The biography of Prince Dolgoruky Mikhail Mikhailovich fits in a few lines - he was born, studied, worked, was convicted, shot. A whole life of a person passed behind these lines, which reflected the era of revolutionary Russia.
Rod Dolgoruky
The family of the Russian princes Dolgoruky came from Prince Ivan Andreevich Obolensky. He received the nickname Dolgoruky for his unimaginable suspiciousness. A large number of representatives of this family served for the benefit of the fatherland. They died for their Motherland on the battlefields, were executed in troubled times, raised the Russian economy. Subsequently, the surname Dolgoruky was transformed into Dolgorukov. Their relatives were the most famous and well-born families - Romanovs, Shuiskys, Golitsyns, Dashkovs.

Birth and education
Prince Mikhail Dolgorukov was born in St. Petersburg on January 15, 1891. For father Mikhail Mikhailovich and mother Sofia Alexandrovna, the birth of a son was a joyful event. He was the successor of the family in the male line and the bearer of the surname. In addition to Mikhail, the family had two more sisters - Ksenia Mikhailovna and Maria Mikhailovna. No information left abouthow their lives turned out. At the age of 12, Prince Mikhail Dolgorukov was sent to the St. Petersburg Imperial School of Law.
Only the children of noble people studied at the school. According to its status, the educational institution was on a par with the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The pupils lived there, as they themselves said, on 47 calls. That's how many calls the daily routine contained. The school was paid, but if the family could not pay for education, money was paid from the state treasury. Most likely, it was from there that funds were received for Mikhail's education, since his family was financially constrained. At the age of 17, Mikhail Dolgorukov graduated from college with deep legal knowledge.
Military service and revolution
Like many of the Dolgorukov family, Mikhail goes to serve in the tsarist army. He did not deserve high ranks and ranks. Maybe he just didn't have enough time. The Great October Revolution broke out. The year 1917 has come. The country began political and economic confusion. Age-old foundations collapsed. Brought up in the traditions of Russian princely families, he could not accept the new that the revolution carried in itself.
Prince Mikhail Dolgorukov has always been non-party, did not join any of the parties that grew like mushrooms in Russia. Emigration of relatives and acquaintances began. Mikhail decided not to go abroad. These are difficult times. His knowledge of jurisprudence turned out to be useless to anyone at home. It was necessary to somehow survive, so he did not shy away from any work. Using his literacy, the man worked as a clerk and accountant. It's getting harderwhen applying for a job, they began to answer questions about their origin. He had to work as a watchman, shoemaker's assistant, take coats in the wardrobe, because he had to feed his family.

In the 30s, arrests of "enemies of the people" began in Russia. The descendants of noble and princely families have always been perceived in the new Russia in a negative way. In 1926 Mikhail was arrested for the first time. Under Article 58-10, he is given three years and sent into exile in the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Republic. The term of punishment has not yet ended, but he is again arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years with confiscation of property. Under Articles 58-2 and 58-8, he is reduced in his rights, which means serving a sentence without the right to correspondence and visits. Mikhail survived the cruel year 1934 - the time when the most cruel repressions began. But the case of Prince Mikhail Dolgorukov in 1937 was requested by the NKVD of the West Siberian Territory.

Why was Prince Mikhail Dolgoruky shot? In an extract from the protocol No. 32/4 of the meeting of the troika of the NKVD in the Tomsk region, it is written: "Accused of participating in a counter-revolutionary monarchist insurrectionary organization." On September 22, 1937, the UNKVD troika was sentenced to be shot.

The sentence was carried out on December 11, 1937. His guilt has not been proven. Twenty years later, in 1957, Prince MikhailDolgorukov was rehabilitated posthumously. He became one of many who were shot for the title. It was he who became for Mikhail Mikhailovich Dolgorukov not a boon, but a curse.

The dying photograph of Mikhail Dolgorukov has been preserved in the archives of the NKVD. On it is a gray-haired man with an infinitely tired look. On the chest is a plate with the numbers "11-37". He was only 46 years old. Wife Lydia did not long survive her husband. She passed away in 1940. Mikhail and Lydia had no children. So one of the branches of the ancient Dolgoruky family broke off…