Meaningful - what does it mean to be number one?

Meaningful - what does it mean to be number one?
Meaningful - what does it mean to be number one?

Why is something that is important and significant for one person - words, deeds, events, perceived by others indifferently? Are there unifying notions of significance, and where does the boundary of objectivity end and the subjectivity of the concerned individual begin?

what does significant mean
what does significant mean

The concept of significance, in general

The significance of something for a person cannot be attributed to individual preferences, since not all decisive events in our life, or people whose importance we have to realize, relate to something carefully stored in the heart. Significant (which means highlighted with a halo of importance) retains this status only for a strictly defined period and cannot serve as an eternal concept. The exception is the imposition of a person's personal inclinations on environmental factors.

How to understand this? Let's take love as an example. From childhood, the child loves his parents, and the significance of these people for him responds in sincere affection and is a direct need for a growing person. But as they grow older and acquire a new object of adoration, the initial importance of parents fades into the background.plan. On this second plane, as well as on the third, fourth and so on, there are already a lot of people and events with a similar status, but belonging to the category of a short-term ascension to this level. It can be: a strict teacher, a football match on Saturday, a test.

Naturally, as events cease to be relevant, their significance also fades.

meaningful words
meaningful words

Subjective and species assessment of significance

What does a significant event mean for a person? First of all, this is your own benefit. Importance simply cannot exist on its own without an evaluation of a compensatory criterion that compensates for all the experiences and possible sacrifices associated with it.

A simple example: a student has an algebra exam tomorrow, and if he doesn't get a good grade, his overall grade will prevent him from studying further. The results of the exam for him are of great current importance, because at stake is further study, education, a prestigious position. In order to get a decent mark, a student is ready not to sleep, to miss a date, to give up computer games. On his part, this is a sacrifice, but the significance of the coming event prevails over the opportunity to rest.

We observe in the example above, a sample of subjective analysis, where the individual independently determined the day that is significant for him in all respects of importance. However, the significance can also be specific. And to understand what a significant event means on a universal scale, you can, remembering the hysteria hanging over the planet about the end of the world inthe recent past.


Classification of significance

The built-in multi-level ladder of individually significant phenomena for a person, obeys the general principle according to the degree of satisfaction of immediate and indirect needs. Significance is determined by the following categories:

  1. According to the degree of immediate and secondary importance - in order to bathe, you need water - soap, shampoos, etc. are important only for the implementation of actions in this water.
  2. According to the degree of conditionality and unconditionality - to survive, I need air, and having a car is nice, but not necessary.
  3. In terms of timeliness and potentiality - I want to have a hearty dinner now, but I know that if I get hungry later, there are fruits in the refrigerator.
  4. According to the degree of positive and negative perception - the long-awaited vacation is coming soon, but the working week before it is littered with routine work.
  5. According to the degree of true need and imaginary - for the winter I need to buy a jacket or I just need the seventh dress.

Repeat, in any of the above meanings, the decisive moment of choice is the benefit - material, aesthetic, emotional or other.

significant day
significant day

Significance analysis

The intensity of the desire to achieve the goal determines the level of significance. But here there is an aspect of the physiological or psycho-emotional fact of the desired, which means the needs of the body or soul. The needs of the body, relating to many meaningful aspects, are alwaysunconsciously brought to the first level.

In general, desire is a controversial thing in relation to the significance of the true one, since often the subjectivity of the assessment fails a person, substituting false needs under the guise of paramount ones. Hardly 70% of our desires can survive a sober analysis to determine the need.

Morphemic parsing - identifying meaningful parts of a word

Significance in Russian writing is indicated by morphemic analysis of the word in parts. The minimum significant parts of a word are the prefix, root, suffix and ending:

  • The root determines the structure of the word and its basic stem. There are single-root and multi-root words, as well as service parts of speech formed by one root.
  • The prefix and suffix are word-forming morphemes that change the meaning of the word.
  • The ending shapes the word in such a way that it fits nicely with other words in the sentence.
meaningful parts of a word
meaningful parts of a word

Game significant events

A significant event in the game genre determines the storyline of the entire game. Since games come in several types of presentation (for example, realistic art type or technical minimalism), the convention of their significant moment is limited by the nature of the graphics.

In games with a claim to life details, where the hero takes a shower in the morning, and all the characters have names, plot-significant actions are based on the growth of events, revealing secrets and the inner world of the characters. Moments are the peak of significanceindependent decision of the player, on which the course of the further game depends.
