What is the efficiency of a diesel engine? Diesel and petrol engine

What is the efficiency of a diesel engine? Diesel and petrol engine
What is the efficiency of a diesel engine? Diesel and petrol engine

The efficiency of a diesel engine is the ratio of the power supplied to the crankshaft to the power received by the piston due to the pressure of the gases produced when the fuel used is ignited.

That is, this quantity is the energy that is converted from thermal or thermal energy into a mechanical quantity.

Gasoline engines have positive ignition of the air-fuel mixture by a spark plug.

diesel engine efficiency
diesel engine efficiency

Types of power systems

The carburetor option involves mixing air and gasoline in the carburetor intake manifold. Recently, the production of such engine options has been significantly reduced due to the insignificant efficiency of such engines, their inconsistency with the environmental standards of our time.

In variants of injection engines, fuel is supplied using one injector (nozzle) to the central pipeline.

In the case of distributor injection, the fuel enters the engine through several injectors. In this case, the maximum power is increased, which significantly increases the efficiency of the diesel engine.

This reduces the cost of gasoline and the toxicity of the treated gases due to the fixed dosage of fuel by the electronic control systems of the car engine.

When discussing the efficiency of a modern diesel engine, you need to know about the system for injecting the gasoline mixture into the storage room. If the fuel supply is carried out in portions, this ensures that the engine runs on lean mixtures, which helps to reduce fuel consumption, reduce the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

Efficiency of gasoline and diesel engines
Efficiency of gasoline and diesel engines

Diesel Features

The efficiency of gasoline and diesel engines differ significantly. Diesels are those engines in which, after compression, the heated fuel-air mixture ignites. They are much more economical than gasoline counterparts due to the higher compression ratio, which contributes to the complete combustion of the air-fuel mixture.

Diesel engine efficiency in percent
Diesel engine efficiency in percent

Diesel Benefits

Diesel engine efficiency can be increased by creating air resistance due to the lack of throttle, but this leads to increased fuel consumption.

Diesels develop the highest torque at a low crankshaft speed.

Outdated designs of diesel engines differ from gasoline counterparts in certain disadvantages:

  • great weight and price with equal power;
  • increased noise generated by the combustion of fuel in the cylinders;
  • lower crankshaft speedshaft, increased inertial loads.

Operating principle

The efficiency of a modern diesel engine is determined by the ratio of useful work done by the engine to total work. Almost all car engines are supposed to have four strokes:

  • air/fuel mixture intake;
  • compression;
  • work stroke;
  • exhaust gases.

Diesel engine efficiency

Diesel engine efficiency as a percentage is about 35-40 percent. Given that for a gasoline unit, the figure is up to 25%, diesel is clearly in the lead.

If you use a turbocharger, it is quite fashionable to increase the efficiency of a diesel engine up to 53 percent.

diesel engine efficiency
diesel engine efficiency

Despite the similarity of the type of work, the diesel copes with the task assigned to it much better and more efficiently. Since it has less compression, the ignition of the fuel occurs according to a different principle. It will heat up less, resulting in good savings on cooling. The diesel does not have spark plugs or ignition coils, so there is no need to waste additional generator power.

To increase the efficiency of the gasoline engine, a pair of exhaust and intake valves are added, and a separate ignition coil is installed on each candle. The throttle is controlled by an electric actuator.

Diesel engine efficiency calculation
Diesel engine efficiency calculation

Fuel efficiency

Calculation of diesel engine efficiencyallows you to determine the appropriateness of its use.

Diesel is considered one of the variants of the internal combustion engine, which is characterized by ignition of the working mixture after compression.

In order to reveal the essence of the operation of a gasoline engine, and what efficiency of a diesel engine, mathematical calculations are carried out.

Diesel engine efficiency in percent
Diesel engine efficiency in percent

Efficiency loss

Not all fuel burns out, some of it is lost along with exhaust gases (up to 25 percent of efficiency is lost). During operation, the engine spends part of the energy on the body, radiators, liquid. This leads to an additional loss of efficiency. In all places where friction exists: rings, connecting rods, pistons, additional energy is consumed, which negatively affects the efficiency.

The efficiency of a modern diesel engine
The efficiency of a modern diesel engine

Definition option

In the technical documentation you can find information about the power of the internal combustion engine. After pouring fuel into it and operating at maximum speed for several minutes, the remaining fuel is drained. By subtracting the final result from the initial volume, armed with density, we can calculate the mass of the fuel mixture.

Currently, the electric power unit has the maximum efficiency. Its efficiency can reach 95%, which is an excellent result. If the first engines with an engine capacity of 1.6 liters developed no more than 70 horsepower, then today this figure reaches 150 horsepower.

Efficiency -the ratio of the power supplied to the crankshaft of the engine to the value obtained from the combustion of the gas mixture by the piston. Depending on what kind of fuel is used to run a car engine, efficiency can range from 20 to 85 percent. Of course, fuel system manufacturers are looking for ways to improve them, significantly increasing the final value of the internal combustion engine.

To reduce mechanical losses from generator load, friction, lubricants are currently used in the industry. But, despite such achievements, no one has yet been able to completely cope with the force of friction.

Even after improvements to the gasoline engine, it was possible to achieve a change in its efficiency of up to 20 percent, only in some cases it is possible to increase efficiency up to 25%.

Higher efficiency is indicative of fuel efficiency. For example, with a diesel engine volume of 1.6 liters in the urban cycle, fuel consumption is no more than 5 liters. For a gasoline analogue, this value reaches 12 liters. The diesel unit itself is much lighter and more compact, and is also considered a more environmentally friendly option than a gasoline engine.

These positive technical features guarantee diesel engines a longer service life.

Diesel engine efficiency calculation
Diesel engine efficiency calculation


Besides numerous advantages, it also has several disadvantages, which should also be mentioned. Engine efficiencyinternal combustion is much less than 100 percent, in addition, the unit cannot withstand a sharp drop in air temperature.

Efficiency is a value that, as a percentage, demonstrates the effectiveness of the functioning of the mechanism regarding the conversion of thermal energy into useful work. The internal combustion engine performs a similar activity by converting thermal energy. It is released as a result of combustion in the cylinders of the fuel mixture. The efficiency of a diesel engine is actually mechanical work done, consisting of the ratio of the energy received from the combustion of fuel and the power given off by the installation on the engine's crankshaft.

The efficiency of a modern diesel unit is determined by many different factors. First of all, it is necessary to note the thermal and mechanical losses that occur during the operation of this type of engine. In addition, the friction force that appears when these numerous parts come into close contact contributes to a variety of losses.

The main part of the consumed useful energy falls on driving the piston, rotating various parts inside the motor. More than 60 percent of the burning fuel is required to ensure the operation of all components of an automobile engine. With additional losses, there are significant problems with the viability of attachments, various systems, mechanisms.

Thanks to the modernization of the injection system, it was possible to make positive changes in the value of the efficiency factor,minimize losses.