Sections of computer science: applied and theoretical

Sections of computer science: applied and theoretical
Sections of computer science: applied and theoretical

Informatics is a science that studies the ways and methods of transferring, processing and analyzing information, as well as working with computers. In the modern world, when technology is becoming more and more popular and in demand, it is impossible to live without informatics. In turn, this science is divided into sections that allow you to study this discipline in depth.

What sections does computer science include?

  1. Theoretical computer science.
  2. Applied Informatics.
  3. Programming.
  4. Artificial intelligence.

These main sections of computer science are in turn divided into subsections.

Computer science is an interesting science
Computer science is an interesting science

Artificial Intelligence

One of the sections of computer science - artificial intelligence - arose not so long ago: in the 70s of the 20th century. However, it is he who significantly influences the development of science as a whole. Based on the approaches of theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence also applies logical means to modernizeknowledge. This direction is also connected with cybernetics - a science that studies the laws of control and the relationship between machines and living organisms. The formation of artificial intelligence, as one of the branches of computer science, was significantly influenced by such sciences and areas as mathematical and applied linguistics, neurocybernetics, and homeostatics. They widely use programming systems.

The purpose of artificial intelligence is to identify the creative abilities of people, their knowledge and skills. If scientists can understand these secrets of man, then it will be possible to create artificial systems with their own intelligence. This proves the close relationship between this direction and psychology, through which the human essence is known. Specialists working in the field of studying artificial intelligence are interested in cognitive psychology, aimed at studying the processes of human cognitive activity.

Psycholinguistics is also important for the development of artificial intelligence. It includes exploring ways to communicate - both through speech and gestures and facial expressions.

The use of robotics makes it possible to replace human activity in some industries, where programmed machines - robots will perform their work.

Informatics is our future
Informatics is our future

Sections of theoretical computer science

Theoretical computer science is based on the study of mathematical modeling of processing, transmission, use of information received. This section is the foundation of all science, because it is in it that alltheory. Since the majority of information is presented in symbolic-digital or point form, mathematical logic is widely used in theoretical computer science as a component of discrete mathematics. Also, theoretical computer science is divided into the following areas:

  1. Computational mathematics - allows you to find solutions to problems using computer programs using and developing special algorithms.
  2. Theory of information (coding and transmission of information). Here, information appears as an abstract object that cannot be concretized. This subsection studies its history of origin, the laws on the basis of which it can exist or be destroyed.
  3. System analysis allows you to describe real phenomena, objects, processes using information models. Most often, simulation modeling is used for this, where the processes of real objects are reproduced.
  4. Decision theory is the last section of theoretical computer science. It selects the most acceptable and suitable solutions from the available options by drawing up diagrams. All of this is done in a context of conflict and studied in game theory.
Robotics as one of the areas of informatics
Robotics as one of the areas of informatics

Applied Informatics

Applied informatics is aimed at applying the terms of the theoretical section in solving certain problems in special areas. Achievements in this area are widely used in scientific activities, in the development of new technologies, inautomated systems and their management.

Humanity is interested in technology
Humanity is interested in technology


It is impossible to imagine computer science without programming, which appeared with the advent of computers. Specialists in this field develop the software of the system, which requires the use of special digital languages and helps to develop all other branches of computer science.
