Courageous is Interpretation and meaning of the word

Courageous is Interpretation and meaning of the word
Courageous is Interpretation and meaning of the word

Are you capable of a courageous act? For example, remove a kitten from a tree or save a person from a burning house. Of course, this question is difficult to answer. Perhaps you have never faced situations that require the utmost courage. Some people don't even realize that they are capable of a brave act.

This article will focus on the adjective "courageous". It belongs to the male gender. Let's start with the interpretation of this word.

Positive feature

To find out exactly what interpretation the adjective "courageous" has, it is worth consulting an explanatory dictionary. It indicates the lexical meaning of the word "courageous". This is the one who has courage, demonstrating courage (according to Ozhegov's dictionary).

To understand exactly what the adjective "courageous" means, you need to understand the interpretation of the noun "courage". So called the presence of the spirit in time of danger. When a person is not lost and gives up, but thinks and makes logical decisions.

Courageous Rescuer
Courageous Rescuer

Sample sentences

To fix the lexic althe meaning of the word "courageous", it is recommended to make several sentences. It is worth noting that this adjective has a positive meaning. That is, it is a flattering characteristic expressing approval.

  • Courageous boy pulled his grandmother out of the burning house.
  • Know that your acts of courage will always be remembered.
  • Only courageous people can change their lives dramatically.
  • One courageous rescuer jumped into the icy water and saved a drowning man.
  • Courageous firefighters are worthy of reverence, they are the real heroes of our time.
Courageous firefighter
Courageous firefighter

Synonym selection

The adjective courageous has several words with a similar meaning. They can be found in the dictionary of synonyms.

  • Brave. I admire you, you are a truly brave person who needs to be respected.
  • Courageous. Brave firefighters extinguished the burning building for five hours.
  • Brave. One brave boy saved the dog.
  • Fearless. Only a fearless person can sacrifice himself to save his neighbor.
  • Undaunted. This citizen was truly fearless, he boldly looked into the eyes of death.

These synonyms can replace the word "courageous". This is required when the adjective is mentioned several times in the same text. In general, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the dictionary of synonyms. There are collected speech units with a similar lexical meaning. They enrich speech and make it more interesting.
