Language and speech in Russian

Language and speech in Russian
Language and speech in Russian

Language and speech in tandem form an incredible, unique phenomenon of human language.

These are quite different concepts, but they are not so opposed to each other, as they are closely related, like two sides of the same coin, because speech is always language in action. However, it is important to note that there is no complete coincidence between these concepts, because speech very rarely does without verbal language, and language, in turn, functions only directly in speech.

Hence the conclusion that speech and language are closely interconnected. In order to clearly understand this topic, you need to know the definitions that will help in this.

Language and culture of speech
Language and culture of speech


Language in the broadest sense is some kind of sign system that fixes a person's ideas about outside linguistic reality. It is a well-known fact that language stems from people's need for communication, i.e. communication.

Speech is called verbal and linguistic communication, in which they resort to the help of linguistic sign units. Speech - this is explained in Russian as the ability to speak and speaking itself. It can be words, syntactic constructions, text,intonation. They also actively use non-verbal means: facial expressions, gestures, pantomime. It is important to understand that non-verbal means of communication are communication that takes place without the usual language means.

Under the culture of speech is understood the ability to master the norms of oral and written language (which include: possession of the rules of phonetics, grammar, word usage, etc.). It is important to note that the culture of speech is also the ability to use the expressive means of the language in different communication conditions in accordance with the specific purpose and content of a particular text.

The type of speech of a language is a way of presenting, constructing words and sentences in a certain logical order. In Russian, as you know, there are three types of speech.

Features of the correlation of language and speech

Ferdinand de Saussure introduced the distinction between these two concepts. At the same time, one should not forget the main difference between language and speech. And it consists in the fact that the first is a means of communication, and the second, in turn, the embodiment and implementation of the language itself.

Language is considered to be abstract and formal, and speech - material. It is in it that everything that is in the language is corrected. It is stable and static, while speech is active and dynamic, it is characterized by a higher variability.

Language and speech, despite the fact that they are interconnected, have clear distinctions: language is the property of society, it reflects the general “picture of the world” of the people speaking it, speech is individual and reflects only the experience of a particular individual.

The language is notdepends on the situation and directly on the environment of communication, and speech, in turn, is contextually and situationally conditioned.

Types of speech in Russian
Types of speech in Russian

Language functions

Language is interconnected, in general, with all human activity and one of its tasks is to perform various functions. The main ones are listed below, namely:

  • Communicative function. Its essence lies in the fact that language provides communication, i.e. communication between people, which is why a person can exchange information, his thoughts, feelings, and also influence another person in a certain way.
  • Cognitive function. Its essence lies in the fact that it directly links language with human mental activity.
  • Contact setting. The essence of this very important function is to create and maintain contact between certain interlocutors.
  • Emotional function. The meaning of this component is to express the subjective attitude of the speaker to the content of his speech.
Russian language. Speech development
Russian language. Speech development

These were the main functions, but do not forget that there are many more. These components are applicable to absolutely all languages, not only Russian. No matter how diverse the range of languages around the world is, they all exist according to fairly similar laws. This suggests the idea of agreement with those linguists who claim that there was one single proto-language. In their opinion, it was from him that the ramifications came, whichled to the formation of such a variety of languages in the world. To date, there is no exact figure for the number of existing languages, since some of them have their own branches in the form of dialects.

Parts and types of speech of the Russian language

Part of speech is a peculiar category of words of the language itself, determined by such features as syntactic and morphological. In all languages of the world, first of all, the name (noun, adjective, etc.) and the verb are opposed to each other. Parts of speech are also divided into independent and service parts. It should be noted that special attention is paid to the parts of speech in the Russian language lessons, starting from the elementary grades. The school curriculum provides a detailed study of each of them.

As for the types of speech in Russian, they are distinguished by 3. These include: narration, reasoning, description. Further details about each of them:

  • A narrative is a story about an event within the time sequence of its action.
  • Reasoning is a verbal presentation, confirmation of a certain thought.
  • Description is an image of a certain phenomenon of reality, an object, a person by enumerating and revealing its fundamental features.

The topic "Language and speech" is very important not only in Russian, but also in other languages. As a rule, they begin to study it in high school (the lesson is held in the 5th grade). This applies to Russian schools. Quite a lot of attention is paid to this topic, because confidentPossession of parts of speech in Russian, one might say, guarantees a competently correct explanation in it. But, of course, there are other nuances that affect literacy and speech culture.

Russian language lessons. Parts of speech
Russian language lessons. Parts of speech

Parts of speech that are independent

Parts of speech allow us to group, classify words used to denote actions, objects and phenomena, signs, highlight common semantic (semantic, conceptual), as well as grammatical properties, or categories that are inherent in words related to one and the same part of speech.

Under the independent parts of speech is understood:

  • Noun, denotes an object. This part of speech answers the questions: "who?" "what?" As a rule, nouns change by number, gender and case. It can be animate or inanimate. For example: "who?" (mom) "what?" (book).
  • An adjective is a special feature of an object, or its qualitative characteristic. The adjective answers the following questions: "what?" "whose?" Adjectives also change by gender, number, name and case. For example: beautiful, beloved, good.
  • The numeral is a part of speech that denotes the number of objects and everything related to counting. The numeral answers the questions: "how much?" "which?". For example: fifteen, six.
  • Pronoun refers to a person, feature or object without naming them. They are: personalreflexive, possessive, demonstrative, etc. For example: she, they, this, the one that.
  • The verb denotes a state or action, answers the questions: "what to do?", "what did you do?", "what does you do?", "what will you do?" time, number, gender and mood. For example: love, want, do, know, etc.

These were the main independent parts of speech in Russian with examples.

Service Parts of Speech

Now it is important to name the service parts of speech in the language(Russian), which include:

  • A preposition is an invariable service part of speech that is used to connect words in a specific sentence or phrase: in, to, from, at, on, through, for the sake of, between, by, like, relatively, thanks to, according to, in connection, in relation to, really, despite, due to, in connection with, according to, about, etc. For example: There is a big age difference between them.
  • Union is also an invariable service part of speech, which is used to combine words and simple parts in complex sentences. For example: The train started moving and they moved away from the window.
  • really, almost, only, you know, they say, like, as if, perhaps, maybe, exactly, simply, really, exactly, as if, or something, hardly not, it happened, would, perhaps, etc. For example: Perhaps, it's cold today.

  • Under a bunch understand the service word. It, as a rule, indicates the syntactic relations of the elements of a particular sentence. Basically, connectives include words, phrases, conjugated forms of verbs, variants of the meaning of the verb "to be". You can often find such a phenomenon when ligaments are omitted, in their place, as a rule, a dash is put in a sentence, for example: House - [is] not a luxury, but a place of residence.

From the above examples, it can be understood that there are a fairly large number of parts of speech in the Russian language. What part of speech is used will help you find out by asking questions to a specific word that interests you. Difficulty can arise with service parts, because in this case, asking a question will not help. Here it is worth understanding only the principle by which they differ.

Parts of speech in language
Parts of speech in language

Russian language and culture of speech

There is no doubt that the culture of speech is, first of all, the spiritual culture of a certain person and the level of his general development as a person. The culture of speech tells a lot about a single person. It can show the value of the spiritual heritage and cultural heritage of the whole humanity, as well as a single individual. Looking at the culture of a person's speech, one can easily draw a conclusion about him, about his upbringing, education, standard of living, even about work and other similar indicators.

Everyone knows that there are main components of cultural speech. This is, first of all, literacy and observance of the generally accepted norms of the literary Russian language. The development of speech is a necessary factor for success in life and in the career of a modern person. It is important to note that all these rules apply to all languages, not just Russian. But you should not forget that other means are also of decisive importance, such as: vocabulary, phonetics, style.

In fact, the culture of speech includes a whole range of properties of the language and helps to apply the accumulated knowledge of the language in practice. Indeed, for a good speech, it is not enough to know all the rules of spelling, orthoepy, punctuation, etc. It includes all this taken together, which helps a person look decent and be able to express himself in a literate, literate language. The language and culture of speech, as you can see, are closely interconnected.

It's important to note that this is not exactly an easy task. Sometimes emotions take their toll and no culture is out of the question. However, this is where education, tact and self-control come into play. It is extremely important for a cultured person to keep himself calm and dignified in any situation, without losing his temper.

Russian language and culture of speech
Russian language and culture of speech

The need for a culture of speech

Of course, in order for a speech to be cultural, it must be not only correct, but also rich, which directly depends on the vocabulary of a person. To maintain your speech at a decent level, you need to regularly replenish your vocabulary. In this book, of course, books will become your best friend.

Another problem may arise: not knowing where to apply the accumulated vocabulary correctly and correctly. And therefore, in order toit is important to use the stock of new words and expressions most correctly, it is important to develop both oral speech and, of course, written speech on a regular basis.

With the help of these methods, the direction of one's own thoughts can also change, which, as a result, are formed into words. You should find a common language with people from various circles of society and give yourself a wide range of topics to talk about.

All this is very important for everyday communication, for the conclusion of any transactions and contracts, job search, training. It's amazing, but our speech can create our image and the overall impression of us as a person as a whole. We live in an age of communication and technology, where it is incredibly important to be able to clearly and competently express your thoughts, ideas, emotions, attitude to a certain situation, arguments, using the capabilities of your native language and not going beyond speech etiquette and behavior.

Features of linguistic ethics (culture of speech)

It is important to note that the culture of speech is called not only the possession of certain rules, the ability to avoid various mistakes, but also speech etiquette. The interlocutor, when talking with you, should feel comfortable enough, otherwise the conversation may fail, or even lead to conflict, which, of course, does not cause positive emotions on both sides.

The culture of speech helps to avoid such situations when a person can offend or offend his interlocutor. As a rule, in such cases, the inability to listen to the interlocutor works, that is, the tactless interruption of your partner. And such actions are strictly - strictly prohibited by language etiquette. Thisshould not be done, even if you are sure that your conversation partner is completely wrong.

To master the culture of speech, you must be able to listen and hear your interlocutor. After all, there are times when people completely forget that they are talking with a person, and not their own monologue. And it turns out that they ignore the wishes of their opponent, and this is a gross violation of speech etiquette.

Theme language and speech
Theme language and speech

Basic rules of speech culture

This concept includes, as mentioned above, correctness. Also important is accuracy. It cannot be called the ability to simply choose and apply the necessary and appropriate words. The culture of speech also includes logic, purity of speech. The latter is one of the most important features of cultural speech, manifested mainly in two aspects: in the correlation of speech and literary language, as well as in its relationship with certain moral criteria of communication.

Now it is necessary to mention the rules of speech etiquette. According to the definition, "speech etiquette" is the ability to apply norms in certain situations of communication.

In any conversation you need to be tactful and polite. You should never use vulgarisms, swear words, etc. in your speech. This will not brighten up your speech in any way, even if you are in a circle where such communication is quite normal.

Of course, there are much more rules of speech etiquette of behavior, but the main ones were named above. It should be noted that every self-respecting person shouldfamiliarize yourself with these rules and, at least partially, apply them in your daily life. After all, this simplifies existence and helps to quickly establish contact with people, which is important in our time.
