Cumulative effect is the engine of progress

Cumulative effect is the engine of progress
Cumulative effect is the engine of progress

The definition of "cumulation" originates from the Latin cumulatio - "accumulation" or cumulo - "accumulate". It means strengthening any impact by repeated homogeneous influence and multiplying its action.

In simple words, the cumulative effect is the achievement of a certain result due to the gradual accumulation of factors or substances integrated in one place. Subsequently, these objects cause an "explosive" action.

An example of a cumulative effect from everyday life

This concept is used in various branches of human activity. It can be encountered not only in the scientific field. Without knowing it, we become participants in a cumulative process when we are engaged in daily activities.

For example, a certain student needs to learn a paragraph on a subject that consists of three chapters. The most correct and effective method will be the assimilation of the material in parts within a few days. For the first time, a student learns one chapter. On the second day, he repeats what he learned earlier and reads a new one. Do the same with the third chapter. Finally, before givinganswer by paragraph, the task of the student will only be to repeat the already learned material. This is the cumulative effect in everyday life.

Cumulative learning method
Cumulative learning method

When we already have a general idea of this process, we will consider its significance and application in various scientific fields.


As previously known, a cumulative effect is something that is achieved through repeated exposure to certain factors. For example, when a specific dose of a drug or poison is repeatedly introduced into the body, the effect is enhanced. This is because the drug accumulates in the body and the action is summed up. The same will happen with subsequent doses of medication.

Also, when a cumulative effect in medicine is achieved, the body can develop tolerance. This means that the sensitivity to the administered drug is reduced. However, increasing the dose is not recommended due to the possibility of developing intoxication.

Cumulative effect in medicine
Cumulative effect in medicine

Physical Education

If you are an adherent of a he althy lifestyle and regularly exercise, then most likely you have already experienced the cumulative effect of exercise. It helps to increase life expectancy and prolong the period of its active activity. There is an opinion that regular physical activity, in combination with a he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition and abstinence from stress, preserve the energy of youth and help slow down aging.organism.

Physical exercise
Physical exercise

As you know, the human body, subject to stress, has muscle memory. That is why it is always so easy for us to return to the usual physical culture rhythm after a long break. However, it will not be possible to resume the cumulative effect of exercise. It is a consequence of regular power loads and is developed from scratch. The cumulative effect is the visible result of new workouts that appears against the background of previous exercises. To achieve the desired impact, it is important to exercise regularly and avoid overload. Too much rest can trigger negative effects such as overexertion and feeling unwell.


The cumulative effect in this area is also called financial. It is achieved through the accumulation and concentration of material resources and, as in other definitions, has an "explosive" character.

The economic growth
The economic growth

Let's consider an example from the point of view of building up the country's national economy. The government is obliged to make certain decisions to improve the welfare of the nation. After all, the richer people are, the more capital-intensive production becomes. Then demand, supply and consumption of domestically produced products grow. All these factors increase the economic activity of the country, creating a cumulative effect in the economy. The final “blowout” will be that, when this power enters the world market, it will be able, based on short-term solutions, to providecontinued operation of this process.

Stress accumulation theory

The cumulative effect of stress
The cumulative effect of stress

Consider the cumulative effect in psychology. It can also be described as a method of accumulating stress, and it is as follows. When meeting a cheerful and cheerful person, we do not think about what problems he is experiencing at the moment. But what are the problems? How can it happen that such a happy person, who manages to do so many things, cannot solve his problems? And then it suddenly turns out that the same merry fellow ends up in the hospital with a serious disease of the nervous system.

To get important work done, people ignore proper sleep and lunch breaks. As a result, they suffer from lack of sleep and indigestion. Missing an important meeting and a scandal with relatives, the body also experiences stress. Forgot to pay bills on time - worries arise.

Any everyday little thing, seemingly completely inconspicuous, creates an unpleasant situation. And when the “vessel” of such trifles turns out to be full, then the ill-fated “splash” occurs. The consequences of this are progressive diseases of various organs and systems of the body.


In whatever area the cumulative effect is present, it is always fraught with a final release with certain consequences. It can be concluded that it is very important to maintain a he althy lifestyle, eat right and not bring yourself to overwork. A person should always have the opportunity to rest, so as not to letnegative "outburst" to take precedence over good he alth.
