Baikal folding originates from the time of tectogenesis, and it is located in Siberia. This name was introduced by the geologist Shatsky in the thirties of the last century in honor of the lake of the same name, since this part of the region was formed at that time.
This article tells about the composition and features of folding. The information will help you learn more about this region of the planet.

The structure of folding
This folded system was formed as a result of the merger of two regions - Baikal and Yenisei. It has an outer and an inner part, and the border between them is a zone that runs from Baikal to the Mame River. The areas of the Baikal folding are divided into external and internal. The latter include objects rich in ancient rocks.
The main feature of the Baikal fold system is that it was formed over a long time(the entire last stage of the Proterozoic), and its massifs are located in many parts of the Urals, Taimyr, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Iran, the Tien Shan and others. In addition, Baikalites are also common in other parts of the Earth. For example, in France, India, North America, Australia. However, these zones contain, rather, their analogues (Kadomskaya, Minaaskaya, Musgravids). Baikal folding "covers" a part of Brazil located on the Red Sea coast.
In the era of Baikal tectogenesis, many platforms of that time were formed as a result of tectonic furrows, which later began to be filled with many sedimentary rocks. As a result of drilling and research work in the field of geophysics, similar furrows were found on other platforms - East European and Siberian. Even in the south of the planet (in the Antarctic parts), this folding formed platforms that experienced metamorphic and magnetic processes.

Composition of the system
The mountain ranges that the Baikal folding has, are part of the southern part of Siberia. These include Transbaikalia and the Baikal region, on which Mount Olekmo is located with the corresponding plateaus (Vitimskoe, Baikalskoe) and uplands (Charskoe, Patomskoe and Severobaikalskoe). These parts are subject to glaciation. Here are low mountains and depressions located along the fault line.
Baikal folding is rich in natural resources. The relief is so special that in this system there are variousdeposits (for example, copper, mercury, gold, tin, zinc and others). And, as the name implies, the main attraction here is Lake Baikal, which has the shape of a crescent. It is located in the Baikal mountain system, surrounded by ridges on all sides. The landscapes of these places attract tourists.

Lake Baikal
Baikal folding is a truly unique place. What is only one lake, which was mentioned a little higher. Its length is more than six hundred kilometers, and the total area covers an area of more than three thousand square meters. km. As many people know, it is the deepest in the world. In some places, the depth reaches more than one and a half kilometers, and if we take the average value, then about seven hundred. It is well known that a lot of rivers (more than three hundred) flow into Baikal, and only one flows out - the Angara. Of the incoming waters, more than half falls on the river. Selenge. There are several islands on Baikal, the largest of which is Olkhon. It is established that the lake was formed about 25 million years ago. Therefore, a large reservoir is considered to be not only the deepest, but also the most ancient. And thanks to the diverse relief on Baikal, the rich world of flora and fauna.

Baikal region
In the north-western part of Baikal there are the ridges of the Western Baikal region, which is a narrow strip and reaches a height of 450 meters. These rocky formations look incredibly beautiful and beautiful from the outside.outline the shore of the lake. Peaked mountain peaks stand out in particular. Baikal folding (the form of relief here is non-standard) attracts many scientists of the world.

Transbaikalia is located between the Baikal region and the Argun River. Its length is about one and a half thousand kilometers and runs from the southwestern region to the northeastern. In some places the mountains are located at the water level. Depending on the structure and age of the relief, Transbaikalia can be divided into several corresponding regions. The highest ridge is Koder, whose height reaches three kilometers. Because of it, many climbers often visit such a natural object as the Baikal folding. The landform of this area is striking. And only on this mountain peak there are glaciers resulting from the Quaternary glaciations. This ridge is part of the Stanovoy system, which was formed from valleys and chains between mountains. Each chain includes gentle char and flat ridges. Low mountains are common in the southern zone of Transbaikalia. Since in these places a small amount of precipitation falls during the year, erosion processes are irrelevant here. In the eastern part of Transbaikalia, due to heavy rains, proluvial-s alt plumes were formed. The relief here looks original. It is mainly expressed in flat areas, on which high ridges stand out sharply. This type of relief is called Gobi.
All mountain systems of the Baikal folding are distinguished by a unique relief, which is why they are interesting forscientists.