below.

The function of protein in the body

So, visually for you, protein is:

  • muscles;
  • leather;
  • organs;
  • hair.

And if viewed globally, then protein provides you with a full existence, because:

  1. Protects against viruses. A large amount of protein in the foods that you include in your diet is immunity, since antibodies that resist infections are made of protein.
  2. Regulates all processes in the body. Proteins are the raw material for all kinds of elements that provide a person with a comfortable existence. For example, this is gastric juice, hemoglobin.
  3. Building. The entire list that we indicated above (hair, muscles, etc.) is a protein, or rather myosin and actin.
  4. Sends. Hemoglobin is a protein a la "public transport", since it is he who carries carbon dioxide with oxygen. It makes no sense to talk about the importance of this process separately, since it is familiar to everyone.
  5. Nourishes. 1 gram of protein is 4 kcal. Although the body gets its energy mainly from carbohydrates and fats, and the protein in food goes to other needs, but if necessary, it can play the first violin.
  6. the amount of protein in products table
    the amount of protein in products table

Human requirement for protein

After all that has been said about protein, one might get the impression that the more the better. And why not give the body so much useful, if possible? However, this is an erroneous opinion. Best the enemy of the good. For a person, there is nothing more useful than balance, regardless of the field of application. In this regard, a formula has been developed that calculates the optimal amount of protein for a person in accordance with his life and weight. So, the average amount is 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. This amount covers the daily requirement for protein. The amount of protein in foods (table below) will help you make a balanced diet.

And now for the details. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the amount of protein should be increased to 1.7 grams per kilogram of weight. With this proportion, protein synthesis in the muscles increases. If we turn to the performance of athletes, then the data is as follows:

  • to develop or maintain existing muscle mass, you need to consume about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight;
  • To reduce body fat percentage, you can temporarily increase your intake to 1.9 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

For harmonious and optimal protein absorption, it is recommended not to exceed its intake above 30 grams per meal.

a large amount of protein in foods
a large amount of protein in foods

Table of proteins in foods of animal origin

Animal proteins versus their vegetable proteinsbrothers have a more perfect composition of those very essential amino acids. Consider the list of protein-rich animal products.

Products Amount of protein per 100 grams, grams
Chicken egg 12, 8
Egg Powder 44, 8
Whey milk 3
Medium fat milk 2, 9
Kefir medium fat 2, 7
Fat-free cottage cheese 18
5% fat cottage cheese 10, 1
9% fat cottage cheese 9, 7
Cheese "Russian" 25
Parmesan Cheese 36
Beef 19
Lean Pork 16, 5
Red fish (pink salmon) 20, 9
Chicken fillet 22
Beef liver 17, 5
Heart 15
Turkey Fillet 21, 4
Rabbit meat 21
Veal 19, 8
Boiled sausage 14
Smoked sausage 15, 7
Shrimp 27
Tuna 23
Salmon 21
Squid 18
Hek 17
Herring 16, 4
Language 15, 8
Fat cream, sour cream 2, 8

Table of proteins in plant foods

Vegetarians find it more difficult to gain the necessary norm of products to provide the body with the necessary amino acids, in most cases they have to resort to special nutritional supplements.

list of proteins in foods
list of proteins in foods

Consider the list of protein-rich plant foods.

Products Amount of protein per 100 grams, grams
Dry peas 21, 9
Beans 23, 8
Soybeans 26, 1
Lentils 28
Wheat flour of the highest grade 10, 8
Rye flour 10, 7
Oatmeal 11, 2
Buckwheat 13, 2
Rice 6, 9
Millet 12, 4
Semolina 12
Pearl groats 8, 7
Barley grits 9, 8
Peanuts 26, 4
Corn 8, 5
Potatoes 2
Eggplant 1, 1
Cauliflower 2, 6
Red cabbage 0, 6
Sauerkraut 1, 9
Onion 1, 5
Green onion 1, 4
Carrots 1, 3
Spinach 2, 9
Green salad 1, 6
Beets 1, 6
Radish 1, 9
Raisins 1, 8
Almonds 58

Ideally, you need to combine proteins of both animal and vegetable origin in the diet, since the latter are a source of fiber and vitamins. Plus, vegetable protein is easier to digest and does not carry fat and cholesterol with it, unlike its animal counterpart. A table of protein in foods will help you maintain a balance.

Protein deficiency and its consequences

In order to imagine the consequences of a systematic lack of protein, it is enough just to read all its main functions in the body again and think from the contrary. In other words, a protein deficiency is:

  • compromised immunity;
  • failure of processes that ensure comfortable life of the body;
  • problems with muscles, skin, hair, general exhaustion;
  • anemia.

Protein surplus and its consequences

Everything is good in moderation, everyone knows this. In pursuit of muscle mass, a beautiful relief and a developed figure, many athletes tend to overeat protein. This also applies to those who are fond of low-carb diets and are gaining the bulk of the daily intake.calorie intake for proteins and fats. It must be remembered that the protein table in the products will allow you to stick to the norm.

protein in food
protein in food
  1. Systematic excess of the norm of protein is fraught with the development of kidney stones. The risk is 2.5 times higher!
  2. Excess protein can stimulate the development of a disease such as osteoporosis. If you have kidney problems, even minor ones, a high dose of protein will make them worse.
  3. Dehydration. Yes, indeed, not the worst problem among others, just enough to consume the required amount of liquid.
  4. Excess protein increases the risk of digestive cancer.
  5. With an imbalance in nutrition with excess protein, ketosis can develop. This process is characterized by the growth of ketone bodies (a product of the breakdown of fat cells). Excess ketones poison the body, causing nausea, bouts of vomiting, and the smell of acetone from the body. In extreme cases, this condition can lead to ketoacytosis coma, which is a direct threat to life. To avoid this, adjust your diet wisely (the protein table in the products will help with this).

Protein-Rich Supplements

What if the prescribed amount of protein cannot be obtained with ordinary food? This is where nutritional supplements come in. Do not be afraid - this applies primarily to athletes, since the average person will "eat" their 0.85 grams per 1 kilogram of weight without any problems. Don't be scared, it's notfood, not steroids and other horror stories, it is pure protein. Naturally, it is necessary to approach the choice with all responsibility - not only the amount of proteins in the products (table above), but also reviews from serious sources should form the basis. So, for example, it is worth noting separately the BCAA supplement that is so popular today - this is the same protein that has already been split for you, leaving three essential amino acids, of which muscles consist of about 30%. This supplement is indicated for intense physical activity as it stimulates rapid muscle recovery.


What else can I say? Protein is one of the three pillars of human he alth.

composition of proteins in foods
composition of proteins in foods

The composition of proteins in foods is extremely important in the process of building a he althy diet. There is no need to fanatically follow the prescribed grams of protein per kilogram of body weight - its amount from day to day may fluctuate according to your preferences, but the average values should be within the norm.
